Subject: David Icke Newsletter - June 26th 2011
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 23:27:25 +0100
Copyright David Icke, 2011. All Rights Reserved.
(Note: This newsletter, along with others going back to 2005, is available to view on by logging in here and clicking on "newsletter archive" on the right-hand menu)
(This is not by accident and neither was Fukushima)
I have been emphasising for many years the scale and coordination of the conspiracy that humanity is dealing with. Those that manipulate and exploit our world are not making it up by the day, month, year or even decade. They are playing out a program encoded in the very fabric of our experienced reality.
The World Trade Center Twin Towers were built in the late 1960s knowing what their fate would be in 2001. The liberty flame and black pentagram that is now a shrine to Princess Diana above the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris was placed there in 1989 knowing what it would symbolise after 1997.
I know that this is hard for people to accept, but it's the truth. We are not only dealing with an 'earthly' conspiracy here that is subject to 'earthly' limitations - or our perception of them. The bloodlines of the Illuminati are only vehicles for their 'off world' masters.
The script for what is happening today was written a long, long time ago, certainly hundreds and possibly thousands of years go. No, I'm not kidding and I haven't had one drink, never mind a bellyful. I explain at length how this is done in the new book that I am currently writing ten hours a day.
The never-ending war is the 'War on Terror'. How can you ever say that you have won a 'War on Terror'? You can't. The story may be bogus, but if people believe that it's true then you are home and dry.
Aldous Huxley described in Brave New World how drugs and genetics would be used to control the population and how parents would lose the right to bring up children or eventually even give them life through procreation. They would instead be created in batches in 'World State hatcheries' and systemically programmed from birth. Much of what Huxley said is now happening and the constant erosion and loss of parental rights to the State is one of the stepping stones to the rest.
Orwell was taught French by Huxley at the elite Elton College near Windsor Castle just outside London. They became friends and Huxley introduced Orwell to the Fabian Society. This is a major secret society in the Illuminati web and has former British Prime Minister Tony Blair among its number.
The Fabians are very active in Australia where the current Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, and her predecessor and now Foreign Minister, Kevin Rudd, are both members. The Fabian Society is the Illuminati subsidiary established to manipulate the 'Liberal Left' (or what claims to be).
The organisation created the British Labour Party and established one of the most important Illuminati universities in the world, the London School of Economics (LSE). I include an appendix in Human Race Get Off Your Knees that lists many of its famous alumni from both sides of the Atlantic.
The inner sanctum of the Fabian Society would have had the projected script at the time that Huxley and Orwell were involved and this is was the source of the information that they communicated through 'prophetic novels'. It would seem that Orwell wrote 1984 in an effort to expose what was planned. The year 1984 was the 100th anniversary of the Fabian Society.
The name 'Fabian' comes from the Roman general, Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, who was famous for the technique of wearing down the enemy over long periods and so avoiding battles that could prove decisive either way. This is the technique that I call the Totalitarian Tip-toe. The Fabian logo is a wolf in sheep's clothing and that says everything about the way it operates.
So it is no coincidence that it was David Rockefeller who proposed to the New York Port Authority that the Twin Towers be built in the late 1960s or that American money via the International Herald Tribune in the 1980s located the full-size replica of the Statue of Liberty flame over the Paris tunnel where Princess Diana met her fate.
This theme of very long term planning brings me to current events involving what I say is the systematic release of radiation into the atmosphere, seas and rivers. I wrote last week about the radiation agenda that is creating multiple sources of radiation to which the global population is subjected.
They include mobile phones and their communication masts, and an explosion of other technology, including a range of communication systems; sources of electricity like computers and overhead wires; full body scanners in airports; ridiculous overuse of x-rays and CAT scanners in hospitals; irradiated food, the new 'green' light bulbs; microwave ovens; depleted uranium in bombs dropped across the world that is leading to horrendous birth defects and circulates around the world; and cosmic radiation that would normally be deflected that is getting through the Earth's defences because of HAARP technology shooting holes in the ionosphere.
The Fukushima disaster in Japan is a catastrophe beyond measure. Some say that the scale of radiation released is 50 times worse than Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986 and the point to stress is that it is still pouring out into air and sea with no current prospect of stopping it.
The official story of what happened at Fukushima makes no sense at all. Neither flooding from the tsunami or damage from the earthquake could explain the series of events that brought us to where we are today. The authorities blamed a build-up of hydrogen for the explosion in Reactor 3 after the tsunami struck, but Fukushima had technology that would have dealt with that and it didn't need electricity to do so.
Fukushima's Reactor 4 exploded even though it was not operational and had been de-fuelled. How could it have exploded? Reactors 5 and 6 were also in cold shutdown awaiting maintenance and only Reactors 1, 2 and 3 were operational.
Giant security cameras and sensors were installed inside Reactor 3 and elsewhere on the Fukushima site by the Israeli company, Magna BSP about a year before disaster. Magna specialises in producing 'virtual security fences' for military and civilian use that include an 'electro-optical radar system' and 'stereoscopic vision sensors'.
The Magna cameras weighed more than a thousand pounds and were of a size and shape very similar to a gun-type nuclear weapon. Magna BSP is located in Dimona in Israel - the home of the massive Israeli nuclear weapons programme.
As a result, we have a police state, horrendous airport 'security' and full body radiation scanners (promoted by Michael Chertoff, son of a Mossad agent). Hours before Congress voted on the first Patriot Act (co-written by Chertoff) some 'technical corrections' were added to give foreign security companies such as ICTS-International immunity from lawsuits related to 9/11.
This meant that ITCS-International would not have to be questioned in court and explain what happened to surveillance tapes at 9/11 airports that went 'mysteriously' missing and why other relevant cameras were 'not working'.
Every surveillance and military producer and supplier in Israel is controlled by Mossad - Israel military intelligence and global enforcer of the Rothschild Illuminati agenda. This includes Magna BSP.
Magna's 'virtual wall' system is called the Optical Watch Line, or 'Owl'. The 'owl' to these symbol-obsessed people is the Illuminati symbol for their god of sacrifice known as Moloch which is worshipped by the elite at Bohemian Grove in Northern California in the form of a 40-foot stone owl. Children in the ancient world were sacrificed by fire to Moloch. Even the Bible mentions the fact.
This point on the Earth was the scene of the Japanese earthquake that caused the tsunami which struck the coast at Fukushima. The nuclear device did the rest a few days later. The official story was now unveiled for the global media to questioningly repeat. The earthquake and tsunami had so damaged Fukushima Reactor 3 that it went critical and exploded. It was just a terrible natural disaster.
No it wasn't.
The official story is a fantasy from start to finish. This was the official statement this month about the condition of Fukushima Reactor 3:
'Highly radioactive debris and water continue to hamper recovery efforts at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear energy facility. TEPCO had removed about 280 containers of radioactive debris by Tuesday, which includes clearing the way for entry into the building for reactor 3. Now that workers can enter the building, TEPCO plans to inject nitrogen gas into the reactor 3 containment to stabilize the reactor.'
This is Reactor 3:
There is virtually nothing left.
Freelance journalist, Jim Stone, has done some excellent research on the background to Fukushima and his website is
I have been saying and writing for weeks that I didn't think that the Fukushima disaster was a 'natural' event. I knew about the Illuminati radiation agenda and it was just too convenient. This means that the earthquake and tsunami were not 'natural' events, because clearly they weren't going to place nuclear devices in position and then sit around hoping for an earthquake and tsunami to turn up.
The long-term plan has been to unleash vast quantities of cumulative radiation into the atmosphere and waters, and nuclear power stations have been built to do this. The prime motivation for them is not to generate electricity, but to generate radiation. It always was.
So to the United States this very weekend and the unfolding consequences of extreme levels of snow and rain. This is wreaking mayhem and destruction along the Missouri and Mississippi rivers as record volumes of water make their way through the Midwest and down to the Gulf of Mexico.
Record snow and rain and the disastrous tornadoes that killed hundreds in the spring are classic HAARP technology and the rain and tornadoes matched with HAARP activity at the time. Rising waters are now threatening ... nuclear power stations alongside the River Missouri in Nebraska.
The Fort Cooper nuclear station, also in Nebraska, is similarly under threat and goodness knows what lies further down the waterways as the Missouri releases its record volumes into the Mississippi which is also at record levels. The loss of farmland and crops is already devastating for farmers and that is also part of the reason for the weather manipulation.
The Fort Calhoun plant was built in a flood plain of the Missouri. The Fukushima complex was located in an earthquake zone and on the coast where it was vulnerable to tsunamis. Nuclear plants in California are built on earthquake fault lines.
A presenter on Russia Today television asked this week why the authorities would be so crazy. Well, yes, they are crazy, beyond insane, but it is not that they were crazy for doing this through incompetence; they are crazy because they did this by on purpose.
This is the script written long ago playing out.
Part of the reason for this is mass depopulation, but the radiation agenda is multi-faceted. Another goal is to change the planet's atmosphere and HAARP is punching holes in the ionosphere in pursuit of this. The question then follows of why would they do that when they have to live here, too? Well, what if an irradiated atmosphere suits the real 'they'? We will only be able to answer such questions as we gather more information about how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Fukushima continues to contaminate the world by the hour and the unexplained no-fly zone has been imposed over the Fort Calhoun plant in Nebraska because there is far more happening there than they are telling us - which is nothing. The Fort Cooper nuclear station, also in Nebraska, is on stand-by for a cold-shutdown in the event of river waters breaking through.
But this week the British government announced, in the face of all this, that it is going ahead with an enormous expansion of nuclear power with eight new reactors. 'It can't' happen here' was the reply when a spokesman was asked about the dangers clearly confirmed by Fukushima. They know this for sure, because they have had a 'risk assessment'.
Phew, thank goodness for that.
I said in last week's newsletter that if a government presses on with a policy against all logic and evidence then it is following the Illuminati script which does not take no for an answer. Huhne either knows this, and supports the script; or he is indeed an idiot.
The organisation responsible for nuclear safety in America, and for what is now happening along the Missouri River, is the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC); but an Associated Press investigation reported this week that the NRC is ignoring or weakening the rules that it is supposed to enforcing.
Easier tests have been implemented so the operators can pass inspections and AP found failing cables, cracked concrete, rusting underground pipes and in one case a hole five inches square that was cut in a reactor vessel at the Davis-Besse plant in Ohio. But the facilities continued to be licenced to operate.
Regulation was dismantled to allow the banking crash of 2008 and regulation is now being weakened to release more radiation into the atmosphere. A State review of Russian nuclear sites in the wake of Fukushima was leaked to AFP and revealed more than 30 serious faults in the system including reduced safety standards and no effective strategy for securing radioactive fuel and waste at many plants.
You will find the same story in every country that has nuclear power and this is by design. The script will continue to be played out day after day until enough people appreciate the true scale of what is happening, how deep the rabbit hole goes, and someone uncovers the Big Key - I know there is one - that will bring all this to an end.
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All-day events also confirmed in Cleveland, Ohio (November 12th 2011); New York (November 20th); Croatia, December 3rd; Amsterdam, December 10th.
David Has Been Granted A Visa To Speak In Australia And So Those Dates Are Now All Confirmed
Radical Truth: Knowledge and Revolution with David Icke
'Once in every generation a person rises up above the crowd to reveal the truth of our age. This individual shows us who we really are and the way out of the chaos and confusion that surrounds us. At this moment, in this time, that person is David Icke.
In this incredible 4 hour presentation, author and truth-teller David Icke reveals how the human race got into the present global crisis and the keys to getting out. This no-holds-barred examination of the machinations underlying global events and the mechanisms of control used to keep us in fear and confusion, opens our eyes to the truth what is really happening behind the scenes of our reality. This awareness is a necessary step towards our ultimate liberation as a race, as a species, and as residents of Planet Earth - and includes a demolition of Barack Obama before he was even elected that has proved to be absolutely correct.
In the second half of his riveting presentation, Icke presents a blueprint for ways to release ourselves from the current crisis, not by living on our knees but standing firm, free and fully awakened. Icke unveils the crossroads that we currently face and how the final choice boils down to either freedom or fascism. Join David Icke for this 4 hour revelation as he leads us on a path towards the ultimate emancipation of the human race through the revolutionary power of love. Radical Truth is David Icke's most spiritually uplifting film.'
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Special Offer for David Icke Readers!
For years, DAVID ICKE and ALEX JONES have been warning us about the nightmare of The Police State; the danger of Economic Collapse; the secret Elite that Control our World; the deception of False Flag Terrorism; and the Loss of Freedom that will unleash the greatest tyranny of all. And now that our worst fears are coming to life before our eyes, what can you do to protect yourself, your family, and your finances? The answer is to act right now!
The Fall of America and the Western World - A SURVIVAL GUIDE: How to protect you and your loved ones from financial Armageddon, Government Tyranny, the Destruction of the Middle Class, and the End of Freedom.
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David Icke: The 2008 Brixton Academy DVD
Nearly seven hours of extraordinary dot-connecting.
This is truly beyond the cutting edge ...
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David Icke's Extraordinary Book Triggers Storm of Interest
David Icke at the Oxford Union
In this two-hour presentation at the famous Oxford Union at Oxford University, David Icke encapsulates humanity's current plight and how we can secure our freedom from the Hidden Hand behind global events. It is designed to be a simple introduction to the staggering revelations that he has long exposed in detail in his books. If you want to know what is really happening in your world, and why, this is not to be missed. Your freedom and that of your children and grandchildren could well depend upon it.
Particularly recommended for people new to this information or to show friends and family to introduce them to the bigger picture.
(David was speaking to highly intelligent Oxford students, so he had to keep it real simple.)
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Thank you,
That's it ... see you next week.
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