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fredag den 19. august 2011

Project Camelot interview with Dutchsinse thursday 18th august 2011

Project Camelot: Dutchsinse interview part 1,2,3

 1  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFKJiSF1tic
 2  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMsuH6wEc58
 3  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo3NQjYPqRM
3/29/2011 -- Fukushima fallout decays into BARIUM and STRONTIUM = 3D IMAGING by military
(Project Bluebeam)
The rabbit hole goes very deep. According to Dutchsinse research, Fukushima was also a way to increase the amount of barium and strontium in our skies for a perhaps future bluebeam alien invasion scam.
Interesting and another way to understand chemtrails and geo engineering.


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