Emne: Radioactive Jet Streams
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Radioactive Jet Streams |
I climbed this mountain in North Carolina with Dutch right after publishing "Beyond the Door" on Monday. Even after all the devastating information I have been publishing about the nuclear disaster, I was shaken. It is not easy to understand the implications and follow the math of what is happening in the northern hemisphere but let's try. |
One can go absolutely crazy trying to track and understand units of radioactivity and by the end of this article I hope to have made it comprehensible. Fortunately for me physics was my favorite subject and I did teach a semester of it in a technical college many years ago in Maine. So confusing though are the many different units that even for me the challenge is daunting. (Actually I will get around to a physics lecture in another essay.) |
Bottom Line: 10,000 terabecquerels (10,000,000,000,000,000 becquerels) of radioactive substances will be released into the atmosphere from the plant during the coming three months, according to simple calculations based on the estimated emission rate as of April 5. It is now safe to assume that there will be a lot of radiation circling at high altitudes and all that stuff is going to come down everywhere eventually, especially when it rains or snows. Where is all this radiation coming from? |
Amounts of radiation as far as 60km from the |
"I've been studying overhead photographs of Fukushima. It is very disturbing," said Robert Alvarez, formerly a senior policy adviser at the Energy Department under Clinton. "The steel wall of the pool seems to show damage. All the surrounding equipment, including the two cranes, has been destroyed. There is smoke coming from reactor No. 3, and steam coming from the spent-fuel pool next to it. That indicates that the water in the pool is boiling. |
"And that means the spent-fuel rods are getting hot and could start burning. If the rods start to burn, huge amounts of radioactive material would be released into the atmosphere and would disperse across the northern hemisphere. Unlike the reactors, spent-fuel pools are not—I repeat not—housed in any sort of hardened or sealed containment structures. Rather, the fuel rods are packed tightly together in pools of water that are often several stories above ground..." continued Alvarez. |
Dr. Chris Busby said that three spent-fuel pools have burned, which he calculates puts the radiation levels at 24,000 Hiroshimas x 3 spent-fuel pools, or 72,000 times the radiation of Hiroshima now in the atmosphere. This amount represents only that from the spent-fuel pools. Radiation will continue to escape from the reactors until entombed. Perhaps it would have been better if we had fought a limited nuclear war instead! |
What's the official story? Radioactive levels were about 250 times higher than a month before. TEPCO said the levels of caesium-134 and -137 increased about 250-fold and iodine-131 increased about 12 times compared with one month ago, after the accident had already happened. The water level in the No. 4 reactor's turbine building rose by 20 centimeters in 10 days. TEPCO has detected 8,100 becquerels of caesium-137 and 7,800 becquerels of caesium-134 per cubic centimeter in the water in the turbine building's basement. The utility company said on Tuesday the 26th of April that the water level in the tunnel of the No. 3 reactor rose by 10 centimeters over three days. |
Of course all this radiation at the plant is hampering work to bring the accident under control. If trends continue it might easily become impossible to approach the plant meaning the chances of ever getting the disaster under control are decreasing with each passing week. |
Most of us are in shock—the consequences are so dramatic and will be with us for so long it is beyond most people's psychological capacity to deal with the full reality, and governments are happy to assist in ensuring that we stay in our comfort—not panic—zone. |
We are in the middle of a planet-changing historic event that has extinction of life written all over it, and the best evidence we have of this is actually seen in the complete censorship of hard facts about this nuclear disaster by the media and our government. |
Everyone should watch this video at least twice. Dr. Chris Busby is the number one most trusted scientist in the world on this and the implications are stupendous. This is so bad that they cannot talk about it in the media at all and that's exactly what they are doing, not talking at all. |
When Busby says this is a serious matter he is meaning serious in terms of life and death. I have friends in Hawaii and many on the west coast in California and they all have front-row seats to the open nuclear furnaces in Japan. I wish I was allowed to start cursing in public meaning my language would turn fowl right at this very particular point. |
Plutonium goes up into the air in huge explosion and we hear nothing of it? Where is the plutonium story???? Where did it go or is it going into the lungs of millions in the northern hemisphere as we speak? They might as well have pulled up front-row seats as when people actually watched the atomic bomb blasts! |
The Plutonium Angel of Death |
Plutonium represents certain death; it is death, concentrated in nuclear form. Riders of death come swooping down from the upper air currents on plutonium steeds and just one tiny particle of it has a deadly effect if it touches down anywhere inside of human or beast. But don't worry about this and do what your governments want you to do. They want you to proceed with your life as if everything is normal. And while you do, they want you to spend and borrow and do anything you can to keep the deteriorating economy and financial system from collapsing altogether. The last thing they want you to know is that an alien race of nuclear super particles called plutonium are gathering and scattering around the world like Hun Hordes. We have this going on already with mercury and other heavy metals and chemicals; now the toxic soup on our planet is going nuclear in a big way and it will continue that way into an increasingly toxic and frightening future. We have just had another disaster on a day 11 and it has already changed the world in a very dirty and nuclear direction. |
I really hope I am coming in loud and clear. Geiger counters measure decays but they do not tell you what kinds of particles are decaying. It is confusing, it is invisible and not even our Geiger counters tell us the whole story of increasing dangers that surround us. Anyone who thinks life is going to be the same on our planet with multiple open nuclear sores ripping apart the soft skin of our ecology and physiology is mistaken. |
Nuclear harm happens in ultra slow motion. Yes it can happen in days, weeks and months to a few but the harm to the many happens in the years and decades that follow. We don't look down and see that we are now sterile until we cannot participate in a conception. Cancer does not start between one day and the next. But these days tornadoes do. |
Nature Threatens |
Deadly tornado outbreaks are attacking the underbelly of America killing and destroying many and much. Yesterday the storms dealt a severe blow to the Tennessee Valley Authority on Wednesday, causing three nuclear reactors in Alabama to shut down, knocking out 11 high-voltage power lines, the utility and regulators said. All three units at TVA's 3,274-megawatt Browns Ferry nuclear plant in Alabama tripped about 5:30 EDT (2230 GMT) after losing outside power to the plant, a spokesman for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Agency said. |
The earth is literally blowing its top (volcanic activity) and we are already threatened with intense cooling because of the materials being vented into the atmosphere from not one but many volcanoes coming to life. And yet geologists are hinting we have not even come close to the opening curtain where the intensifying earthquakes and eruptions come to a climax. |
The earth beneath these Japanese feet is not stable and neither is the entire world as we have just recently entered an era of dramatically increasing seismic and volcanic activity. Most of us are used to watching just about everything from our arm chairs in front of our television sets but today world events are beginning to come down just about everyone's block. If it's not flooding it is drought and fire and if it's not record-breaking temperatures in terms of heat its record-breaking cold. |
Will Japan ever stop shaking? A 6.0 quake brings aftershock total to 1,071 in 43 days since the atomic disaster began. None of these quakes are bringing any rest to those who fear the breaking of one more pipe at the nuclear plant. We actually have a lot more to worry about now than ever though the serious worrying should have started decades ago before they built nuclear plants in dangerous places all over the world. |
On April 7, just one month after the 3/11 earthquake in northeastern Japan, there was a large aftershock. At the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant the electricity was shut off. The pool containing nuclear fuel and the radioactive liquid waste were (barely) cooled down by the emergency generators, meaning that Japan was brought to the brink of destruction. But the Japanese media, as usual, paid this almost no notice. |
The Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant is where expended nuclear fuel from all of Japan's nuclear power plants is collected, and then reprocessed so as to separate out the plutonium, the uranium, and the remaining highly radioactive liquid waste. In short, it is the most dangerous factory in the world. |
At the Rokkasho plant, 240 cubic meters of radioactive liquid waste are now stored. A failure to take care of this properly could lead to a nuclear catastrophe surpassing the meltdown of a reactor. This liquid waste continuously generates heat, and must be constantly cooled. But if an earthquake were to damage the cooling pipes or cut off the electricity, the liquid would begin to boil. According to an analysis prepared by the German nuclear industry, an explosion of this facility could expose persons within a 100 kilometer radius from the plant to radiation 10 to 100 times the lethal level, which presumably means instant death. |
There are many accidents waiting to happen and many happening that we are not paying close attention to like the huge oil leak now happening in the Arctic Circle. |
Food Crisis is Intensifying |
Since from before the nuclear crisis we were already entering a terrible disaster in terms of food security and now this month the president of the World Bank has warned that the world is "one shock away from a full-blown crisis." Robert Zoellick cited rising food prices as the main threat to poor nations who risk "losing a generation." |
Prayers in Europe this Easter holiday weekend are not being heard in the heavens (or by anyone else around the world it seems) as they face serious fears over the wheat harvest, its impact on already sky-high global food prices and, of course, devastating brush fires all from the lack of rain. We are not hearing much from China but their wheat also is not coming up strongly because of drought. Texas is in real danger of burning to the ground and exploding with all the oil wells and natural gas they have all around with their worst drought in memory taking the state down. |
Commodities have been going absolutely ballistic for months. Price increases in other commodities like wheat, beans, and rice, which have, for the most part, been subdued on the consumer retail side because companies were willing to take the margin compression for a while, are now becoming a painful reality. Provident Living, a huge food storage and dry goods distribution organization for the Latter Day Saints has alerted their members that prices are up from between 11% to 49% on basic food staples. The most stunning aspect of the price increases is that they have occurred not in the last year, but over the last 90 days. |
Nature has suddenly turned forcibly against us and we find out we are vulnerable and nowhere more so than with the foods we depend on to live. I know most are hoping for a return to normalcy, even the Federal Reserve, which wants to stop the emergency buying of every government bond in sight. But if interest rates go up, America is finished. In fact many people feel and think it is sinking fast and one look at the landscape of municipal, city, state and federal finances tells a story of imminent collapse. |
Dr. Mark Allan Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) Watch our channel on: |
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Legal Notice:The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2010 by Mark Sircus |
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