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tirsdag den 25. januar 2011

Global Settlement Foundation

The Global Settlement Foundation and its trustees are law abiding, neutral parties. We do not wish to cause harm or loss. Our duty is to return lawful trade and lawful money to the people of the land – the people of the Global Isles - by facilitating the return of the rule of the law, lawful money, and accountability.

Her er et lille udsnit af deres Public Notice:

It is a statement of fact that the UNITED STATES, the UNITED KINGDOM, all courts, and all "legislative" bodies are corporations. Look them up on Dun & Bradstreet. This pattern is repeated worldwide. We have NO COURTS OF LAW. In the United States, the 11th Amendment stripped the courts of common law jurisdiction over law and equity, thus publicly stating that all treaties since then are void on their face since they cannot be enforced.
Notice to military leaders - you CANNOT have a lawful war run by illicit corporations posing as legitimate government. A deliberative body such as the UNITED NATIONS is one step worse ! They have NO AUTHORITY under the Natural and Common Law, the Law of the Land to declare war upon millions of sovereign people of the land and cause harm or loss. Ignorance of the law is NOT an excuse. Thou shalt not cause harm or loss to another is the essence of the law. The full force of Natural and Common Law is applicable at all times in all places and cannot be annulled by the declaration of emergency, war or other device by any State or entity.
We will attempt to contact every de-facto world leader in their de-jure capacity as one of the sovereign people of the land, entrapped by circumstance. Most are entrapped, having discovered these realities after they have taken an oath of office. Did you know that the oath of office in America is a voluntary loss of American nationality? All oaths of office come under 22 CFR, Foreign Relations, Sections §§92.12 - 92.30, and all who hold public office come under Title 8 USC, Section §1481 “Loss of nationality by native-born or naturalized citizen; voluntary action; burden of proof; presumptions.” 
The solution, lest humanity perish in the next world war, is a return to lawful money and a system of lawful trade. With lawful money we can return to a just society, eliminate parasitic behaviour, protect the environment, and remove forever the spectre of annihilation.
If you are a military leader such as Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, you need a copy of this document on your desk. If you are a Navy Judge Advocate General you need to be aware of these matters. Same goes for USA and UK Provost Marshals. You also need to be aware of the Rod Class case that is before the US Coast Guard. The same goes for heads of major military forces. The pressure to begin the distractions of war to mask the frauds will only increase as modern money mechanics crushes the ignorant of all their property and strips the deluded "rich" of their imaginary "trillions".
We will also contact the BIS and all central banks, and those we believe are the financial powers, the intelligence agencies such as the CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, etc... We trust that the various alerting mechanisms that the powers above posses will put them on notice of our lawful intentions to exercise our unalienable right to a society of law not fraud by statute.

Deres hovedside:


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