Her er hvad jeg har arbejdet med de sidste par dage, samt mange andre dage kørende i mit hoved.
Jeg håber på at der bliver godt modtaget.
Hvad synes I? Jeg prøver at få noget i gang her i DK.
I må gerne oversætte brevet, endda bidrage evt. med nogle ideer eller andet.
Hvem kunne jeg tilbyde at komme?
Jeg har allerede 2 fra udlandet som med stor sandsynlighed kommer.
Hvis der er en god feed back skal jeg "push the enveloppe a bit further", og bede en lidt kendt truther at komme forbi. Ja, jeg tør. Man ved aldrig.
Der kan altid dannes endnu mirakler i vores verden, ikke sand?
Jeg sætter noget i gang, der er altid spændende at se hvad resultatet bliver, og hvor der fører hen.
Jeg vil gerne have at I svare snarest, selv om I ved at I ikke kan deltage eller andet.
I alt fald jeres feed back er seriøst eftersøgt, da trods alt, der findes ikke så mange dansker truther som jeg kender her i landet udover jer.
Jeg har desværre ikke den erfaring at vi er gode til at give feed back, derfor jeg mener alvorligt, vær venlig at svare på en eller anden måde. Tak.
Desuden, hvis I inviterer nogle, vær sød og venlig at skrive det til mig, mhp at lave en navn liste, og at danne mig et overblik.
Nå, men så her er det.
Jeg spøger jer først, fordi jeg har ikke vanvittig meget plads alligevel. Jeg har også til hensigt at gå videre med det på Facebook. Dog vil jeg vente lidt inden jeg gøre det.
Hvor mange ser Kamelslugeren? Jeg har ikke den mindste fornemmelse.
Hello Everybody,
This summer I would like you to come over here at my place to stay for few days.
The goal: to meet each other, talk with likeminded, share knowledge and have a relaxing pleasant time together, us "Truthers" for not finding a better word.
The aim with this event for me is not only to meet people from far and wide, but in fact to create a time window for us all to practice our capacities, our talents, to find perhaps some inspiration, even solutions in order to better face the challenges we have in our 3D world.
If not in the world outside, at least in our heart and mind!
Yes, a bit ambitious, but what the hell!
And you know what, it can only be fun!
We are awake and aware of the many perils we are faced with today on this planet. I read and hear about all the bad things. What about the good things? What do we want instead? What can be done?
Furthermore I would like very much that we find out about community work.
I need you in order to create the world, the transformation I want to see in this world.
Together is absolutely more cool.
The program is depending on how many we will be.
I am thinking the program could look like to some degree the following:
- Viewing films and videos.
- Sharing experiences - knowledge - research
- Producing one of the above
- Inspiration - strategies
- Interviews
- Work - a think tank atmosphere in order to create/visualize the vision we want to manifest in our world. (Workshops, discussions, whatever)
- inviting a "famous" lecturer?
- Else? What would you like?
- Wrapping up the event with a party and a good meal
- Music event in the evening
- Lectures
- A theme?
I am for having activities each day. A red thread during the whole event.
This has to be yet better organized.
My place is right in the middle of Jutland, Denmark. It is very beautiful, peaceful, in the middle of the green Danish countryside, surrounded by fields and trees. Far from the main road and city. Next door neighbor is around 200 m away. Århus the second large city in Denmark is 25 km away, the nearest town to buy things, 10 km away.
My home is not big. Unfortunately. I do not have the option to share rooms. I have a living room though.
On the other hand I have a lot a lot of space around the house. A very large garden, where several tents can easily be set up!!!
If it rains well something must be done about it in order to keep dry feet!
Just to let you know, the Danish weather can be very tricky.
Chemtrails are abundant here too.
About the practical side of the story:
It means that you will have to bring what you need for camping. As far as I can see today it is the only offer I can give you. Perhaps I can do more. Not all is settled for that matter, about lodging. Meaning another offer as a "room in a house" could eventually turn up. Let's see.
I am not in the capacity to give you such a choice for the moment, perhaps never.
I would like to be able to do that, give you a choice, sincerely. Keep this in mind, please.
Sure, we have to eat and all the rest of it. I will ask you therefore to participate financially with the food, and the extra costs that might occur. We will try to make it as cheap as possible. Money must not become the issue.
It will ask you to pay perhaps in advance though, in order to cover the expenses in general, specially if we are a little crowd.
Perhaps you want to bring your own food? That's possible too.
I have to figure that out. How much it will cost us. For the moment I am the sole organisator!
It is going to be easier to get an idea when I know more or less how many are coming.
I am asking you also to help with practical activities: cooking, cleaning, arranging, fetching and so on.
My goal is not to make money, but to gather fine awaken people. Though I do not want to end having a huge bill!
Instead I rather request your honesty, willingness, friendship, creativity, courage, patience, respect, forgiveness, good spirit and caring.
It is an audacious start. I hope it will echo in you.
Price for all of it? Depends again of how many will turn up. I guess something around 250 kr for a full day.
Food is not cheap in Denmark, especially organic.
You are welcome to make some proposals, about the whole thing. Absolutely!
Creativity is a must.
I have internet - Wi-Fi.
So you can come with your laptop, cameras and so forth.
According to the feed backs I will get, if ever, I will find out what we can do.
Would be very fine indeed if someone could join me in this daring adventure, help me with the organization.
What name should we give to this event?
After a lot of thinking the 11-12-13 and 15th of August are the dates I have chosen, simply because I have my summer holidays during this period.
Beginning Thursday the 11th in the afternoon from let's say 1 o'clock, and leaving Sunday afternoon around 2 o'clock p.m.
Please tell me what you think.
It is possible to come only for a day or two, or just an afternoon, or an evening during the event.
Donations are very very welcome!
For the sake of organization, Please send me your confirmation with your name, phone number and address.
Thank you.
In La Kesh!
Carol Coenca
I am on Skype:
My address is:
Herschendsgavevej 15
Gammel Gjesing
8660 Skanderborg
Cell phone: 00 45 29 88 56 39