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lørdag den 6. august 2011


Her mail jeg har lige fået fra David Gibbons
Der er hans hjemmeside link længere ned.
Jeg synes at det er spændende.
Vi skal nok snakke om det her, når vi er sammen.
Hvis I ikke kender ham, så begyndt at undersøge hvem han er.
Jeg synes ligeledes at det er flot at han svarer. 
Jeg havde spurgt ham om evt. han kunne komme forbi vores gathering.
Han skal nemlig til World peace Berlin Festival i slutningen af august (sidste uge).
Og derfor tænkte jeg at han måske kunne besøge os inden, da DK er ikke vild lang væk fra Berlin.
A wild shot! men der gav lidt alligevel tilbage. Dejligt!

> Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2011 16:05:39 -0400
> CC:
> To: carolelisa@msn.com
> From: dgibbons@davidgibbons.org
> Dear Carol,
> I was forwarded you message from Facebook by my IT team last Thursday for which I send you thanks.
> I am uncertain as yet to what my exact movements are and highly unlikely to attend your gathering. However, let's talk about this modality and see where I can support you with ideas. I am from October moving to "In Discussion on the Road" and will be pulling together emerging communities in all areas of society from mega city models to rural concepts across the world.
> Before I proceed, please tell me more about your model placing out the ideals in spiritual, governance, monetary paradigms and wider global perspectives. If you can begin with that information I will reciprocate and support with the visions emerging through In Discussion, that is in it self emerging as the new communicator and facilitator towards illustrating communities and sovereignty development.
> I am delighted to accompany you on this emergence and will support to the best of my abilities that are clearly in themselves subject to time restraints.
> In conclusion, yes I will support your community model and help develop through any visionary means I possibly can.
> All best,
> David William Gibbons
> cc: Stefani Paulus - Personal Executive Assistant (New York, USA)
> Broadcaster, Presenter & Social Historian
> In Discussion, Dimensions & Crossing over the Bridge
> Syndicated Worldwide - Gateway Media Group
> http://www.davidgibbons.org
> The New eLetters from America
> Crossing over the Bridge
> Ambassador - The New Haiti 2011
> skype: davidwilliamgibbons
> AIM: davidwpgibbons
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