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Interview med Ron Holland
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 05:02:23 -0400
Subject: Ron Holland on the Inevitability of Societal Chaos, How the Elites Will Try to Maintain Control – And How You Can Protect Your Wealth From Confiscation
 |  | Dear Free-Market Thinker,
To view today's top Daily Bell articles online, please click here. Ron Holland on the Inevitability of Societal Chaos, How the Elites Will Try to Maintain Control – And How You Can Protect Your Wealth From Confiscation Sunday, July 10, 2011 – with Anthony Wile  Ron Holland The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Ron Holland (left). Introduction: Ron Holland is the author of three books, numerous special reports and hundreds of articles on investment and political topics, many of which focus on the interplay between politics and the investment markets. Selections of his essays can be found in the archives of and The Daily He currently is a contributing editor to several newsletters dealing with political and investing topics, a member of the Advisory Board of Zurich-based BFI-Consulting and Chairman of the Advisory Board of The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT). A brief synopsis: Daily Bell: We've noticed it's hard to take sometimes, to accept how badly you may have been manipulated and fooled. We certainly know the feeling. It makes you sick. Ron Holland: It's not something you have a choice about. This knowledge is filtering around the world. People are waking up from a bad dream – or at least understanding why their lives are as they are. They've been robbed, and it's better to live with that knowledge than without it. Once people start to see this gigantic cage of world government being built around them, they start to do something. It ultimately comes back to the dysfunction of the current economy, the centralization, the inflation, joblessness, etc. Central banking and the Federal Reserve in the United States has got to be the greatest fraud of all time – the idea that a small group of chosen people can set the value of money for everyone else. They can't. All they can do is print and inflate/devalue. Daily Bell: Where do you think this is all headed, this awakening and what people are starting to do about it? Read More
New Daily Bell Poll: What do you think will happen to the Chinese economy? - China's Wise Leaders will orchestrate a soft landing and manage inflation - the Chinese Miracle will continue
- The same thing that happens to all managed central banking economies - the illusion of prosperity will eventually get hammered by reality
- Americans will pay. Prices will rise. Walmart will become a luxury goods dealer!
To add your two cents, visit the Daily Bell website and you'll find the poll located at the bottom of the right column. We look forward to hearing your feedback on today's Daily Bell.
Anthony Wile Chief Editor - The Daily Bell Executive Director - The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT)
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