|  | Dear Free-Market Thinker,
To view today's top Daily Bell articles online, please click here. Pat Gorman on How to Protect Your Wealth, Invest for Success and Protect Your Family Sunday, July 31, 2011 – with Anthony Wile  Pat Gorman The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Pat Gorman. Introduction: Mr. Gorman has been actively extolling the virtues of honest money for nearly 30 years, the last fifteen of which he has spent as president of Resource Consultants, a Phoenix, Arizona based wealth advisory firm. Mr. Gorman has hosted the longest-running financial talk radio show in the Phoenix area, Hard Money Watch. And for the past 14 years, he has hosted an annual two-day wealth protection seminar attracting today's top free-market minds. Additionally, Mr. Gorman is the author of the 'Net best-selling book, The Value of Honest Money as well as a monthly investment newsletter outlining asset protection strategies. He is also a member of the board of directors of a public mining company. A brief synopsis: Daily Bell: You are no doubt following the metals' markets as usual. Give us a sense of where gold and silver are headed, in terms of purchasing power. Pat Gorman: Up. Daily Bell: Let us ask you some fundamental questions. How high will they go in your opinion? Pat Gorman: I would be surprised not to see Gold well over US$5000 per ounce and Silver over US$100 per ounce within the next 2 ½ to 3 years. If I'm wrong, my timing is just off and it will happened sooner. Daily Bell: Is the US dollar dead? Read More We look forward to hearing your feedback on today's Daily Bell.
Anthony Wile Chief Editor - The Daily Bell Executive Director - The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT)
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