First reports linked the bacteria to a batch of organic cucumbers originating from Spain; immediately destroying the market for Spanish Cucumbers and the livelihoods of some Spanish Farmers. These initial reports were quickly proven not to be based upon any actual fact but the damage has been done and the Spanish farmers are left to hope that there might be some EU Bailout money left over for compensation! The focus then shifts to German bean sprouts but once again this is proven to be without foundation. However, even as the veggie blame game spread across the EU, virtually no one is talking about how E.coli could have magically become resistant to no less than EIGHT different classes of antibiotic drugs and then suddenly appear in the food supply. This particular E.coli variation is a member of the O104 strain, and O104 strains are almost never (normally) resistant to antibiotics. In order for them to acquire this resistance, they must be repeatedly exposed to antibiotics in order to provide the "mutation pressure" that nudges them toward complete drug immunity. So if you're curious about the origins of such a strain, you can essentially reverse engineer the genetic code of the E.coli and determine fairly accurately which antibiotics it was exposed to during its development. This step has now been done (see below), and when you look at the genetic decoding of this O104 strain now threatening food consumers across the EU, a fascinating picture emerges of how it must have come into existence. When scientists at Germany's Robert Koch Institute decoded the genetic makeup of the O104 strain, they found it to be resistant to all the following classes and combinations of antibiotics: · penicillins  · tetracycline · nalidixic acid · trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazol · cephalosporins · amoxicillin / clavulanic acid · piperacillin-sulbactam · piperacillin-tazobactam So I think we can be fairly confident that this strain of E.coli is about as natural as Dolly the cloned Sheep. Indeed, don't be too surprised if this story disappears from the News feeds as it becomes increasingly apparent that this particular strain was carefully crafted in a laboratory. Of course, we could always go find a Micro-biologists who might be prepared to help track down the origins of this virulent strain but this profession is very much an endangered species; largely due to disproportionate number of suspicious deaths occurring amongst this fraternity in recent years! So in the absence of any resident micro-biologist, let's consider what socio-psychopathic entity might have released this monstrosity into a Western European Nation. If the Mainstream Media does pick up on this development, it's a pretty safe bet that they will immediately finger the 'well-known biological warfare expertise' of Al-Qaeda; except that those of us who have retained the capability for critical thought know that Al-Qaeda have as much chance (or even desire) to develop & perpetrate this type of event as they have of flying a triumverate of planes into buildings! No point in trying to blame Gaddafi, 'cos if it was him, he'd have targeted France or the UK; especially as Angela Merkel made it very clear that she was NOT in favour of the perverse 'Humanitarian Intervention' and pulled Germany out of the NATO operation! Thus we need to take a look at who Germany has p*ssed off in recent times. On 18th February, Germany did something unthinkable. It voted in favor of a U.N. Security Council resolution calling the Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory illegal and demanding the immediate halt of all settlement activity. The resolution did not pass because the United States, the only one of the Security Council's 15 members to vote against it, vetoed it. That did not stop the German vote from opening a serious rift between Germany and Israel.  Meanwhile, there has been some speculation that the Fukushima meltdown may have been exacerbated by the Stuxnet Virus. A computer virus developed by CIA/Mossad cyber warfare specialists, specifically to target Iranian Nuclear facilities. It is remarkably co-incidental that on March 15th, just four days after the Earthquake/Tsunami/Fukushima disaster, Angela Merkel should announce that Germany was taking all pre-1980 Nuclear Reactors off-line; then subsequently announced that Germany would de-commission all Nuclear Reactors by 2022. The following day, the Eurocopter Super Puma 332 which Merkel had been using to attend a series of official engagements reportedly got into trouble shortly after the German chancellor had disembarked at the town of Offenburg. The turbine malfunction caused the helicopter to start falling from the air before the three-man crew managed to re-start the motors and escape the ordeal unharmed. Was someone in the German Government looking into the extremely murky depths of deep geo-politics and realised that exactly one year before the March 11th Earthquake/Tsunami, the Japanese Government had issued the following statement: March 11, 2010 1). The Government of Japan deplores the decisions of the Government of Israel to give permission for the construction of 1,600 housing units in East Jerusalem in addition to 112 units in West Bank just after the Israeli and Palestinian leadership's acceptance of the start of indirect talks. The Government of Japan does not recognize any act that prejudges the final status of Jerusalem and the territories in the pre-1967 borders. Japan demands that the plans should not be implemented. 2). The Government of Japan continues to request strongly that both parties will act in a way that enhances mutual confidence. Japan sincerely hopes that the indirect talks in the peace process will swiftly develop into the resumption of direct talks between the two parties. Was the 'Hand of God' at work on March 11, 2011 ... or were the socio-psychopathic corporate globalists (Zionists) exacting perverse retribution? The E.Coli release therefore perhaps serves a double purpose. 1). By announcing Germany's withdrawal from Nuclear energy just a few days after Fukushima, Merkel was letting it be known that the German administration at least considered the possibility of something other than the Tsunami being primarily responsible for the Japanese Nuclear disaster. Therefore consider the possibility that the E.coli bacteria were released in Germany due to having lost the opportunity to use Stuxnet in retaliation for Germany's Feb 18 UN vote against Israel? 2). Germany has been at the heart of EU resistance to GM foods entering the food chain. This has been a source of friction between the US/WTO and the EU ever since Dr. Arpad Pusztai was fired from the Rowatt Institute in 1998 for stating on the BBC that GM foods were unsafe and should never be approved for Human consumption. Indeed, Robert Zoelick (Currently President of the World Bank), famously stated that the US was 'losing patience' over EU refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy of GM foods. Much of the resistance to GM originated from Germany which in 2010 had 5.4% of farmland certified as Organic. When one considers that the prime mover behind the GM abomination is the Zionist entity known as Monsanto, it could be considered that the deliberate release of this virulent laboratory culture has served a duel purpose ... and is intended to send a very strong message to those who would dare to challenge the global corporatists in their quest for planetary domination. As Jakob Ruchti wrote in 1916, "... the myth cannot stand up to the scrutiny of scientific research; the sinister web will be brought into the light and torn to pieces, however artfully it has been spun" ... and for those who say, "They wouldn't do that, would they?" In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote, " ... the greater the crime perpetrated by the leadership, the less likely it is that the people will ever believe their leaders to be capable of perpetrating such an event." ... which wasn't particularly original, as Machiavelli wrote pretty much the same thing in 'The Prince' (16th Century) and Sun Tsu in 'The Art of War' (6th Century BC) The forces of evil are coming to the end of their tenure. They know it ... and all the sh*t going on in the world right now is the manifestation of their last desperate attempt to hang on to their planetary fiefdom. The meek are indeed poised to inherit the Earth. Ian R Crane
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