Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 18:24:32 +0100
Subject: Russia TV Interview with Anthony Wile on Why Governemnt Solutions in Japan Will Not Work
 |  | Dear Free-Market Thinker, Russia TV Interview with Anthony Wile on Why Governemnt Solutions in Japan Will Not Work Thursday, March 17, 2011 We are pleased to inform you that Anthony Wile, chief editor of the Daily Bell, was featured on Russia's largest international television network last evening in an exclusive interview.
To watch this timely and provactive interview, click here now.
Here is a brief sysnopsis of the interview:
RT's Bill Dod: Where is the International Atomic Energy Agency, the exponents of the peaceful use of nuclear power?
Daily Bell's Anthony Wile: The IAEA is a promoter of nuclear power, whose job is not necessarily to come to the rescue of failed attempts of maintaining quality design and protecting the public from natural disasters, such as we are dealing with here, although they sell that message … you can clearly see that the IAEA has absolutely no ability to deal with this problem any more than the Japanese government.
To watch the full interview, click here now.
About Russia Today Russia Today (RT) broadcasts in English 24/7 in over 100 countries spread over five continents. RT's team of international correspondents – located in New York, Washington, London, Paris, Delhi and Tel Aviv – focus on covering international headlines while providing an innovative angle designed to challenge viewers worldwide. View Interview
We hope you enjoy the interview with Anthony and look forward to your feedback.
The Editors
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