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søndag den 31. oktober 2010
BREAKING: UN Bans Chemtrails
Washington Post: Geoengineering sparks international ban
lørdag den 30. oktober 2010
Best footage Chemtrails 2009 Timelapse England London - Debunk this!
Hilsen Stephan
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Telegraph UK: Bisphenol-A now linked to male infertility
A controversial chemical used for decades in the mass production of food containers and baby bottles has been linked to male infertility for the first time.
The findings are likely to increase pressure on governments around the world to follow Canada and ban the substance from our shelves.
BPA is used widely to make plastic harder and watertight tin cans.
It is found in most food and drink cans – including tins of infant formula milk – plastic food containers, and the casings of mobile phones, and other electronic goods.
It is also used in baby bottles though this is slowly being phased out.
BPA has been the subject of intense research as it is a known endocrine disrupter which in large quantities interferes with the release of hormones.
Earlier studies have linked it to low sex drive, impotence and DNA damage in sperm.
Now a new five year study claims to have found a link between levels of BPA in the blood and male fertility.
For their study of 514 workers in factories in China, researchers at Kaiser Permanente, a California-based research centre, found that men with higher urine BPA levels were two to four times more at risk of having poor semen quality, including low sperm concentration, low sperm vitality and mobility.
What is more the amount of the BPA in the blood seemed to be inversely proportional to sperm quality.
Even those with less than the national average BPA levels in America were effected, it was claimed.
"Compared with men without detectable urine BPA, those with detectable urine BPA had more than three times the risk of lowered sperm concentration and lower sperm vitality, more than four times the risk of a lower sperm count, and more than twice the risk of lower sperm motility," said study lead author Dr De-Kun Li.
He claims the research, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, was the first human study to report an adverse association between BPA and semen quality.
Previous studies found a negative link between BPA and male reproduction in mice and rats
It was also the third study in a series by Dr Li and his colleagues examining BPA's effect on humans.
The first study, published in November 2009, found that exposure to high levels of BPA in the workplace increases men's risk of reduced sexual function.
Increasing BPA levels urine are also associated with worsening male sexual function, according to the second study, published in May 2010.
The latest study, funded by the US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, throws further doubt on the safety of BPA.
"The finding of the adverse BPA effect on semen quality illustrates two points: first, exposure to BPA now has been linked to changes in semen quality, an objective physiological measure," Dr Li said.
"Second, this association shows BPA potential potency: it could lead to pathological changes of the male reproductive system in addition to the changes of sexual function.
“When you see this kind of association with semen you have to wonder what else BPA has an effect on,” said Dr Li.
As a precautionary principle, he said, “Everybody should avoid BPA as much as you can.”
The researchers noted that BPA may also affect female reproductive systems and have adverse effects on ailments such as cancer or metabolic diseases.
BPA has already been banned in Canada and three US states.
Bottles and cans containing the chemical have been linked to breast cancer, heart disease, obesity, hyperactivity and other disorders.
Most manufacturers of baby bottles have stopped putting it in their products but older stock containing the chemical is still on sale.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) supports its removal and has stated concerns regarding the impact of the chemical on babies and young children.
It can affect disorders associated with metabolism, fertility and neural development.
fredag den 29. oktober 2010
Re: How far does this get us?
---- Original Message -----From: JohnnyTo: Carol Coenca ; Asger Lindqvist ; Atle ; Barbara Lofaro ; Calvin Keats ; Elina Cullen ; Francois Rey ; Frank ; Henrik Palmgren ; Ian Crane ; Jarlen - Peter ; Jonathan Lindquist ; kamelslugeren ; Michael Murphy ; Mike ; Rolf ; Sheri ; SimonSent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 12:19 AMSubject: Re: How far does this get us?How far does it go? Well, Monsanto just bought Xe = Blackwater, that a.o., has 150.000 "civilian" soldiers/murderers in Iraq.(What will they use them for?) The spraying, besides making all humans and animals sick-and slowly killing us,kills millions of trees -and other growth are dying. Monsanto is killing all natural things so only their patented seeds exist. Monsanto has the money to buy the planes and personnel to implement the Chem-trail-spraying. If Monsanto is not behind it directly, then the fact that the powers that be are O.K.ing it, shows that they are part of THEIR agenda.-you know the de-population-agenda of Bilderberg, Trilateral commission and Council of foreign affairs (all owned by Rotschild and Rockefeller). Yes ANY politician should have this on top of their ambitions, denial to deal with it proves complicity ,I just realised I mentioned some names that can cause my deletion from the list, but, what sense is there in becoming the politicians ,instead of the politicians, if the system wherein we shall be politicians, is so flawed- and in itself designed to be so destructive and parasitic that it is anti-human???*** -and controlled by, those un-nameables ? Is it anymore probable that using the law (which THEY have made) will have any results on the public, considering the storms of dis-information and propaganda that they ,as a sign of "last twitches" ,is unleasing on that public? If it is, it should be done-not just be talked about. In my opinion we need to wake up to the fact that the humans are being attacked with numerous poisons. If governments do not shoot down these poisoners in the sky- it can not be our goverment-and their protests and propaganda is just the blabberings of sock-dolls. But I see that we will be many enough soon to have volunteers anywhere; f.ex. at air-ports to see if strange containers are there -or in companies with strange connections etc.Or from un-mannesd-droneinstallations wher fat ,pop-corn/coca cola-belching 17 years are playing war-games with real people in Afghanistan, and now, another un-declared war , in Pakistan. The leaders are ponerologists- and it is easy to identify the enemy in the future; they will be dressed in uniforms or suits and ties.My hopes are that the Universe is immense- and there are other forces than those we just see as the flickering shadows on the wall (illuminati)- above and among us- I know*** We need to fight on,leave all attempts at infiltration behind us and INFORM the public-as we do. Bye´ JdV*----- Original Message -----From: Carol CoencaTo: Asger Lindqvist ; Atle ; Barbara Lofaro ; Calvin Keats ; Elina Cullen ; Francois Rey ; Frank ; Henrik Palmgren ; Ian Crane ; Jarlen - Peter ; Johnny De Vulcan ; Jonathan Lindquist ; kamelslugeren ; Michael Murphy ; Mike ; Rolf ; Sheri ; SimonSent: Friday, October 29, 2010 9:25 AMSubject: FW: How far does this get us?
In English as some of you are not Danes.
I forward the mail below and one link. Probably already many of you are already aware of this.
Geo Engineering technology is a fact.
The UN group acts as if they have no idea that aerosol spraying is already in full deployment above nearly all world nations.
Now I am becoming extremely concerned because there is mention of, quotes:
- Ocean Fertilization
- Solar Radiation Management Governance
- "This decision clearly places the governance of geoengineering in the United
Nations where it belongs" (as this was comforting news! when one knows the real agenda behind UN, it is in fact a shilling comment)
They are planning to throw iron particles in the oceans!!!!
Who knows if they are not doing it already? When you see all the chemtrails in the sky supposedly non existing but in fact being sprayed!
So here where we actually stand :
Geoengineering technologies in our skies
Geoengineering technologies in our oceans
Geoengineering technologies on earth and in food (GMO, Nanothech)
This is frightening. They are trying to poison the planet and all living creatures with it!
And in the name of Climate Change which is in reality a monstruous fraud! and should I remind you as well, in the name of the overpopulation threat playing card.
This kind of information has to go viral. They have to be stopped and brought to light in full view before their plan are in full operation. Maybe by alerting the very very ignorant population? By demanding explanations from our ministers who, as you can read, are aware of these kind of projects. Was the Danish minister in Japan? Should we ask him?
What do you think?
Did I understood right?
U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects
> From: halva1@otenet.gr
> To: halva1@otenet.gr
> Subject: How far does this get us?
> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 06:15:25 +0300
> How far does this get us???? Is it part of our duty to tell the ETC people
> that atmospheric geoengineering is already a well-established planetary
> reality, as if they don't KNOW? Or should we assign another role to them
> other than to be the recipients of such protests??
> Wayne
> News Release
> 29 October 2010
> www.etcgroup.org
> Geoengineering Moratorium at UN Ministerial in Japan
> Risky Climate Techno-fixes Blocked
> NAGOYA, Japan - In a landmark consensus decision, the 193-member UN
> Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will close its tenth biennial
> meeting with a de facto moratorium on geoengineering projects and
> experiments. "Any private or public experimentation or adventurism
> intended to manipulate the planetary thermostat will be in violation of this
> carefully crafted UN consensus," stated Silvia Ribeiro, Latin American
> Director of ETC Group.
> The agreement, reached during the ministerial portion of the two-week
> meeting which included 110 environment ministers, asks governments to ensure
> that no geoengineering activities take place until risks to the environment
> and biodiversity and associated social, cultural and economic impacts have
> been appropriately considered. The CBD secretariat was also instructed to
> report back on various geoengineering proposals and potential
> intergovernmental regulatory measures.
> The unusually strong consensus decision builds on the 2008 moratorium on
> ocean fertilization. That agreement, negotiated at COP 9 in Bonn, put the
> brakes on a litany of failed "experiments" - both public and private - to
> sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide in the oceans' depths by spreading
> nutrients on the sea surface. Since then, attention has turned to a range
> of futuristic proposals to block a percentage of solar radiation via
> large-scale interventions in the atmosphere, stratosphere and outer space
> that would alter global temperatures and precipitation patterns.
> "This decision clearly places the governance of geoengineering in the United
> Nations where it belongs," said ETC Group Executive Director Pat Mooney.
> "This decision is a victory for common sense, and for precaution. It will
> not inhibit legitimate scientific research. Decisions on geoengineering
> cannot be made by small groups of scientists from a small group of countries
> that establish self-serving 'voluntary guidelines' on climate hacking. What
> little credibility such efforts may have had in some policy circles in the
> global North has been shattered by this decision. The UK Royal Society and
> its partners should cancel their Solar Radiation Management Governance
> Initiative and respect that the world's governments have collectively
> decided that future deliberations on geoengineering should take place in the
> UN, where all countries have a seat at the table and where civil society can
> watch and influence what they are doing."
> Delegates in Nagoya have now clearly understood the potential threat that
> deployment - or even field testing - of geoengineering technologies poses to
> the protection of biodiversity. The decision was hammered out in long and
> difficult late night sessions of a "friends of the chair" group, attended by
> ETC Group, and adopted by the Working Group 1 Plenary on 27 October 2010.
> The Chair of the climate and biodiversity negotiations called the final text
> "a highly delicate compromise." All that remains to do now is gavel it
> through in the final plenary at 6 PM Friday (Nagoya time).
> "The decision is not perfect," said Neth Dano of ETC Group Philippines.
> "Some delegations are understandably concerned that the interim definition
> of geoengineering is too narrow because it does not include Carbon Capture
> and Storage technologies. Before the next CBD meeting, there will be ample
> opportunity to consider these questions in more detail. But climate
> techno-fixes are now firmly on the UN agenda and will lead to important
> debates as the 20th anniversary of the Earth Summit approaches. A change of
> course is essential, and geoengineering is clearly not the way forward."
> In Nagoya, Japan
> Pat Mooney: mooney@etcgroup.org (Mobile +1-613-240-0045)
> Silvia Ribeiro: silvia@etcgroup.org (Mobile (local): + 81 90 5036 4659)
> Neth Dano: neth@etcgroup.org (Mobile: + 63-917-532-9369)?
> In Montreal, Canada:
> Diana Bronson: diana@etcgroup.org (Mobile: +1-514-629-9236)
> Jim Thomas: jim@etcgroup.org (Mobile: +1-514-516-5759)?
> Note to Editors:
> The full texts of the relevant decisions on geoengineering are copied below:
> Under Climate Change and Biodiversity (UNEP/CBD/COP/10/L.36)
> 8. Invites Parties and other Governments, according to national
> circumstance and priorities, as well as relevant organizations and
> processes, to consider the guidance below on ways to conserve, sustainably
> use and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services while contributing to
> climate-change mitigation and adaptation:
> ....
> (w) Ensure, in line and consistent with decision IX/16 C, on ocean
> fertilization and biodiversity and climate change, in the absence of science
> based, global, transparent and effective control and regulatory mechanisms
> for geo-engineering, and in accordance with the precautionary approach and
> Article 14 of the Convention, that no climate-related geo-engineering
> activities[1] that may affect biodiversity take place, until there is an
> adequate scientific basis on which to justify such activities and
> appropriate consideration of the associated risks for the environment and
> biodiversity and associated social, economic and cultural impacts, with the
> exception of small scale scientific research studies that would be conducted
> in a controlled setting in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention, and
> only if they are justified by the need to gather specific scientific data
> and are subject to a thorough prior assessment of the potential impacts on
> the environment;
> [1] Without prejudice to future deliberations on the definition of
> geo-engineering activities, understanding that any technologies that
> deliberately reduce solar insolation or increase carbon sequestration from
> the atmosphere on a large scale that may affect biodiversity (excluding
> carbon capture and storage from fossil fuels when it captures carbon dioxide
> before it is released into the atmosphere) should be considered as forms of
> geo-engineering which are relevant to the Convention on Biological Diversity
> until a more precise definition can be developed. Noting that solar
> insolation is defined as a measure of solar radiation energy received on a
> given surface area in a given hour and that carbon sequestration is defined
> as the process of increasing the carbon content of a reservoir/pool other
> than the atmosphere.
> 9. Requests the Executive Secretary to:
> ..
> (o) Compile and synthesize available scientific information, and views and
> experiences of indigenous and local communities and other stakeholders, on
> the possible impacts of geo-engineering techniques on biodiversity and
> associated social, economic and cultural considerations, and options on
> definitions and understandings of climate-related geo-engineering relevant
> to the Convention on Biological Diversity and make it available for
> consideration at a meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical
> and Technological Advice prior to the eleventh meeting of the Conference of
> the Parties;
> (p) Taking into account the possible need for science based global,
> transparent and effective control and regulatory mechanisms, subject to the
> availability of financial resources, undertake a study on gaps in such
> existing mechanisms for climate-related geo-engineering relevant to the
> Convention on Biological Diversity, bearing in mind that such mechanisms may
> not be best placed under the Convention on Biological Diversity, for
> consideration by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and
> Technological Advice prior to a future meeting of the Conference of the
> Parties and to communicate the results to relevant organizations;
> Under New and Emerging Issues UNEP/CBD/COP/10/L.2 :
> 4. Invites Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations to
> submit information on synthetic biology and geo-engineering, for the
> consideration by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and
> Technological Advice, in accordance with the procedures of decision IX/29,
> while applying the precautionary approach to the field release of synthetic
> life, cell or genome into the environment;
> Under Marine and Coastal Biodiversity UNEP/CBD/COP/10/L.42
> 13 Reaffirming that the programme of work still corresponds to the global
> priorities, has been further strengthened through decisions VIII/21,
> VIII/22, VIII/24, and IX/20, but is not fully implemented, and therefore
> encourages Parties to continue to implement these programme elements, and
> endorses the following guidance, where applicable and in accordance with
> national capacity and circumstances, for enhanced implementation:
> (e) Ensuring that no ocean fertilization takes place unless in accordance
> with decision IX/16 C and taking note of the report
> (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/14/INF/7) and development noted para 57 - 62;
> Impacts of ocean fertilization on marine and coastal biodiversity
> 57. Welcomes the report on compilation and synthesis of available
> scientific information on potential impacts of direct human-induced ocean
> fertilization on marine biodiversity (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/14/INF/7), which was
> prepared in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme-World
> Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the International Maritime
> Organization in pursuance of paragraph 3 of decision IX/20;
> 58. Recalling the important decision IX/16 C on ocean fertilization,
> reaffirming the precautionary approach, recognizes that given the scientific
> uncertainty that exists, significant concern surrounds the potential
> intended and unintended impacts of large-scale ocean fertilization on marine
> ecosystem structure and function, including the sensitivity of species and
> habitats and the physiological changes induced by micro-nutrient and
> macro-nutrient additions to surface waters as well as the possibility of
> persistent alteration of an ecosystem, and requests Parties to implement
> decision IX/16 C;
> 59. Notes that the governing bodies under the London Convention and
> Protocol adopted in 2008 resolution LC-LP.1 (2008) on the regulation of
> ocean fertilization, in which Contracting Parties declared, inter alia, that
> given the present state of knowledge, ocean fertilization activities other
> than legitimate scientific research should not be allowed;
> 60. Recognizes the work under way within the context of the London
> Convention and London Protocol to contribute to the development of a
> regulatory mechanism referred to in decision IX/16 C, and invites Parties
> and other Governments to act in accordance with the Resolution LC-LP.2(2010)
> of the London Convention and Protocol ;
> 61. Notes that in order to provide reliable predictions on the potential
> adverse impacts on marine biodiversity of activities involving ocean
> fertilization, further work to enhance our knowledge and modelling of ocean
> biogeochemical processes is required, in accordance with decision IX/16 (c)
> and taking into account decision IX/20 and LC-LP.2 (2010);
> 62. Notes also that there is a pressing need for research to advance our
> understanding of marine ecosystem dynamics and the role of the ocean in the
> global carbon cycle;
> Geopiracy: The Case Against Geoengineering is a new publication by ETC Group
> that provides an overview of the issues involved.
> -----
> For more information about our work, please visit our website at
> http://www.etcgroup.org/
> Interested in supporting our work? Donate Here!
> http://www.etcgroup.org/en/node/5195
> ETC Group is a registered Charity in Canada. ETC Headquarters are at:
> 431 Gilmour Street, Second Floor
> Ottawa, ON K2P-0R5
> Canada
> To remove yourself from this list:
> http://www.etcgroup.org/index.php?q=civicrm/mailing/optout&reset=1&jid=76&qid=29970&h=c0672fe5418c6f3f
Re: How far does this get us?
----- Original Message -----From: Carol CoencaTo: Asger Lindqvist ; Atle ; Barbara Lofaro ; Calvin Keats ; Elina Cullen ; Francois Rey ; Frank ; Henrik Palmgren ; Ian Crane ; Jarlen - Peter ; Johnny De Vulcan ; Jonathan Lindquist ; kamelslugeren ; Michael Murphy ; Mike ; Rolf ; Sheri ; SimonSent: Friday, October 29, 2010 9:25 AMSubject: FW: How far does this get us?
In English as some of you are not Danes.
I forward the mail below and one link. Probably already many of you are already aware of this.
Geo Engineering technology is a fact.
The UN group acts as if they have no idea that aerosol spraying is already in full deployment above nearly all world nations.
Now I am becoming extremely concerned because there is mention of, quotes:
- Ocean Fertilization
- Solar Radiation Management Governance
- "This decision clearly places the governance of geoengineering in the United
Nations where it belongs" (as this was comforting news! when one knows the real agenda behind UN, it is in fact a shilling comment)
They are planning to throw iron particles in the oceans!!!!
Who knows if they are not doing it already? When you see all the chemtrails in the sky supposedly non existing but in fact being sprayed!
So here where we actually stand :
Geoengineering technologies in our skies
Geoengineering technologies in our oceans
Geoengineering technologies on earth and in food (GMO, Nanothech)
This is frightening. They are trying to poison the planet and all living creatures with it!
And in the name of Climate Change which is in reality a monstruous fraud! and should I remind you as well, in the name of the overpopulation threat playing card.
This kind of information has to go viral. They have to be stopped and brought to light in full view before their plan are in full operation. Maybe by alerting the very very ignorant population? By demanding explanations from our ministers who, as you can read, are aware of these kind of projects. Was the Danish minister in Japan? Should we ask him?
What do you think?
Did I understood right?
U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects
> From: halva1@otenet.gr
> To: halva1@otenet.gr
> Subject: How far does this get us?
> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 06:15:25 +0300
> How far does this get us???? Is it part of our duty to tell the ETC people
> that atmospheric geoengineering is already a well-established planetary
> reality, as if they don't KNOW? Or should we assign another role to them
> other than to be the recipients of such protests??
> Wayne
> News Release
> 29 October 2010
> www.etcgroup.org
> Geoengineering Moratorium at UN Ministerial in Japan
> Risky Climate Techno-fixes Blocked
> NAGOYA, Japan - In a landmark consensus decision, the 193-member UN
> Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will close its tenth biennial
> meeting with a de facto moratorium on geoengineering projects and
> experiments. "Any private or public experimentation or adventurism
> intended to manipulate the planetary thermostat will be in violation of this
> carefully crafted UN consensus," stated Silvia Ribeiro, Latin American
> Director of ETC Group.
> The agreement, reached during the ministerial portion of the two-week
> meeting which included 110 environment ministers, asks governments to ensure
> that no geoengineering activities take place until risks to the environment
> and biodiversity and associated social, cultural and economic impacts have
> been appropriately considered. The CBD secretariat was also instructed to
> report back on various geoengineering proposals and potential
> intergovernmental regulatory measures.
> The unusually strong consensus decision builds on the 2008 moratorium on
> ocean fertilization. That agreement, negotiated at COP 9 in Bonn, put the
> brakes on a litany of failed "experiments" - both public and private - to
> sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide in the oceans' depths by spreading
> nutrients on the sea surface. Since then, attention has turned to a range
> of futuristic proposals to block a percentage of solar radiation via
> large-scale interventions in the atmosphere, stratosphere and outer space
> that would alter global temperatures and precipitation patterns.
> "This decision clearly places the governance of geoengineering in the United
> Nations where it belongs," said ETC Group Executive Director Pat Mooney.
> "This decision is a victory for common sense, and for precaution. It will
> not inhibit legitimate scientific research. Decisions on geoengineering
> cannot be made by small groups of scientists from a small group of countries
> that establish self-serving 'voluntary guidelines' on climate hacking. What
> little credibility such efforts may have had in some policy circles in the
> global North has been shattered by this decision. The UK Royal Society and
> its partners should cancel their Solar Radiation Management Governance
> Initiative and respect that the world's governments have collectively
> decided that future deliberations on geoengineering should take place in the
> UN, where all countries have a seat at the table and where civil society can
> watch and influence what they are doing."
> Delegates in Nagoya have now clearly understood the potential threat that
> deployment - or even field testing - of geoengineering technologies poses to
> the protection of biodiversity. The decision was hammered out in long and
> difficult late night sessions of a "friends of the chair" group, attended by
> ETC Group, and adopted by the Working Group 1 Plenary on 27 October 2010.
> The Chair of the climate and biodiversity negotiations called the final text
> "a highly delicate compromise." All that remains to do now is gavel it
> through in the final plenary at 6 PM Friday (Nagoya time).
> "The decision is not perfect," said Neth Dano of ETC Group Philippines.
> "Some delegations are understandably concerned that the interim definition
> of geoengineering is too narrow because it does not include Carbon Capture
> and Storage technologies. Before the next CBD meeting, there will be ample
> opportunity to consider these questions in more detail. But climate
> techno-fixes are now firmly on the UN agenda and will lead to important
> debates as the 20th anniversary of the Earth Summit approaches. A change of
> course is essential, and geoengineering is clearly not the way forward."
> In Nagoya, Japan
> Pat Mooney: mooney@etcgroup.org (Mobile +1-613-240-0045)
> Silvia Ribeiro: silvia@etcgroup.org (Mobile (local): + 81 90 5036 4659)
> Neth Dano: neth@etcgroup.org (Mobile: + 63-917-532-9369)?
> In Montreal, Canada:
> Diana Bronson: diana@etcgroup.org (Mobile: +1-514-629-9236)
> Jim Thomas: jim@etcgroup.org (Mobile: +1-514-516-5759)?
> Note to Editors:
> The full texts of the relevant decisions on geoengineering are copied below:
> Under Climate Change and Biodiversity (UNEP/CBD/COP/10/L.36)
> 8. Invites Parties and other Governments, according to national
> circumstance and priorities, as well as relevant organizations and
> processes, to consider the guidance below on ways to conserve, sustainably
> use and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services while contributing to
> climate-change mitigation and adaptation:
> ....
> (w) Ensure, in line and consistent with decision IX/16 C, on ocean
> fertilization and biodiversity and climate change, in the absence of science
> based, global, transparent and effective control and regulatory mechanisms
> for geo-engineering, and in accordance with the precautionary approach and
> Article 14 of the Convention, that no climate-related geo-engineering
> activities[1] that may affect biodiversity take place, until there is an
> adequate scientific basis on which to justify such activities and
> appropriate consideration of the associated risks for the environment and
> biodiversity and associated social, economic and cultural impacts, with the
> exception of small scale scientific research studies that would be conducted
> in a controlled setting in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention, and
> only if they are justified by the need to gather specific scientific data
> and are subject to a thorough prior assessment of the potential impacts on
> the environment;
> [1] Without prejudice to future deliberations on the definition of
> geo-engineering activities, understanding that any technologies that
> deliberately reduce solar insolation or increase carbon sequestration from
> the atmosphere on a large scale that may affect biodiversity (excluding
> carbon capture and storage from fossil fuels when it captures carbon dioxide
> before it is released into the atmosphere) should be considered as forms of
> geo-engineering which are relevant to the Convention on Biological Diversity
> until a more precise definition can be developed. Noting that solar
> insolation is defined as a measure of solar radiation energy received on a
> given surface area in a given hour and that carbon sequestration is defined
> as the process of increasing the carbon content of a reservoir/pool other
> than the atmosphere.
> 9. Requests the Executive Secretary to:
> ..
> (o) Compile and synthesize available scientific information, and views and
> experiences of indigenous and local communities and other stakeholders, on
> the possible impacts of geo-engineering techniques on biodiversity and
> associated social, economic and cultural considerations, and options on
> definitions and understandings of climate-related geo-engineering relevant
> to the Convention on Biological Diversity and make it available for
> consideration at a meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical
> and Technological Advice prior to the eleventh meeting of the Conference of
> the Parties;
> (p) Taking into account the possible need for science based global,
> transparent and effective control and regulatory mechanisms, subject to the
> availability of financial resources, undertake a study on gaps in such
> existing mechanisms for climate-related geo-engineering relevant to the
> Convention on Biological Diversity, bearing in mind that such mechanisms may
> not be best placed under the Convention on Biological Diversity, for
> consideration by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and
> Technological Advice prior to a future meeting of the Conference of the
> Parties and to communicate the results to relevant organizations;
> Under New and Emerging Issues UNEP/CBD/COP/10/L.2 :
> 4. Invites Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations to
> submit information on synthetic biology and geo-engineering, for the
> consideration by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and
> Technological Advice, in accordance with the procedures of decision IX/29,
> while applying the precautionary approach to the field release of synthetic
> life, cell or genome into the environment;
> Under Marine and Coastal Biodiversity UNEP/CBD/COP/10/L.42
> 13 Reaffirming that the programme of work still corresponds to the global
> priorities, has been further strengthened through decisions VIII/21,
> VIII/22, VIII/24, and IX/20, but is not fully implemented, and therefore
> encourages Parties to continue to implement these programme elements, and
> endorses the following guidance, where applicable and in accordance with
> national capacity and circumstances, for enhanced implementation:
> (e) Ensuring that no ocean fertilization takes place unless in accordance
> with decision IX/16 C and taking note of the report
> (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/14/INF/7) and development noted para 57 - 62;
> Impacts of ocean fertilization on marine and coastal biodiversity
> 57. Welcomes the report on compilation and synthesis of available
> scientific information on potential impacts of direct human-induced ocean
> fertilization on marine biodiversity (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/14/INF/7), which was
> prepared in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme-World
> Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the International Maritime
> Organization in pursuance of paragraph 3 of decision IX/20;
> 58. Recalling the important decision IX/16 C on ocean fertilization,
> reaffirming the precautionary approach, recognizes that given the scientific
> uncertainty that exists, significant concern surrounds the potential
> intended and unintended impacts of large-scale ocean fertilization on marine
> ecosystem structure and function, including the sensitivity of species and
> habitats and the physiological changes induced by micro-nutrient and
> macro-nutrient additions to surface waters as well as the possibility of
> persistent alteration of an ecosystem, and requests Parties to implement
> decision IX/16 C;
> 59. Notes that the governing bodies under the London Convention and
> Protocol adopted in 2008 resolution LC-LP.1 (2008) on the regulation of
> ocean fertilization, in which Contracting Parties declared, inter alia, that
> given the present state of knowledge, ocean fertilization activities other
> than legitimate scientific research should not be allowed;
> 60. Recognizes the work under way within the context of the London
> Convention and London Protocol to contribute to the development of a
> regulatory mechanism referred to in decision IX/16 C, and invites Parties
> and other Governments to act in accordance with the Resolution LC-LP.2(2010)
> of the London Convention and Protocol ;
> 61. Notes that in order to provide reliable predictions on the potential
> adverse impacts on marine biodiversity of activities involving ocean
> fertilization, further work to enhance our knowledge and modelling of ocean
> biogeochemical processes is required, in accordance with decision IX/16 (c)
> and taking into account decision IX/20 and LC-LP.2 (2010);
> 62. Notes also that there is a pressing need for research to advance our
> understanding of marine ecosystem dynamics and the role of the ocean in the
> global carbon cycle;
> Geopiracy: The Case Against Geoengineering is a new publication by ETC Group
> that provides an overview of the issues involved.
> -----
> For more information about our work, please visit our website at
> http://www.etcgroup.org/
> Interested in supporting our work? Donate Here!
> http://www.etcgroup.org/en/node/5195
> ETC Group is a registered Charity in Canada. ETC Headquarters are at:
> 431 Gilmour Street, Second Floor
> Ottawa, ON K2P-0R5
> Canada
> To remove yourself from this list:
> http://www.etcgroup.org/index.php?q=civicrm/mailing/optout&reset=1&jid=76&qid=29970&h=c0672fe5418c6f3f
FW: How far does this get us?
In English as some of you are not Danes.
I forward the mail below and one link. Probably already many of you are already aware of this.
Geo Engineering technology is a fact.
The UN group acts as if they have no idea that aerosol spraying is already in full deployment above nearly all world nations.
Now I am becoming extremely concerned because there is mention of, quotes:
- Ocean Fertilization
- Solar Radiation Management Governance
- "This decision clearly places the governance of geoengineering in the United
Nations where it belongs" (as this was comforting news! when one knows the real agenda behind UN, it is in fact a shilling comment)
They are planning to throw iron particles in the oceans!!!!
Who knows if they are not doing it already? When you see all the chemtrails in the sky supposedly non existing but in fact being sprayed!
So here where we actually stand :
Geoengineering technologies in our skies
Geoengineering technologies in our oceans
Geoengineering technologies on earth and in food (GMO, Nanothech)
This is frightening. They are trying to poison the planet and all living creatures with it!
And in the name of Climate Change which is in reality a monstruous fraud! and should I remind you as well, in the name of the overpopulation threat playing card.
This kind of information has to go viral. They have to be stopped and brought to light in full view before their plan are in full operation. Maybe by alerting the very very ignorant population? By demanding explanations from our ministers who, as you can read, are aware of these kind of projects. Was the Danish minister in Japan? Should we ask him?
What do you think?
Did I understood right?
U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects
> From: halva1@otenet.gr
> To: halva1@otenet.gr
> Subject: How far does this get us?
> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 06:15:25 +0300
> How far does this get us???? Is it part of our duty to tell the ETC people
> that atmospheric geoengineering is already a well-established planetary
> reality, as if they don't KNOW? Or should we assign another role to them
> other than to be the recipients of such protests??
> Wayne
> News Release
> 29 October 2010
> www.etcgroup.org
> Geoengineering Moratorium at UN Ministerial in Japan
> Risky Climate Techno-fixes Blocked
> NAGOYA, Japan - In a landmark consensus decision, the 193-member UN
> Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will close its tenth biennial
> meeting with a de facto moratorium on geoengineering projects and
> experiments. "Any private or public experimentation or adventurism
> intended to manipulate the planetary thermostat will be in violation of this
> carefully crafted UN consensus," stated Silvia Ribeiro, Latin American
> Director of ETC Group.
> The agreement, reached during the ministerial portion of the two-week
> meeting which included 110 environment ministers, asks governments to ensure
> that no geoengineering activities take place until risks to the environment
> and biodiversity and associated social, cultural and economic impacts have
> been appropriately considered. The CBD secretariat was also instructed to
> report back on various geoengineering proposals and potential
> intergovernmental regulatory measures.
> The unusually strong consensus decision builds on the 2008 moratorium on
> ocean fertilization. That agreement, negotiated at COP 9 in Bonn, put the
> brakes on a litany of failed "experiments" - both public and private - to
> sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide in the oceans' depths by spreading
> nutrients on the sea surface. Since then, attention has turned to a range
> of futuristic proposals to block a percentage of solar radiation via
> large-scale interventions in the atmosphere, stratosphere and outer space
> that would alter global temperatures and precipitation patterns.
> "This decision clearly places the governance of geoengineering in the United
> Nations where it belongs," said ETC Group Executive Director Pat Mooney.
> "This decision is a victory for common sense, and for precaution. It will
> not inhibit legitimate scientific research. Decisions on geoengineering
> cannot be made by small groups of scientists from a small group of countries
> that establish self-serving 'voluntary guidelines' on climate hacking. What
> little credibility such efforts may have had in some policy circles in the
> global North has been shattered by this decision. The UK Royal Society and
> its partners should cancel their Solar Radiation Management Governance
> Initiative and respect that the world's governments have collectively
> decided that future deliberations on geoengineering should take place in the
> UN, where all countries have a seat at the table and where civil society can
> watch and influence what they are doing."
> Delegates in Nagoya have now clearly understood the potential threat that
> deployment - or even field testing - of geoengineering technologies poses to
> the protection of biodiversity. The decision was hammered out in long and
> difficult late night sessions of a "friends of the chair" group, attended by
> ETC Group, and adopted by the Working Group 1 Plenary on 27 October 2010.
> The Chair of the climate and biodiversity negotiations called the final text
> "a highly delicate compromise." All that remains to do now is gavel it
> through in the final plenary at 6 PM Friday (Nagoya time).
> "The decision is not perfect," said Neth Dano of ETC Group Philippines.
> "Some delegations are understandably concerned that the interim definition
> of geoengineering is too narrow because it does not include Carbon Capture
> and Storage technologies. Before the next CBD meeting, there will be ample
> opportunity to consider these questions in more detail. But climate
> techno-fixes are now firmly on the UN agenda and will lead to important
> debates as the 20th anniversary of the Earth Summit approaches. A change of
> course is essential, and geoengineering is clearly not the way forward."
> In Nagoya, Japan
> Pat Mooney: mooney@etcgroup.org (Mobile +1-613-240-0045)
> Silvia Ribeiro: silvia@etcgroup.org (Mobile (local): + 81 90 5036 4659)
> Neth Dano: neth@etcgroup.org (Mobile: + 63-917-532-9369)?
> In Montreal, Canada:
> Diana Bronson: diana@etcgroup.org (Mobile: +1-514-629-9236)
> Jim Thomas: jim@etcgroup.org (Mobile: +1-514-516-5759)?
> Note to Editors:
> The full texts of the relevant decisions on geoengineering are copied below:
> Under Climate Change and Biodiversity (UNEP/CBD/COP/10/L.36)
> 8. Invites Parties and other Governments, according to national
> circumstance and priorities, as well as relevant organizations and
> processes, to consider the guidance below on ways to conserve, sustainably
> use and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services while contributing to
> climate-change mitigation and adaptation:
> ....
> (w) Ensure, in line and consistent with decision IX/16 C, on ocean
> fertilization and biodiversity and climate change, in the absence of science
> based, global, transparent and effective control and regulatory mechanisms
> for geo-engineering, and in accordance with the precautionary approach and
> Article 14 of the Convention, that no climate-related geo-engineering
> activities[1] that may affect biodiversity take place, until there is an
> adequate scientific basis on which to justify such activities and
> appropriate consideration of the associated risks for the environment and
> biodiversity and associated social, economic and cultural impacts, with the
> exception of small scale scientific research studies that would be conducted
> in a controlled setting in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention, and
> only if they are justified by the need to gather specific scientific data
> and are subject to a thorough prior assessment of the potential impacts on
> the environment;
> [1] Without prejudice to future deliberations on the definition of
> geo-engineering activities, understanding that any technologies that
> deliberately reduce solar insolation or increase carbon sequestration from
> the atmosphere on a large scale that may affect biodiversity (excluding
> carbon capture and storage from fossil fuels when it captures carbon dioxide
> before it is released into the atmosphere) should be considered as forms of
> geo-engineering which are relevant to the Convention on Biological Diversity
> until a more precise definition can be developed. Noting that solar
> insolation is defined as a measure of solar radiation energy received on a
> given surface area in a given hour and that carbon sequestration is defined
> as the process of increasing the carbon content of a reservoir/pool other
> than the atmosphere.
> 9. Requests the Executive Secretary to:
> ..
> (o) Compile and synthesize available scientific information, and views and
> experiences of indigenous and local communities and other stakeholders, on
> the possible impacts of geo-engineering techniques on biodiversity and
> associated social, economic and cultural considerations, and options on
> definitions and understandings of climate-related geo-engineering relevant
> to the Convention on Biological Diversity and make it available for
> consideration at a meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical
> and Technological Advice prior to the eleventh meeting of the Conference of
> the Parties;
> (p) Taking into account the possible need for science based global,
> transparent and effective control and regulatory mechanisms, subject to the
> availability of financial resources, undertake a study on gaps in such
> existing mechanisms for climate-related geo-engineering relevant to the
> Convention on Biological Diversity, bearing in mind that such mechanisms may
> not be best placed under the Convention on Biological Diversity, for
> consideration by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and
> Technological Advice prior to a future meeting of the Conference of the
> Parties and to communicate the results to relevant organizations;
> Under New and Emerging Issues UNEP/CBD/COP/10/L.2 :
> 4. Invites Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations to
> submit information on synthetic biology and geo-engineering, for the
> consideration by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and
> Technological Advice, in accordance with the procedures of decision IX/29,
> while applying the precautionary approach to the field release of synthetic
> life, cell or genome into the environment;
> Under Marine and Coastal Biodiversity UNEP/CBD/COP/10/L.42
> 13 Reaffirming that the programme of work still corresponds to the global
> priorities, has been further strengthened through decisions VIII/21,
> VIII/22, VIII/24, and IX/20, but is not fully implemented, and therefore
> encourages Parties to continue to implement these programme elements, and
> endorses the following guidance, where applicable and in accordance with
> national capacity and circumstances, for enhanced implementation:
> (e) Ensuring that no ocean fertilization takes place unless in accordance
> with decision IX/16 C and taking note of the report
> (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/14/INF/7) and development noted para 57 - 62;
> Impacts of ocean fertilization on marine and coastal biodiversity
> 57. Welcomes the report on compilation and synthesis of available
> scientific information on potential impacts of direct human-induced ocean
> fertilization on marine biodiversity (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/14/INF/7), which was
> prepared in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme-World
> Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the International Maritime
> Organization in pursuance of paragraph 3 of decision IX/20;
> 58. Recalling the important decision IX/16 C on ocean fertilization,
> reaffirming the precautionary approach, recognizes that given the scientific
> uncertainty that exists, significant concern surrounds the potential
> intended and unintended impacts of large-scale ocean fertilization on marine
> ecosystem structure and function, including the sensitivity of species and
> habitats and the physiological changes induced by micro-nutrient and
> macro-nutrient additions to surface waters as well as the possibility of
> persistent alteration of an ecosystem, and requests Parties to implement
> decision IX/16 C;
> 59. Notes that the governing bodies under the London Convention and
> Protocol adopted in 2008 resolution LC-LP.1 (2008) on the regulation of
> ocean fertilization, in which Contracting Parties declared, inter alia, that
> given the present state of knowledge, ocean fertilization activities other
> than legitimate scientific research should not be allowed;
> 60. Recognizes the work under way within the context of the London
> Convention and London Protocol to contribute to the development of a
> regulatory mechanism referred to in decision IX/16 C, and invites Parties
> and other Governments to act in accordance with the Resolution LC-LP.2(2010)
> of the London Convention and Protocol ;
> 61. Notes that in order to provide reliable predictions on the potential
> adverse impacts on marine biodiversity of activities involving ocean
> fertilization, further work to enhance our knowledge and modelling of ocean
> biogeochemical processes is required, in accordance with decision IX/16 (c)
> and taking into account decision IX/20 and LC-LP.2 (2010);
> 62. Notes also that there is a pressing need for research to advance our
> understanding of marine ecosystem dynamics and the role of the ocean in the
> global carbon cycle;
> Geopiracy: The Case Against Geoengineering is a new publication by ETC Group
> that provides an overview of the issues involved.
> -----
> For more information about our work, please visit our website at
> http://www.etcgroup.org/
> Interested in supporting our work? Donate Here!
> http://www.etcgroup.org/en/node/5195
> ETC Group is a registered Charity in Canada. ETC Headquarters are at:
> 431 Gilmour Street, Second Floor
> Ottawa, ON K2P-0R5
> Canada
> To remove yourself from this list:
> http://www.etcgroup.org/index.php?q=civicrm/mailing/optout&reset=1&jid=76&qid=29970&h=c0672fe5418c6f3f
torsdag den 28. oktober 2010
Eric cantona (football player): The best interview ever [HQ]
Her er flere links.
Jo, jeg har set og læst de mange links.
Jeg har også fundet nogle jeg vil gerne dele.
Her om Geo engineering og UN fremtids planer. Det gør mig rigtig ked af det. Intet i vores verden bliver fri for deres syge overgreb.
So fandt jeg for nylig Joan Veon. Hun har arbejdet og deltaget i mange UN møder. Hun er en whisleblower. Hun forklarer UN er i virkelighed NWO, hvordan det fungerer, med mere. Meget lærerigt. Hun døde af kræft sidste måned.
Jeg anbefaler stærk denne serie video.
Is the One-World Government Coming?? - Joan Veon
Joan Veon When Central Banks Rule the World Part 1
Til sidst den gode Griffin. I skal ikke lade jer være forstyrret af at han taler foran et lidt ældre publikum. Det er yderst vigtig informationer han kommer med her, hvis man skal forstår hvorfor tingene er som det er.
1 of 5 - G. Edward Griffin speaks The Quigley Formula
1 of 4 Collectivism - An Interview with G. Edward Griffin
onsdag den 27. oktober 2010
Vigtig udsendelse fra Alex Jones
Se min artikel på www.9112001.dk og hent lydfilen der også.
TEST - Kan alle ikke lige skrive en kommentar til denne post
s1076.missecat@blogger.com for at tjekke om alle kan smide indlæg ind.
Indtil videre har kun Henrik og undertegnede smidt links ind :)
Kan det passe at ingen andre er stødt på gode artikler ??
Fat mod - vi skal nok vinde.
En ting som var sjovt igår - hørte Jytte Abildstrøm, hun må være ligesom Jesper Klein i sin overbevisning, da hun var meget aktiv imod EU, Monsanto, Krigene og meget andet. Det eneste hun ikke nævnte var 11. september 2001.
Nå, men jeg håber meget at I lige vil kommentere at I får denne mail at der er smidt et indlæg ind og alle lave et testindlæg, da Frank ikke har kunne smide indlæg ind via mail.
Eller kan man jo bare logge ind med de koder som I alle har fået tilsendt og skrive links med indlæg etc.
SES derude !!
tirsdag den 26. oktober 2010
Denne mængde broccoli forebygger kræft
mandag den 25. oktober 2010
“Rusland Og USA Er Fordømte Til At Forblive Potentielle Fjender”: “Men Når De Siger Fred Og Ingen Fare, Da Er Undergangen Pludselig Over Dem”? » Euro-med
Resumé: Efter Georgien-krigen i 2008 stod det klart, at Rusland havde trukket en linie i sandet, som USA med sine forsøg på at gøre Georgien og Ukraine til NATO-medlemmer ikke kunne overskride uden en storkrig. USAs Council on Foreign Relations er ikke tilfreds med USAs indsats i Centralasien, hvor der kræves mere individualiseret indsats over for landene, der stadig føler sig som usikre brikker i Zbigniew Brzezinskis "Store Skakbræt" - og faktisk samarbejdede USA og Rusland om Kirgisistan-krisen. Rusland har fået en kapitalistisk udgave af KGB - en stinkende rig flok af herskere i staten: Den Føderale Sikkerhedstjeneste (FSB), ledet af Putins gamle KGB-kammerater, der iflg. modige russiske journalister, som trods mord på mange af deres kritiske kolleger fortæller, at FSB-agenterne i modsætning til KGB ikke er underkastet politisk kontrol og derfor gør, hvad de vil. Den tidligere polske premierminister, Kaczynsky, advarer EU mod Ruslands "neo-imperialistiske" udenrigspolitik. Dr. Alexei Fenenko, en ledende forsker, gør opmærksom på, at Rusland er det eneste land, der er i stand til teknisk at udslette USA - samt at samarbejdet belastes af, at USA nu vil afvæbne alle lande, der er fjendtlige over for USA, hvilket ikke passer Rusland, der ser det som farligt. Fenenko siger, at "Rusland og USA er fordømt til at være potentielle fjender". Yderligere belastes forholdet af, at amerikanske interceptorraketter i maj blev opstillet i Polen et par kilometer fra den russiske grænse. NATOs generalsekretær, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, vil gerne pacificere russerne og have dem med i FN-armeen, NATO, så de store magter kan samarbejde om at knægte de genstridige, som ikke vil kapitulere for den korporative Nye Verdensorden. Derfor er Medwedew inviteret til næste NATO-topmøde. Georgiens Sakashvili siger, at Rusland nu forlanger indflydelsen i sin baghave tilbage. Det store spørgsmål er, hvor denne baghave slutter. En del tyder på, at den nu også omfatter Iran og Syrien - hvilket kan medføre storkonflikt i Mellemøsten, hvor USA og Israel har andre planer. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, ser US-Ruslandsforholdet lige som Fenenko: "Det planlagte angreb på Iran er en del af en koordineret global militær køreplan. Indsættelsen af koalitionens tropper og avancerede våbensystemer fra USA, NATO og dets partnere er sket samtidig i alle større regioner i verden. Primært rettet mod Rusland og Kina udfører USA, NATO og allierede militærøvelser, krigsøvelser, våbenopstillinger, osv. samtidig i større geopolitiske brændpunkter. Lanceringen af en amerikansk sponsoreret militæroperation vil normalt finde sted, når våbnene er på plads, effektivt indsat og personalet uddannet. Hvad vi har at gøre med, er et nøje koordineret globalt militært design kontrolleret af Pentagon, og som involverer de kombinerede væbnede styrker i mere end fyrre lande. I alt er der 255.065 amerikansk militærpersonel udstationeret over hele kloden. Rusland og Kina omringes med mobile "missilforsvars"-systemer, hvis opgave er at fjerne deres gengældelsesaktionsevne efter et amerikansk første-angreb mod deres atomvåben." Daniel Estulin har oplysninger om, at USA er ved at opbygge 13 militærbaser mhp. slutspillet med Rusland - efter Obama-mentoren Brzezinskis anvisning. Illuministguruen, Albert Pike, US vicepræsident, Joe Biden og tidl. US-udenrigsminister, Collin Powell har forudsagt dette slutspil.
Tilsyneladende er den kolde krig endelig overstået efter nogle op-og nedture i det amerikansk-russiske forhold. Amerikanerne ses som verdens eneste supermagt - og Rusland som føjelig over for USA's globale militære og økonomiske politik, så længe USA ikke trænger alt for aggressivt ind i Ruslands baghave. Men der er en joker i dette spil: Hverken præs. Obama eller de russiske ledere træffer vidtrækkende beslutninger på egen hånd. Obama er marionet for koncernerne, de finansielle kræfter organiseret i bl.a. Council on Foreign Relations og her, den Trilaterale Kommission og her samt Bilderbergerklubben, mens jeg har en stærk mistanke om, at Medvedev og Putin er marionetter for en anden illuminist-fløj. Dette åbner farlige muligheder for den sædvanlige hegelske dialektiske taktik.
Er Rusland nu et harmløst demokrati?
The Guardian 25. sept. 2010: De russiske journalister, Soldatov og Borogan, dokumenterer deres beretning korrekt og omhyggeligt. De skriver: "Da Putin var valgt til præsident, fik hans gamle kammerater fra KGB (især dem fra habs hjembase) nøglerne til Kreml og stort set alle andre vigtige bygninger i Moskva. Soldatov og Borogan giver uhyggelige detaljer om, hvordan de styk for styk borthuggede de for nylig vundne medie- og andre friheder.I Sovjetunionen var KGB klart underlagt det kommunistiske parti, dvs. der fandtes noget tilsyn med KGB og dets aktiviteter. Nu påvirker den Føderale Sikkerhedstjenestes (FSB) ledelse politikken i den grad, at ingen fører tilsyn med dens virksomhed. Det er faktisk gratis at handle som den finder passende, og det gør den. FSB styrer alle de centrale politiske kontorer i staten undtagen Medvedev. De ledende medlemmer af statens sikkerhedsstyrke plyndrer dens ressourcer med de bedste oligarkers beslutsomhed. Kremls drenge er stinkende rige."
EUObserver 30. sept. 2010: Den tidligere polske premierminister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, har advaret mod Ruslands "neo-imperialistiske" udenrigspolitik over for alle 738 MEPere i Bruxelles og snesevis af ambassadører, og han beskyldte Rusland for "systematisk" at forsøge at "gen-erhverve sin interessesfære ".
Foreign Affairs 7. sept. 2010: (US Council on Foreign Relations´magazin): Den russiske udenrigspolitik er begyndt at svinge tilbage mod samarbejde med Vesten. Denne nye kurs´offentlige ansigt er Dmitry Medvedev. I de seneste måneder underskrev Rusland og USA den såkaldte New START atomvåben-reduktionstraktat, samarbejdede om sanktioner mod Iran (altid et følsomt emne i Moskva), og enedes om at åbne nye forsyningsruter til den amerikansk-ledede krig i Afghanistan. I juni rejste Medvedev til Silicon Valley for at tromme investeringer sammen til et high-tech center, som Kreml er ved at bygge uden for Moskva.
Rusland er det eneste land, der er teknisk i stand til at udslette USA. Rusland og USA er dømt til at forblive potentielle fjender: Dr. Dr. Alexei Fenenko, en ledende forsker ved den russiske Academy of Sciences' Institut for International Sikkerhed. Global Res. 12 oktober 2010: “Vi har et sæt fortilfælde, der er intet mindre end en ordning med tvungen afvæbning af lande, der er fjendtlige over for USA. Dette passer ikke Rusland som en atommagt med uafhængige militære kapaciteter - og kunne endda være farligt for det. Det er derfor, vi afviser enhver radikal ændring i NPT. Hvad vi har brug for nu, er en grundlæggende enighed om at begrænse antallet af defensive missiler og deres indsættelsesområder. Amerikanerne gjorde det klart på topmødet i Washington, at de ikke ville gå med til det i det næste par år, hvilket er grunden til, at nulstillingspolitikken er ved at løbe ind i problemer.”
Dette er NATO's svar
Independent 25 maj 2010: Et batteri af Patriot-missiler er ankommet til Polen sammen med snesevis af amerikanske soldater til at betjene et avanceret styret missilsystem på en base blot et par kilometer fra den russiske grænse. Selvom Rusland havde givet udtryk for sin stærke modstand mod at få en amerikansk militær installation tæt på sin grænse, var der ingen første reaktion fra Moskva til ankomsten af missilerne.
Foreign Affairs 20 Aug. 2010: Mens Kirgisistan sank ned i kaos, efter at præsident Kurmanbek Bakiyev blev styrtet i 2010, arbejdede Rusland og USA sammen og praktiserede hemmelige samtaler. For første gang i over et årti var det, Rusland kalder sit "nære udland" et sted for samarbejde, ikke konfrontation mellem Rusland og USA. Amerikanske politikere skal udvikle nye individualiserede tilgange til staterne i Sortehavsregionen og Centralasien.
Rusland afslog Kirgisistans anmodning om hjælp i de seneste optøjer mellem Kyrgisere og Usbeker.
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan olierørledningen blev betragtet af mange i Washington som en afgørende faktor i opbygningen af ægte suverænitet, uafhængighed og indtægter i regionen. USAs militær indgik bilaterale forsvarsaftaler med de fleste stater i regionen.
Ved udgangen af 1990'erne var denne uafhængigheds-sigtende strategi i høj grad lykkedes. Ruslands naboers uafhængighed var blevet fast etableret. Men på samme tid begyndte den russiske præsident, Vladimir Putin, at hævde Moskvas indflydelse i hele regionen på en måde, som fik alarmklokkerne til at ringe i Vesten. På samme måde gjorde "farve"-revolutioner Kreml vred. Som resultat kom kapløbet mellem Washington og Moskva hurtigt ud af kontrol.
Washington pressede på for hurtigere NATO-medlemskab for Georgien og Ukraine. Krigen i august 2008 mellem Rusland og Georgien, som Moskva opfattede som en amerikansk stedfortræderstat, var klimakset.
At spille spillet fordrejede også USA's prioriteter i Eurasien og udhulede amerikanske relationer med lande i regionen. I stedet for at skabe langvarige partnerskaber, søgte blot USA militære fordele. Den amerikanske regering gav alle regionens ledere en trumf i deres kontakt med Washington: Truslen om at "vende sig til Moskva". Eurasiens elite ser stadig deres lande som bønder på det “Store Skakbræt”, og at deres landes fremtid uundgåeligt vil blive besluttet inden for denne ramme.
Ånder nu alt fred og ingen fare?
Time 23 April 2010: Saakashvili siger, Rusland beder USA om at tilbagegive den sovjetiske indflydelsessfære. I praksis synes dette at kræve tre ting af De Forenede Stater og dets europæiske allierede. Tving ikke flere tidligere sovjetlande til at blive medlemmer af NATO; støt ikke åbent nogen modstandsbevægelser, der søger at fortrænge pro-russiske regeringer, og mere generelt, så sørg for at høre Moskva, før man går videre med store initiativer i Ruslands baghave. Obama har været langt mere imødekommende end Bush.
I en erklæring den 14. april opfordrede NATO's generalsekretær, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO-landene til at integrere Rusland i deres sikkerhedsstrategi i stedet for at se Rusland som en potentiel trussel. Nu har under Obama USA i stedet taget Rusland som partner for den globale sikkerhed, fx ved at reducere verdens to største nukleare arsenaler med en tredjedel.
Så hvad er virkeligheden i “Det Store Spil”?
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research 1 Aug. 2010: "Det planlagte angreb på Iran er en del af en koordineret global militær køreplan. Det er en del af Pentagons "lange krig", et profitorienteret projekt om verdensherredømmet. En global militær dagsorden er blevet formuleret. Indsættelsen af koalitionens tropper og avancerede våbensystemer fra USA, NATO og dets partnere er sket samtidig i alle større regioner i verden. Primært rettet mod Rusland og Kina udfører USA, NATO og allierede militærøvelser, krigsøvelser, våbenopstillinger, osv. samtidig i større geopolitiske brændpunkter. Lanceringen af en amerikansk sponsoreret militær operation vil normalt finde sted, når våbnene er på plads, effektivt indsat og personalet uddannet.
Hvad vi har at gøre med, er et nøje koordineret globalt militært design kontrolleret af Pentagon, og som involverer de kombinerede væbnede styrker i mere end fyrre lande. Denne globale multinationale militære indsats er langt den største udstilling af avancerede våbensystemer i verdenshistorien. I alt er der 255.065 amerikansk militært personel udstationeret over hele kloden."
Global Research 5. febr. 2010: Strategien er klar. Omring Rusland og Kina med mobile "missil forsvars"-systemer, hvis opgave er at fjerne deres gengældelsesaktionsevne efter et amerikansk første-angreb mod deres atomvåben.Russia Today interviewing Daniel Estulin, der fastholder, at USA er ved at bygge 13 baser for slutspilskrig mod Rusland
Så sammenfattende kan man sige, at Obama-administrationen i sig selv har en imødekommende politik over for Rusland, som har baghave interesser men ikke har fået sine tidligere sovjet-vasallers hengivenhed. Spørgsmålet er nu, hvor Ruslands baggård ender. Går den ikke ud over de tidligere sovjetrepublikker, der har mistet amerikanernes interesser - bortset fra militære baser? I dette tilfælde har verden meget lidt at frygte - bortset fra Zbigniew Brzeinski, Obamas mentor, og hans "Store Skakbræt"-strategi om at omringe og nedkæmpe Rusland! Eller rækker Ruslands baghave nu ud over Iran og Syrien? I dette tilfælde er der overhængende fare for en virkelig stor krig - i betragtning af, at Council on Foreign Relations, den Trilaterale Kommission og Bilderbergerne ønsker, at Vesten skal angribe Iran - og en krig mellem Israel og Syrien truer også.
Det fremtidige forhold mellem USA og Rusland vil afhænge af den næste russiske præsident. Meget tyder på, at hans navn vil være den stærkt nationalistiske KGB-officer, Vladimir Putin: Premierminister Vladimir V. Putin’s regeringsparti sejrede let i regionale valg i Sibirien og andre steder i Rusland. Valgene blev set som en test for Putins politiske bevægelses styrke forud for parlaments-og præsidentvalget i løbet af de næste 18 måneder. Putin har ikke sagt, om han vil stille op til præsidentvalget igen men har tilkendegivet, at han alvorligt overvejer det. Hvis han ikke er kandidat, forventes hans protegé, præsident Dmitri A. Medvedev, at søge en 2. præsidentperiode. The National Post 16 Oct. 2010: Ruslands præsident, Dmitry Medvedev, udnævnte vicepremierminister Sergei Sobyanina, en nær støtte for premierminister Vladimir Putin til at styre Moskva. Dette vil yderligere styrke Putins greb om magten forud for 2012–præsidentvalget.
Konklusionen er, med Dr. Alexei Fenenkos ord, at Rusland og USA er dømt til at forblive potentielle fjender. Mange forsøg kan gøres på at gøre dem til partnere i den Nye Verdensorden - men før eller senere vil deres interesser, støde sammen, for begge ønsker at dominere den Nye Verdensorden, som har to ansigter: Tesen Kapitalisme og antitesen kommunisme - mens de afventer den endelige syntese: Verdensstat og verdensregering. I denne sammenhæng er det ligegyldigt, om navnet på modstanderne af den mere og mere kommunistiske vestlige verden er Putin / Medwedew eller har andre navne som Lenin / Gorbatjov.
Forhåbentlig vil Albert Pike scenariet ikke blive til virkelighed - selv om den amerikanske Vicepresident, Joe Biden, og hans Illuminat-kollega, Collin Powell, antydede dette - og selvom US eliten er ved at bygge gigantiske bunkers til en sådan begivenhed i 2012.