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onsdag den 17. august 2011

Afterthoughts from the Gathering

Some of you did not attend or couldn't make it. I send this mail as well to you for the sake of information. Feel free to give feed back.


Hello Dear Friends,


Now the gathering of this year is over.


Many hours already have passed by since we said good bye, and I sit here in front of my laptop trying to find the words to express my gratitude.

Not that only, but to give some feed backs too.


I didn't know what to expect when I started it all.


Surprisingly the quality was very high, was extraordinary. It was for me very fulfilling.

I want to thank again all of you from the bottom of my heart.

And all the dedicated lecturers who shared with us their knowledge totally for free!  And not hesitant to make a long journey. Bravo!


It feels like everybody was more or less satisfied. The younger attendee was 21 years old, and the oldest (me actually) 58 years old.

We were all equal in our quest.


Additionally I want to acknowledge the hardworking ground crew who tirelessly helped me solved the daily many practical challenges, both before and after: Shanti, Peter and Anna.  


You are amazing.


I have been inspired by the Truth Juice Gathering taking place each year in UK.  

Nobody had heard about it so here is the link: http://www.truthjuice.co.uk/


As you can see it is a huge happening. Personally I hope one day I can go there. Read their description and you will realize it is what we were doing at my place, however in very very smaller scale not forgetting to add the Scandinavian trademarks blended in all of it.

The gathering has been very successful I would think. I have been feeling as if a kind of a breakthrough has taken place.


Something David Icke explained here below in my opinion happened.

"We have the power, more than the power, to bring down the vibrational prison walls if we understand even the basics of how it all works. The Control System is not structured by accident to generate incoherent heart energy and low vibrational thought and emotion such as fear, stress, anger, frustration and depression. This is done to maintain humanity in a low-vibrational, incoherent state, that generates the energy they want, enslaves people in close-minded ignorance and … here's the big one … projects a constant supply of imbalanced and chaotic low-vibrational electromagnetic energy into the Earth's atmosphere."


"We will do this if enough people get involved with Awakening the World – Every Heart Makes A Difference."


"People would be amazed if they knew the impact that humans are having on the Earth energy field minute by minute."


Actually this came to my mind the last day around the fire ritual with the ground crew.  I felt like something whatever it is, had changed for the better during our gathering in the energy around us. The fire was stronger; its faith in humans greater, the empowering energies irradiating increased in power, a silent healing had taken place and all this in a relatively short time-lapse with limited means. Truth oddly belongs to the love energy. Truth heals the deceit, the lies, the arrogance, and the shadows even the darkest foulest ones. I wish more people could understand this, instead of stubbornly hiding behind a wall of denial, accusing us to be negative. They certainly and sadly do not get it at all.


Obviously many perhaps have not sensed this because they didn't fully participate.  


Unfortunately several couldn't make it at the last moment. Few suddenly appeared at the last minute and others barely made it, just few hours here and there. It was nice to have the hard-core attendees who help me carrying the whole event from beginning to end. A good point to remember. In order to create, to discuss, to make an event successful etc. steadiness is totally required.


I learnt a lot during these few days in many ways. Not only organizations skills. We managed to hear about Colloidal Silver, alternative health, Free energy, Demosophy, The wireless Society, Geo-engineering and more we talked about in between.


And I learnt and felt that the will to overcome our seemingly challenges is tough.


Although it has been for me somewhat a challenging adventure, my feeling today is to not allow this type of event to halt.  What do you say?

What are your feelings about this?  I would really like to hear about your opinion.


Several have in fact asked if this will repeat itself next year. And I received later a couple of contacts who learned unfortunately too late about the event, who would have loved to attend. I heard too from many their satisfaction that something of this kind was put in motion.


Next time will not happen at my place I found out. Nonetheless I am prepared to try again, although next time the organizing part must be shared among friends. I don't want to do it all by myself once more. I got this straight all right!


We discussed a lot about community: creating one, the vision, etc. Some were disappointed that nothing substantial took place. I disagree a bit here. Communities are not only what one see being materialized around, but also in fact it became to me very clear that community means also: community in heart, the love force amid likeminded allied friends. Nonetheless I am aware that the need to materialize a new community is absolutely essential. We all agree we are heading toward distressing dangerous historical times. It's time for a new way of life, more fulfilling, in tune with who we are, our creativity, our consciousness and our basic human needs. How to prepare best concretely? And as I see it as well, we need to gather more often in order to make an impact regularly on the earth energy field!


Last I want to share with you some thoughts I made a couple of years ago while studying and discovering the depth of the "conspiracy". I begin quoting the bible, some lines I found while reading and learning about the ancient gods


From the Bible - Babel:

Note here where the word babel comes from. Interesting:"BABEL, BABYLON, BAB-ILI - the gates of the gods,

BALIL =  he confused. (Baal)


Quote: The whole world spoke the same language, using the same words. While men were migrating in the east, they came upon a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there. They said to one another: "Come, let us mold bricks and harden them with fire. They said to one another "Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the sky, and so make a name for ourselves, otherwise we shall be scattered all over the earth.

The Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men had built. The Lord said "If now, while they are one people, all speaking the same language, they have started to do this, nothing will later stop them from doing whatever they presume to do. Let us then go down and there confuse their language, so that one will not understand what another said. Thus the Lord scattered them from there all over the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the speech of the entire world. It was from that place that he scattered them all over the earth."

Genesis, chapter 11.1-9

*Shinar: ancient Sumer in southern Mesopotamia


Notes added here for the sake of illustration about this chapter of the Genesis from the bible:

"This story, based on traditions about the temple towers or ziggurats of Babylonia, is used by sacred writer primarily to illustrate man's increasing wickedness, shown here in his presumptuous effort to create an urban, culture apart from God. The secondary motive in the story is to present an imaginative origin of the diversity of the languages among the various peoples inhabiting the earth, as well as an artificial explanation of the name "Babylon"

- Tower with its top in the sky, the E-sag-lia signifying "the house that raises high its head." (bible's notes) –

(Carol says: note how we are considered wicked because we are not complying with some off-planet Gods! Ring some bells???

Are we not collectively exactly at the same stage today? Note as well "when men where migrating to the east". East is where the sun rises!

Note too how we have tried before to free us from enslavement, meaning we were aware and awake! note as well the "we Gods" and the "Lord who came down" (from where?); note too "tower with its top in the sky" or also mentioned as "The house that raises high its head" = connection to other dimensions? Our true selves? The human spirit?)


And we have been sadly carrying this manipulated guilt load over our shoulders ever since, generations after generations. Enough is enough!


Deceit, manipulation, lies; an unbelievable crime has been propagated upon humanity for eons.


I would like to flip-flop the meaning of the Babel story. I think it makes sense and gives me anyway a hint.

"God" in the bible is the potter molding man's body out of clay (genetic- DNA?). He creates Adam.


We, people, say to each other "Come, let us mold bricks and mold them with fire". Meaning we are also creators and builders isn't? Fire = energy, spirit.


We, people, say to one another "let us build a city….." and we foretell the peril we might encounter with the wicked Lords. Humanity knew the secret behind the gates of the Gods.

Which secret? I don't know. Do you?


Nonetheless I truly enjoy listening to the echo of this heartbreaking ancient appeal from our ancient peers long gone in the myth of time. Our peers who fought fearlessly in order to repossess their freedom, but unfortunately however who tragically lost the battle back then and consequently were scattered all over the earth.


…Let's make a name of ourselves and build our city


Yes, let's do it!!!!!! About time!


To finish, here a poem I love very much written by Brian Piergrossi which I want to share with you.

Perhaps you are acquainted with it already, never mind:







On the surface of the world right now there is a war and violence and things seem dark

But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground

An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light

I is silent revolution

From the inside out

From the ground up


It is time for me to reveal myself

I am an embedded agent of a secret, undercover

Clandestine Global Operation

A spiritual conspiracy

We have sleeper cells in every nation on the planet


You won't see us in the T.V.

You won't read about us in the newspaper

You won't hear about us on the radio


We don't seek any glory

We don't wear any uniform

We come in all shapes and sizes

Color and styles


Most of us work anonymously

We are quietly working behind the scenes in every country

And culture of the world

Cities big and small, mountains and valleys,

In farms and villages

Tribes and remote islands


You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice

We go undercover

We remain behind the scenes

It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit

But simply that the works gets done


Occasionally we spot each other in the street

We give a quiet nod and continue on our way so no one will notice


During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs

But behind the false storefront, at night is where the real work takes place


Some call us the "Conscious Army"

We are slowly creating a new world with the power of our minds and hearts

We follow, with passion and joy

Our orders from the Central Command

The Spiritual Intelligence Agency


We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking






Kind words


Meditation and prayer


Social activism



Random acts of kindness


We each express ourselves in our unique ways

Our unique gifts and talents


"Be the change you want to see in the world"


That is the motto that fills our hearts

We know it is the only way real transformation takes place

We know that quietly and humbles

We have the power of all the oceans combined


Our work is slow and meticulous

Like the formation of mountains

It is not even visible at first glance

And yet with it entire tectonic plates

Shall be moved in the centuries to come


Love is the new religion of the 21st century


You don't have to be a highly educated person

Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it

It comes from the intelligence of the heart

Embedded in the timeless evolutionary

Pulse of all human beings


Be the change you want to see in the world

Nobody else can do it for you


We are now recruiting

Perhaps you will join us

Or already have……

All are welcome……

The door is open


By Brian Piergrossi

From "The big glow"





In La Kesh

Carol Coenca



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