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søndag den 31. juli 2011

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FW: Bigger than we imagined: CIA creates the Mossad – 1951

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Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 15:43:18 +0200
Subject: Fwd: Bigger than we imagined: CIA creates the Mossad – 1951
From: mr.atle@gmail.com

Hi Leslie, Jyri, and many others.

Yes you're right. It is definitely a big plot, a big soup of actors or participants behind the hidden rulers of this world. Always acting on both sides. And the more we get to know about this, the clearer we see and understand, (at least I do), that these people are not ordinary human beings, coincidentally becoming greedy and evil.

My answer is that these people are not ordinary human beings. They are not like us. They are as David Icke says reptiles, beings interbred with us. Their brains are different. Totally whiteout empathy and love.

But our task is to disclose them, and get them away. We are many, they are few. I'll again make my friend Brian's words to mine. "Even an anthill can beat a snake".

Let us hope that this event here in Norway will become a turning point of the tide. The more people wake up now, and see the scam, the better. To mind control a person is the easiest thing to do. It's elementary for the psychiatric spin doctors, and has been done for decades. With or without micro chips.   

People use to laugh when they see programs on TV, where persons are hypnotised to do stupid things, like standing on one foot like a cock, and shout out.   

Why should it be so different to create a mass murderer?

The reasons for the conspirators to do this, are obvious. You have been reading about some of it it already. Here is more.

The more we dig, the more we find. Leslie has been digging for years.

Please read ans share with others.

All the best.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: leslie o <oliveleslee@yahoo.com>
Date: 2011/7/31
Subject: Bigger than we imagined: CIA creates the Mossad – 1951
To: Atle Johan Løvaas <mr.atle@gmail.com>
Cc: Jyri Lina <jyrilina@yahoo.com>

Just remember...They're all in bed together....read further down.
And I can personally vouch for this so far... China, Thailand, Nepal, India, Cambodia, Canada, Philippines... everywhere that I have been in the past 6 years has sanctioned CHEMTRAILS and Directed Energy Weapons.
I am not a fool.
Any leader that condones these invisible bio-weapons being used on their OWN CITIZENRY is partnering up with the USA [Elite]

It is difficult to believe what liars these people are... but the fact that they are simply makin' fortunes at everyone else's expense is what needs to be focused on. Arafat was NOT who he pretended to be. Neither are the others. The unrest in the Middle East is a hoax. Please read all the way down so that you understand that this is MUCH bigger than only Israel and the Mossad. There are 2 sources of information.
It is vitally important to expose ALL of the criminals. When they are caught they will accuse each other and so we must know the real facts. 

Britain's overseas intelligence MI-6 is the Illuminati's chief intelligence agency. Bloodlines of the Illuminati  8. Onassis The New York Times of Sept. 22, states that the only one Israeli died in the WTC 9-11 tragedy. He was visiting the WTC on business. Considering 199 are listed dead from Columbia and 428 from the Philippines, and some Jews have reported that they were tipped off prior to the attack, it looks to me like this was a Mossad operation on behalf of the Illuminati perhaps using Moslems. The Mossad, by the way, takes orders daily from MI-6, who in turn are hand-in-glove with the Illuminati. Both M's have Moslem assets.  The bigger picture is why you will find Jesuit educated Shimon Peres (the Israeli leader) having stock (2.46%) in the PLO's public phone company Paltel along with the Bin Ladens (40%) and Arafat (40%). This is why the Bush family and the Bin Ladens are connected in business together, for instance, the Carlyle group. (Well, it's reported the Bin Ladens recently pulled out of the Carlyle Group.) It's no different than when Bush's grandfather aided Hitler financially, and Brown Bros. Harriman made big bucks. Fritz Springmeier  6 DEC '01 LETTER TO SPIRITUAL MANNA RECIPIENTS
MI6 was intimately involved in the creation of the CIA and MOSSAD. And MI6 is the guiding hand behind those two organizations. British Intelligence was integrated under the title British Security Coordination which was the world's largest and most powerful intelligence beast in the world. This beast has been under total control by the Illuminati since its beginning. Since 1940 when the BSC was set up in New York the Americans have worked for the British. But the intelligence community in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ has gone a step beyond the secret intrigue of intelligence agencies secretly controlling other intelligence agencies. They have actually signed formal agreements which completely make all these acronym monsters into one intelligence agency. There is The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP) and the ABCA Agreement which concerns intelligence information exchange in the areas of defense research and development. The ABCA Agreement concerns military intelligence. The BRUSA Agreement on May 17, 1943 established exchange of personnel and the most intimate cooperation at the highest levels by the various national intelligence agencies of all high-grade COMINT.B loodlines of the Illuminati Van Duyn
A Secret Treaty of 1947 linked all the major commonwealth and American intelligence groups. This is just one of countless agreements, most secret, for the exchange of information. At that point in time, levels of secrecy were ULTRA (very secret), Pearl (moderately secret), and Thumb (secret). Pearl and Thumb later became Pinup. On 17 February 1972 a National Security Council Intelligence Directive (NSCID)-6 directed the NSA to be the principal US SIGINT agency, with the FBI and CIA basically working for the NSA. Although some people are claiming that their is friction between the NSA and its front organizations the FBI & CIA, it is hard to picture that this friction is anything serious because many people in these front organizations work for the NSA. The CIA, MI6 and the Mossad all worked through the BCCI which was scandalized recently, although the elite kept the lid on the scandal. Together the UKUSA intelligence community (or what is better termed the NWO's intelligence world-wide intelligence agency, of which MI5, MI6, CIA, NSA, FBI, NZSIS, RCMP, SIS, ASIO, GCHQ, NRO, DIA & the SASB are simply departments, have together at least 300,000 people employed full time. If there was in the 1968 time period a Van Duyn serving as the liaison between these various intelligence "departments', he would be a very powerful man. (There is a way open to me to confirm this about a Van Duyn if I get the time.) Bloodlines of the Illuminati Van Duyn
British MI6 has been a major vehicle for the Satanic hierarchy working behind the secret veil of Freemasonry to control world events.3   British MI6 is the most secret intelligence organization in the world.4 (It is properly known as British Secret Service not to be confused with the U.S. agency by that name but performing a different function entirely.) Bloodlines of the Illuminati Merovingian
"A Force" was MI-6's group that carried out deception. They would have their double agents pass out CHICKEN FEED (which is what they call classified information that can be thrown out to the public) to establish their double-agents' credentials (BONA FIDES) as agents against the British. Today, there are numerous anti-NWO people who are actually double agents. They are distributing chicken feed to make people think they are legitimate. By the way, it is interesting to note for those who realize how important carousels are to programming that MI-6 (HO in Vauxhall Cross, Eng., with a training ctr. at Ft. Monckton, near Gosport, so. Eng.) is nicknamed (actually its cryptonym) "Carousel" by its daughter organization Mossad (officially aka Central Intelligence Collection Agency). An example of a double-agent who is popular among Christians is an Illuminati witch named Gretchen Passantino, who tours around to Christian conferences belittling the idea of mind-control. Dr. Loreda Fox reports in The Spiritual and Clinical Dimensions of MPD that 74% of women abused by SRA come from "Christian homes." The Christian churches are heavily infiltrated.Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
Tavistock, England--This has been the primary programming center for England. The Rothschild programmers work out of Tavistock. A large number of slaves in America have been programmed there. Tavistock has been doing mind-control since before W.W.II. Under the supervision of London's W Board & 20 Committee MI6 and MI5's Section BIA ran double agents and mind-controlled spies/couriers during W.W. II.  MI6 has had an office at Century House, No. 100, Westminster Bridge Road. MI5 offices have been in part on Curzon St. MI5 has operated behind a number of fronts, incl. their fake travel agency Casuro Holidays. MI-5's address for mail is Room 055, The War Office, London. Special Intelligence Service (SIS) dealt with all types of mind control. Tavistock was under SIS.  The British government has had their own telephone exchange with a 222 prefix, which was later linked to another secret exchange YTAN. Outsiders could dial 222 8080 to get into the secret govt. exchange.
    The Royal Free Hospital at the University of London works with Tavistock Clinic, as well as the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of Sussex University. A large number of Britian's psychologist, social workers and police get their training at Tavistock. Tavistock has set themselves up as the authority on ritual abuse and MPD (DID). In other words, the primary programming site, is pretending to be the leading institution trying to solve the problem! That's a good cover.  The Illuminati Formula Appendix I: The Programmers 
Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] creates the Mossad – 1951 
(Mossad are trained by the Nazis of Hitler's Intelligence Chief, Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen, to work in conjunction with KGB-trained Yassir Arafat bringing Arab enemies to the forefront through acts of violence encouraged by the Pope's CIA justifying their execution by the Mossad, it being an arm of the Black Pope's International Intelligence Community.) 
[link to www.vaticanassassins.org


Here are a number of great quotations dealing with the Jesuits/Knights of Malta and their involvement in the International Intelligence Community:

(1) "[Knight of Malta German] General Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union, had struck a deal with the Americans (called OPERATION SUNRISE). The principle negotiators were [Knight of Malta] Allen Dulles and [Knight of Malta] William Casey of the OSS [Office of Strategic Services--the predecessor to the CIA], Sir William Stephenson for the British, and German SS General Karl Wolff… their negotiations enabled Gehlen to bring his entire Nazi Intelligence apparatus 'unpurged and without interruption, into the service of the American superpower', according to the authors of The General Was a Spy." 

U.S. Army Colonel James Gritz

(2) "[Knight of Malta] Allen Dulles had been instrumental in arranging, with [Knight of Malta German General Reinhard] Gehlen, for this most unusual conversion of one of Hitler's most sinister generals into an officer in the U.S. Army, but the details of Gehlen's personal 'surrender' and subsequent flight to the U.S.--in General Eisenhower's own VIP aircraft--were arranged by U.S. Army officers. It is important to note the active role of these U.S. Army officials in this unprecedented move of Hitler's own intelligence chief, Gehlen, directly into the U.S. Army as an officer by a special act of Congress!" 

Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty

((Ed. Comments:

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) basically 'absorbed' Nazi Intelligence. Indeed, we find two Knights of Malta as co-founders of the CIA: American Knight of Malta William ("Wild Bill") Donovan, and German General and Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen. In fact, at least three of the heads (directors) of the CIA have been Knights of Malta: William Donovan, John McCone, and William Casey. Additionally, James Jesus Angleton, another Knight of Malta, was the long-time chief of Counterintelligence at the CIA, as well as the head of the CIA's 'Vatican Desk' and 'Israel Desk'.

Nazi Gestapo Chief [and Minister of 'Homeland Security'] Heinrich Himmler had an uncle who just happened to hold a top position in the Nazi SS. Then we find German General Reinhard Gehlen, a Knight of Malta, (and Hitler's chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union) being helped to escape to America through the efforts of an American Knight of Malta (and future Director, CIA) William Casey and American high-level Freemason Allen Dulles. As we examine the quotations included in this newsletter, we will notice that Knights of Malta and high-level Freemasons keep showing up not only in the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies, but also in foreign intelligence agencies!))

(3) "[The book] Unholy Trinity is the story of the Vatican's underground Nazi-smuggling networks [i.e., for smuggling Nazis and Fascists out of Europe], code-named 'OPERATION RATLINE'… It was U.S. intelligence which gave this [code-] name to the Holy See's escape networks… The first half of the book traces the flight of Nazi war criminals to America after World War II. The evidence confirms that a small cabal of Vatican officials coordinated the mass evacuation of Fascist fugitives to Argentina, Australia, Canada, and of course, the United States. Under the direction of Pope Pius XII, Vatican officials, such as Monsignor Giovanni Montini (later Pope Paul VI) supervised one of the greatest obstructions of justice in modern history." 

Mark Aarons and John Loftus (authors of the book Unholy Trinity)

(4) "Central Intelligence Agency Director William Casey, also a Knight of Malta…who declined to comment on his association with the order [i.e., the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) – i.e., the Knights of Malta]… 

In 1948, SMOM [the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which is headquartered in Rome with the (Black Pope)] gave its highest award of honor, the 'Gran Croci Al Merito Complacca', to [Knight of Malta, German General] Reinhard Gehlen, who ran Adolf Hitler's spy operation against the Soviet Union… ((Ed. Note: Gehlen helped set up the CIA!))

SMOM gave another award, the Croci Al Merito Seconda Classe, in 1946 to [Knight of Malta] James Jesus Angleton, who ran counter-espionage operations in Rome for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA. Angleton later went on to head what has been described as the CIA's 'Vatican Desk', but he declines to comment on this activity." 

Martin Lee, the National Catholic Report, an article entitled "Who Are the Knights of Malta?", October 14, 1983

((Ed. Comment: Why did Knights of Malta William Casey and James Jesus Angleton both decline to comment on their past activities? Oh, I know, it must be because of 'national security' – that famous 'cover' used primarily to keep a whole lot of truth from the American people, e.g., those responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and for the subsequent cover-up! Oh, James Angleton was the CIA liaison man to the 'Warren Whitewash' – oops, I mean the 'Warren Commission' that concluded that a single shooter killed JFK!))

(5) "[Stewart] Menzies, [Walter] Schellenburg, [Knight of Malta William 'Wild Bill'] Donovan, [high-level Freemason Allen] Dulles, [Knight of Malta German General Reinhard] Gehlen, [Knight of Malta William] Casey, [Knight of Malta James Jesus] Angleton, [Knight of Malta 'Kim'] Philby, and [Knight of Malta General Prince Anton] Turkul all had strong connections with the Vatican's Jesuits. The British SIS and Soviet KGB/GRU were united in [Knight of Malta 'Kim'] Philby. The CIA, Mossad, and KGB [Ed. Note: and the Vatican] were united in [Knight of Malta James Jesus] Angleton. ((Ed. Comment: Angleton was the head of the CIA's counterintelligence, head of the CIA's 'Vatican Desk', and head of the CIA's 'Israel Desk'. He was also a close friend until death with British SIS 'Kim' Philby – who late in his intelligence career 'defected' to the Soviet Union!)) This gallery of traitors…unified the International Intelligence Community merging at…the command post of Jesuit [Superior] General Janssens in Rome. 

With this interlock of men [described above] loyal to the [Superior] General of the Jesuits, the 'Cold War' would be waged but kept under CONTROL, that is, from becoming a full-scale war between East and West. The deceived patriots of both sides would be kept in check or eliminated if attempting to truly 'win' the Cold War or expose the truth about the intelligence men at the top [levels]. The murder of CIA Director, William Colby, after forcing [Knight of Malta James Jesus] Angleton to retire [from the CIA], is a classic example of their policy." 

Eric Jon Phelps, author of the book Vatican Assassins

((Ed. Comment: May we never forget that two of the primary reasons for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy were his firing of both CIA Director Allen Dulles and top CIA man General Charles Cabell, and his statement about "splintering the CIA into a thousand pieces". Both John and Robert Kennedy were going after the 'Mob' (i.e., organized crime), and JFK was on a vendetta to gut the 'Black Operations' at the CIA – if not shut down the entire agency eventually! Believe that the CIA and the 'Mob' work together on such things as assassinations (e.g., the assassination of JFK).

(6) "Knight of Malta [General Prince Anton] Turkul…as [Jesuit-trained Joe] Stalin's foremost intelligence officer, using Jesuits like Pere Michel as couriers escorted by the [Soviet] GRU, he broke up the anti-Bolshevik groups after World War I, wrecked [anti-Communist, Russian] General Vlasov's anti-Stalinist army [made up of patriotic Russian soldiers and their families] [at the end of World War II], crushed the Nazis [i.e., the German Army] on the Eastern Front, used the 'Vatican Ratlines' for Soviet intelligence during the Cold War, and, with the help of [high-level Freemason] Allen Dulles' CIA, incited and then murdered thousands…during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956…"

Eric Jon Phelps

((Ed. Comment: Hmmm...Knights of Malta, controlled by the Jesuit Superior General aka Black Pope, laced throughout many of the world's most important intelligence agencies (e.g., CIA, British SIS, the Nazi SS intelligence, the Soviet KGB – plus helping to train the Israeli Mossad. And, as already mentioned, three Knights of Malta (Donovan, McCone, and Casey) were Directors of the CIA; one Knight of Malta (Cartha DeLoach) was Assistant Director of the FBI; plus one Knight of Malta (James Angleton) was the long-time Chief of CIA Counterintelligence! Just who is running the top intelligence agencies in the world?

(7) "The [German General Reinhard] Gehlen Org, the German Intelligence Agency run by [Knight of Malta] Reinhard Gehlen, was even more powerful than the Merk net. The Org superseded even the Nazi SS… In fact, Gehlen's organization is largely credited for giving rise to the CIA…to shield Gehlen and the entire German Intelligence network from harm's way. Gehlen was a ranking official in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), which maintained inconceivable financial support and political influence… Somehow I wasn't surprised to learn that financial motives…were at the heart of the SMOM and the Nazi-American alliance… Soon after the war, OSS [i.e., Office of Strategic Services – the forerunner to the CIA] found the extensive documentation of a meeting...between representatives of the [Nazi] SS…and firms like…I.G. Farben… [The] world's masses knew nothing about the partnership, formed between John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company, Germany's I.G. Farben, and Hitler's Third Reich. The 'pirates of Wall Street', Allen and John Foster Dulles, of the law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, had secretly negotiated the alliance. It was not known to allied airmen.


Interview med Sheriff Paul Babeu

 Interview June 2011
David Gibbons with Sheriff Paul Babeu, Arizona

Sheriff Paul Babeu is America's 2011 "Sheriff of the Year," as selected by his colleagues in the National Sheriff&rsquo;s Association. He proudly leads a department of 700 full time employees and won his first term in 2008, in a landslide victory over the incumbent. Immediately upon taking office, Sheriff Babeu launched a full reorganization. While cutting his own budget, he replaced the entire command leadership, implemented high employee standards, improved training, reduced emergency response times (by 40%) and has aggressively sought and been awarded nearly $7 million in grants. 
Her snakker han om vores verden, nye paradigme, hans vision, problemer, og m.m. osv....
Meget interessant.
Det er fra hjemmesiden :
Masse af gode stuff.
Over 1 million subscribers.....

free Energy

Free Energy - Dr Brian O'Leary 

1 -  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEwpeXaLIMQ
2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRtYKhoKRQw&feature=related
Meget spændende. Noget man skulle arbejde for.
O'Leary er lige død. I fredags. han var kun lidt over 70.
Jeg har fulgt hans arbejde et stykke tid.
Stærk anbefaler jer at lytte, endda begyndt at sprede det gode ord.

FW: Pat Gorman on How to Protect Your Wealth, Invest for Success and Protect Your Family



Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 04:06:22 -0400
From: Editor@TheDailyBell.com
To: carolelisa@msn.com
Subject: Pat Gorman on How to Protect Your Wealth, Invest for Success and Protect Your Family

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Dear Free-Market Thinker,

To view today's top Daily Bell articles online, please click here.

Pat Gorman on How to Protect Your Wealth, Invest for Success and Protect Your Family

Sunday, July 31, 2011 – with Anthony Wile

Pat Gorman
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Pat Gorman.
Introduction: Mr. Gorman has been actively extolling the virtues of honest money for nearly 30 years, the last fifteen of which he has spent as president of Resource Consultants, a Phoenix, Arizona based wealth advisory firm. Mr. Gorman has hosted the longest-running financial talk radio show in the Phoenix area, Hard Money Watch. And for the past 14 years, he has hosted an annual two-day wealth protection seminar attracting today's top free-market minds. Additionally, Mr. Gorman is the author of the 'Net best-selling book, The Value of Honest Money as well as a monthly investment newsletter outlining asset protection strategies. He is also a member of the board of directors of a public mining company.
A brief synopsis:
Daily Bell: You are no doubt following the metals' markets as usual. Give us a sense of where gold and silver are headed, in terms of purchasing power.
Pat Gorman: Up.
Daily Bell: Let us ask you some fundamental questions. How high will they go in your opinion?
Pat Gorman: I would be surprised not to see Gold well over US$5000 per ounce and Silver over US$100 per ounce within the next 2 ½ to 3 years. If I'm wrong, my timing is just off and it will happened sooner.
Daily Bell: Is the US dollar dead?
Read More

We look forward to hearing your feedback on today's Daily Bell.


Anthony Wile
Chief Editor - The Daily Bell
Executive Director - The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT)

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© Copyright 2008 - 2011 All Rights Reserved. The Daily Bell is an informative compendium of independent economic views and analysis, which is published by The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT). The information contained in The Daily Bell is for informational purposes only, is impersonal and not tailored to any particular person and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. FAFMT does not accept any liability or responsibility for, nor does it verify the accurateness of the information being provided in The Daily Bell. Daily Bell articles and interviews may include the contributions of several Daily Bell editors and may require factual editing after their initial post. Readers of The Daily Bell or any affiliated or linked sources or sites must accept the responsibility for performing their own due diligence before relying on any of the information provided within the reports regardless of the source. In addition to proprietary, internally generated content, The Daily Bell publishes contributed commentary from a selection of free-market thinkers, which may have been reprinted elsewhere and are not necessarily representative of FAFMT's editorial views. Copyright is attributed to the author of any contributed commentary or sourced videos featured at The Daily Bell, unless noted otherwise. FAFMT often uses images licensed from Getty Images. Wikipedia may be utilized for source material in developing the resources section of the Daily Bell website.

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Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields + Monsanto Sued by 270,000 Organic Farmers



Med venlig hilsen Frank

lørdag den 30. juli 2011


FW: As America Continues to Tank, What Will You Do?


Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2011 07:52:15 -0400
From: Editor@TheDailyBell.com
To: carolelisa@msn.com
Subject: As America Continues to Tank, What Will You Do?

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Dear Free-Market Thinker,

To view today's top Daily Bell articles online, please click here.

As America Continues to Tank, What Will You Do?

Saturday, July 30, 2011 – by Anthony Wile

Anthony Wile
Over the course of the past dozen or so years I have had the pleasure of rubbing shoulders with some of the more savvy free-market thinkers around. And during much of that time, my own formulative views of the word have tended to ebb and flow as I processed information from a variety of sources, most importantly my own real-life experiences.
One of those free-thinkers who had a big impact on me was Harry Browne. We all suffered a great loss when Harry passed away a few years ago, but his message of how people could obtain personal freedom in an unfree world is as powerful and relevant today as it was when Harry wrote the book on that in 1973.
It is very easy for all of us to become mesmorized by the blitzkrieg of information that seems to constantly invade our minds. It is so overpowering at times that, without proper discipline, one can find themselves missing out on the joys of life and dwelling only in darkness. And that is not a healthy way to go through life. Harry understood that – better than most.
The only true commoddity of scarcity is time. And the only time that truly matters is yours and mine. Each of us has an expiry date and what we do with our time between the two goal posts should be left to each person to determine in their personal pursuit of self-interest.
Read More

We look forward to hearing your feedback on today's Daily Bell.


Anthony Wile
Chief Editor - The Daily Bell
Executive Director - The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT)

The mailbox associated with this email address is not monitored, so please do not reply.

© Copyright 2008 - 2011 All Rights Reserved. The Daily Bell is an informative compendium of independent economic views and analysis, which is published by The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT). The information contained in The Daily Bell is for informational purposes only, is impersonal and not tailored to any particular person and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. FAFMT does not accept any liability or responsibility for, nor does it verify the accurateness of the information being provided in The Daily Bell. Daily Bell articles and interviews may include the contributions of several Daily Bell editors and may require factual editing after their initial post. Readers of The Daily Bell or any affiliated or linked sources or sites must accept the responsibility for performing their own due diligence before relying on any of the information provided within the reports regardless of the source. In addition to proprietary, internally generated content, The Daily Bell publishes contributed commentary from a selection of free-market thinkers, which may have been reprinted elsewhere and are not necessarily representative of FAFMT's editorial views. Copyright is attributed to the author of any contributed commentary or sourced videos featured at The Daily Bell, unless noted otherwise. FAFMT often uses images licensed from Getty Images. Wikipedia may be utilized for source material in developing the resources section of the Daily Bell website.

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mandag den 25. juli 2011

sommertræf sidste nyt

Hej Alle
jeg sender det her til danske venner, også til dem som ikke ved om de kommer.
På FB der er 19 registrerede, dog flere jeg kender, har sagt de kommer, og som er ikke på FB.
Hvis I kender andre som ønsker at deltage, please lad mig vide!
Simpelthen for stole skyld! maden skyld, bordenes skyld osv...
Og der bliver en del kvinder også. Pragtfuld!
Om 4 dage holder jeg sommerferie. Derefter skal jeg have lidt tid til migselv. Og så kommer alt i gang...
Et par venner kommer nogle dage før den 11 august mhp at hjælpe med det praktiske.
Vi får mange oplæg:
*Om Fri Energi (Danmark - DIFØT http://www.difoet.dk/info/velkomst.htm)
*Det trådløse samfund (Mads Wedel Ibsen - Danmark)
*Geo-engineering (Frank)
*Demosophy (fra Frankrig - Anna)
*Bilderberg (Shanti Ritam DK-Sverige)
*Stjerne himmel og Elenin (Fra USA Mike Laurey)
*Kolloidal sølv (Sverige)
*Om David Icke's arbejde  (UK)
*Codex Historie
Husk at tænke på musik også.
Andre kommer fra fredag til lørdag, andre kun fredag....
Mange ting kan kun ordnes i sidste øjeblik.
Husk at begynde at tænke på musik anlæg, teknikken.
Har en af jer en kaffe maskine til låns?
Frank, kan vi hente teltene allerede på søndag d. 7. August?
De skal gerne være opsat et par dage før. De skal indrettes nemlig.
Vær venlig at svare.
Vær opmærksom på at nogle gør kæmpe indsats og bruger penge til flybilleter for at deltage, andre køre over tusind km for at være med.
Min stor respekt.


søndag den 24. juli 2011

FW: Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Power Elite, the Police State and Opposing the Authoritarian Trend

God artikel fra en Harvad PhD



Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2011 03:14:07 -0400
From: Editor@TheDailyBell.com
To: carolelisa@msn.com
Subject: Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Power Elite, the Police State and Opposing the Authoritarian Trend

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Dear Free-Market Thinker,

To view today's top Daily Bell articles online, please click here.

Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Power Elite, the Police State and Opposing the Authoritarian Trend

Sunday, July 24, 2011 – with Anthony Wile

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.
Introduction: Dr. Vieira holds four degrees from Harvard: A.B. (Harvard College), A.M. and Ph.D. (Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), and J.D. (Harvard Law School). For over thirty-six years he has been a practicing attorney, specializing in cases that raise issues of constitutional law. He has presented numerous cases of import before the Supreme Court and written numerous monographs and articles in scholarly journals. His latest scholarly works are Constitutional "Homeland Security" (2007), a proposal to begin the revitalization of the constitutional Militia of the several states; Pieces of Eight: The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution (2d rev. ed. 2002), a comprehensive study of American monetary law and history viewed from a constitutional perspective; and How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary (2004), an analysis of the problems of irresponsible "judicial supremacy", and how to deal with them. With well known libertarian trader Victor Sperandeo, he is also the co-author (under a nom de plume) of the political novel CRA$HMAKER: A Federal Affaire (2000), a not-so-fictional story of an engineered "crash" of the Federal Reserve System, and the political revolution it causes. He is now working on an extensive project concerned with the constitutional "Militia of the Several States" and "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms."
A brief synopsis:
Daily Bell: Is central banking the engine that drives the elites' increasingly global governance?
Edwin Vieira, Jr: So far it has been. Which leads one to expect that, with the imminent collapse of the Federal Reserve System as the de facto world central bank, the "elitists" will now attempt to set up a de jure world central bank independent of every particular country's laws.
Daily Bell: Can you see in American history a pattern of increasing centralization of money and political authority – power drained from the states. Is this simply coincidence?
Read More

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Anthony Wile
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lørdag den 23. juli 2011

Unge: Flere gerningsmænd (TV2)

Hej alle.

Angående den chokerende forbrydelse i Norge.

TV2 skriver:

Unge: Flere gerningsmænd
Flere af de unge, som var på øen under skuddramaet, mener, at der har været flere gerningsmænd, fortæller de til VG. Marius Helander Røset er enig i den betragtning.
"Jeg er helt sikker på, at der blev skudt fra to forskellige steder på øen samtidig," siger han.

Håber alle er vel

M v h

fredag den 22. juli 2011

FIAT penge kartellet « Onefingerbiz's Blog

FIAT penge kartellet « Onefingerbiz's Blog
Jeg har aldrig rigtigt interesseret mig for økonomi, i anden udstrækning end min privatøkonomi. Vi er alle i dag afhængige af penge, fordi vi har valgt et kapitalistisk fordelingssystem, hvor pengene foreskriver mulighed eller manglen på samme.

Det er vigtigt, at forstå, at vi lever i et demokrati, der kun kan agere inde for de økonomiske rammer, det overliggende monetære organ udstikker. Mange tror meget fejlagtigt, at den højeste magt i et land som Danmark, er det politiske og lovgivende organ.

I Danmark bruger vi den franske filosof Montesquieus tredeling, der har til hensigt, at dele magten mellem tre institutioner; den lovgivende, den dømmende og den udøvende magt. Denne model er omdrejningspunktet i vores grundlov og dermed en væsentlig del af vores samfundsstruktur.

”Nationalbanken har en lang tradition for uafhængighed af det politiske system. Den nuværende nationalbanklov er fra 1936.

Nationalbanken blev oprettet i 1818 for at bringe orden i pengevæsenet efter statsbankerotten i 1813. Først i 1936 blev Nationalbanken en selvejende institution, og det nuværende lovgrundlag for bankens virksomhed er fra samme år.

Nationalbankloven fastlægger blandt andet, at Nationalbankens formål er at opretholde et sikkert pengevæsen og at lette og regulere pengeomsætning og kreditgivning. Nationalbanken er uafhængig af Folketing og regering i udformningen af pengepolitikken.” – fra nationalbankens egen hjemmeside (http://www.nationalbanken.dk/DNDK/OmNB.nsf/side/Lovgrundlag!OpenDocument).

Her kan vi se hvad nationalbanken selv fortæller om, deres opgave, formål og forvaltningsmæssige grundlag. For det første kan vi afklare at nationalbanken arbejder uafhængigt af det politiske system og er altså ikke en del at vores tredeling, men en uafhængig del.

Dog arbejder nationalbanken inde for rammerne af nationalbankloven fra 1936, som er en tillægslov til grundloven. Formålet med nationalbanken er, ” at opretholde et sikkert pengevæsen og at lette og regulere pengeomsætning og kreditgivning”. Men hvem er så disse søde mennesker, der så elskværdigt vil afhjælpe os statsborgere med at ”lette” og regulere?

Vi kan se at nationalbanken definere sig selv, som en selvejende institution… og hvad er så det for en størrelse?

Det er meget lettere, at forklare, hvad det ikke er! En selvejende institution er ikke ejet af staten, men kontrolleres blot af denne og arbejder inde for de givne rammer via nationalbankloven. Hvis vi smutter en tur forbi wikipedia og søger på nationalbanken, kan vi se, at nationalbanken blev oprettet som et privat aktieselskab.

”Nationalbanken i København blev oprettet d. 1. august 1818 som et privat aktieselskab og fik af Frederik 6. eneret på at udstede sedler i 90 år. Nationalbanken skulle være uafhængig af staten. Det skyldtes, at erfaringerne fra bl.a. statsbankerotten havde vist, at det var for farligt at lade staten stå for seddeludstedelsen”. – fra wikipedia.

Lige siden 1818 har nationalbanken haft monopol på at trykke sedler, regulering af pengeomsætning og kreditgivning, altså er nationalbanken Danmarks centralbank, der ene og alene har myndighed til at varetage ”Danmarks” økonomiske og finansielle interesser. Denne struktur er helt unik, fordi den er åbenlyst top styret og hævet over samfundets tredeling.

Hvis dette havde været i mindre skala, f.eks. i vvs branchen, ville vi øjeblikkeligt kalde det for et kartel og den dømmende magt (domstolene) vil blade sig med en anklage om kartelvirksomhed, men fordi nationalbanken er hævet over domstolene og alt andet, er der ikke andet at gøre, end at vente på, at folket finder ud af hvor dårlig en forretning det er, at have et privat firma til, at styre vores pengeforretninger.

Nationalbanken har siden starten gjort et stort nummer ud af, at markedsfører deres ydelser, på en måde, der gør det hele forbavsende let og overskueligt for lægmand, at se hvad vore tårnhøje skatter og afgifter går til. De arbejder med konceptet ”skattekronen”, der i sin enkelthed er de penge, der opkræves som skat og bruges til at dække statens udgifter.

Skattekronen er altså ikke hele det beløb staten opkræver i skat af borgerne – langtfra! Skattekronen er faktisk bare en afregningsmodel, der skal formidle illusionen, at vores skat går til et godt formål og tjener den danske stat.

Hvis ikke du tror mig, så se lige dette regnestykke fra 2008, hvor nationalbanken havde et overskud på 6,7 mia.

”I 2008 var Nationalbankens overskud 6,7 mia.kr, og der blev overført 3,1 mia.kr. til staten.” – fra nationalbankens egen hjemmeside (http://www.nationalbanken.dk/DNDK/OmNB.nsf/side/Regnskab!OpenDocument)

Her ser vi, at nationalbanken (den selvejende institution), deler sit milliard overskud i porten med staten, altså bevis for at langtfra størstedelen af nationalbankens overskud, kommer den danske stat eller folk til gode. 3,6 mia. er fucking mange penge, der kunne blive omsat til mange nyttige goder i samfundet, men i stedet, gives de til de mennesker, der i virkeligheden er Danmarks pengekartel.

Som om det ikke var slemt nok, så går skruen endnu dybere. Siden 1818 har vores magthavere haft en del økonomiske problemer fra tid til anden, når staten har skullet finansiere projekter og løfter. Hver gang ringer magthaverne (staten) til nationalbanken og beder om kreditgivning. Nationalbanken låner herefter den ønskede sum ud til staten, som fra det øjeblik, hæfter for forrentning af lånet indtil det er tilbagebetalt – ligesom når vi låner i en bank.

Det maxismalt kritiske ved denne handlinger, er at vi har givet, nationalbanken eneretten til at ”trykke” nye penge og vi låner dermed penge, der ikke fandtes før, men skal alligevel betale renter af ”lånet”. Denne luftkarrusel er ene og alene årsag til fænomenet inflation, som kort fortalt er en forringelse af eksempelvis kronens værdig, fordi, der bliver trykt nye ”luft penge” til at betale renterne på statens lån.

Lige før du tager ud i skoven og skyder dig selv eller andre, vil jeg lige præcisere, at dette på ingen måde er et lokalt dansk problem, men et globalt problem. Nærmest alle suveræne staters nationaløkonomi, er blevet kidnappet af det internationale bankkartel, gennem Verdensbanken og IMF, som sjovt nok også ultimativt, er et private foretagende.

Morgellons: Terrifying New Disease Reaching Pandemic Status


Meget interesssant artikel. Chemtrials linket lever endnu.

Med venlig hilsen Frank

søndag den 17. juli 2011

FW: The Numbers of Naturs, and Illuminati.

Got it today in my mailbox
Perhaps you might be interested.



Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2011 22:10:00 +0200
Subject: The Numbers of Naturs, and Illuminati.
From: mr.atle@gmail.com



You have probably seen parts of this before. This is the most fabulous film ever made, about the numbers and mathematics of Nature. The Free Masons have always got this knowledge in their hands, hidden from the masses. But now we can see it for ourselves. At least if we open our eyes.

The producer of this film takes it for granted that Christianity is a true non pagan religion, removed above and beyond all the others. 

To me this film makes it even clearer, that Christianity is a religion as pagan as all the others. Christianity does not become more true or reliably, just because the Catholic church puts a cross upon the top of an obelisk, standing in the front of St. Paul's Cathedral in Rome. Or, on the other hand, just by giving the two pagan figures Horus and Isis, new names calling them Jesus and Maria.

To me it's even confessing that Christianity is a part of the Free Masonry. Made by Illuminati. It's also indicating that someone must have possessed the technology to map planet Earth from the space, thousands of years ago.

This film, lasting for almost four hours, is a brilliant documentary work to make us see the hidden truth, in plain sight. 

Kind regards.



fredag den 15. juli 2011

FW: Long-awaited International Hearings on 9/11 Set for September 8-11, 2011



Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 10:27:12 -0700
From: rebeccaphb@yahoo.com
Subject: Long-awaited International Hearings on 9/11 Set for September 8-11, 2011
To: rebeccaphb@yahoo.com

These hearings should have included Dr. Judy Wood and the massive case evidence she has collected about the possibility of directed energy weapons being used on the WTC.  The fact that they do not show both the male chauvinism and closed-mindedness of the 9/11 "truth" movement.  -- REC

Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 22:41:57 -0700 Subject: 9/11: Long-awaited International Hearings Set for September, 2011 From: torontohearings@gmail.com To:
From:  The International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001To:        All those concerned about the events of September 11, 2001 Four days of international hearings (September 8-11, 2011) will be held at Ryerson University in Toronto on the tenth anniversary of this pivotal event. The events of September 11 have provided a pretext for a War on Terror that has replaced the Cold War as a global conflict framework within which military invasions and occupations have taken place. The focus on military solutions to complex human problems has sidetracked humanity at the very moment when peaceful interaction is needed to address genuine challenges facing humanity. Objectives of the Hearings:
(1) To present evidence that the U.S. government's official investigation into the events of September 11, 2001 is seriously flawed and has failed to describe and account for the 9/11 events. (2) To single out the most weighty evidence of the inadequacy of the U.S. government's investigation; to organize, classify, preserve, and publicize that evidence; (3) To submit a record and a summary of the Hearings, together with signed Statutory Declarations by witnesses, to relevant governments, groups and international agencies with the request that a full and impartial investigation be launched into the events of September 11, 2001 (4) To engage the attention of the public and media through witness testimony as well as through public talks and media events during the four day event.
Expert witnesses and scholars from the independent 9/11 research community will include: 
David Chandler, mathematician; Jon Cole, engineer; Richard Gage, architect; former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel; 9/11 scholar Dr. David Ray Griffin; chemist Dr. Niels Harrit; physicist Dr. Steven Jones; Prof. Emeritus Dr. Graeme MacQueen, Peace Studies, McMaster University; PhD candidate Laurie Manwell; chemist Kevin Ryan; 9/11 scholar Dr. Peter Dale Scott, and political scientist Dr. Lance DeHaven-Smith.
The Hearings are not in themselves a new investigation, but rather a gathering and presentation of the evidence collected over the last 10 years showing that the government account is incorrect and that a new investigation is needed to fully explore the lines of evidence presented. The Toronto Hearings are being sponsored by the International Center for 9/11 Studies, and will be moderated by Dr. Michael Keefer (Canada) and Dr. Matthew Witt (U.S.).  The final report will be edited by attorney James Gourley. The Steering Committee invites your support and participation in helping to publicize and finance this strategic mission. More information on the process and the players is available at the website, http://torontohearings.org  , and tax-exempt donations will be gratefully received at http://torontohearings.org/donations The Committee will welcome any offers of resources or assistance in support of the Toronto Hearings, using the contact form at http://torontohearings.org/about  Yours sincerely, James Gourley Dr. Graeme MacQueen Laurie Manwell Kevin Ryan Adnan Zuberi Steering Committee, Toronto Hearings

torsdag den 14. juli 2011

Forklaring på "Hullede" skyer er nu fundet (har intet med HAARP at gøre)


'Mystiske' huller i skyerne forklaret af forskere


Et jævnt skydække - på forunderlig vis afbrudt af et 'mystisk' hul. Hvordan kan det lade sig gøre? Amerikanske forskere har fundet en forklaring.

Det kan nærmest se ud som om, en stor knytnæve har slået hul i skyerne.

En ny, amerikansk undersøgelse underbygger nu, hvordan den slags huller kan være skabt af fly, der flyver igennem en speciel type sky. Forskerne hævder også, at fænomenet teoretisk set kan give øget nedbør i områder med stor flytrafik.

»Fænomenet er velkendt,« forklarer seniorrådgiver Dag Kristoffersen ved Meteorologisk Institut i Oslo, der af og til får tilsendt billeder af fænomenet.

Det ser voldsomt ud, og skyer, der åbner sig på den måde, har fra tid til anden ført til spekulationer om ufoer.


Ifølge undersøgelsen, der er publiceret i tidsskriftet Science, kan forklaringen ligge i den kolde luft rundt om det fly, der går gennem skylaget. 

Hvis flyet går lige igennem skyen, kan der dannes hul, og hvis det flyver horisontalt igennem den, kan der dannes lange kanaler.

Forskerne studerede satellitbilleder over delstaten Texas på en tilfældig valgt dag, den 29. januar 2007, og fandt 20 synlige huller og kanaler i skydækket.

Alle flytyper

Det sammenlignede de med data om flytrafikken og identificerede 75 procent af de fly, der havde forårsaget hullerne og kanalerne.

Satellitbillede over Texas, USA, som viser et hul i skydækket forårsaget af fly. (Foto: Science/AAAS)

Det viste sig, at alle typer fly lader til at kunne skabe denne effekt.

»Den dag bidrog et helt spekter af flytyper til at lave huller og kanaler«, skriver Andrew J. Heymsfield ved USAs National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) og hans kollegaer i artiklen i Science.


De remser op: Både store passagerfly, regionale rutefly, private jetfly, militære jetfly og forskellige typer propelfly så ud til at kunne forårsage hullerne i skyerne.

For jetflyene er det luftstrømmene over vingerne, der forårsager nedkølingen. For propelflyene er det enderne af propelbladene.


Fænomenet kræver en speciel type sky med frosne vandmolekyler, hvor temperaturen i skyen er minus 10 til 20 grader.

Flyet kan skabe en lokal og pludselig nedkøling med 20 til 30 grader i forhold til skyens temperatur. Det skaber ispartikler, der fører vandmolekyler med sig op i skyen, som siden bliver til nedbør.

Efter den første nedkølingen, forårsaget af flyet, starter en dynamisk proces, som varer i 30 til 90 minutter, hvor hullet i skyen spreder sig. Det involverer turbulente luftstrømme.

Hul i skydækket, som skyldes fly, fotograferet i januar 2007 (øverst). Illustrationen (under) viser dannelse af sne efter introduktion af ispartikler i skylaget. (Foto: Jafvis/Science/AAAS)

Det er disse luftstrømme, der forklarer, at fænomenet også kan ses fra jorden længe efter, flyet er borte.

Det, som sker inde i skyen, minder om det samme, der sker, når man kunstig fremstiller regn ved at "så" skyer med tøris eller partikler.

At lave kunstig regn på den måde bliver allerede praktiseret i såvel i USA som i en række andre lande.

»Huller i skyerne har været observeret siden 1940'erne,« skriver forskerne i artiklen.

Mere nedbør?

Der dannes nedbør inde i skyen, og modellerne indikerer, at områder i nærheden af tæt trafikerede flyvepladser kan opleve forøget nedbør som følge af flytrafikken.

Forskerne har beregnet forholdene for flyvepladser som for eksempel Heathrow i London, Charles de Gaulle i Paris og O'Hare i Chicago.

Disse og andre flyvepladser har skydække med frossent vand mellem fem og tre procent af året, og hyppigst om vinteren.

Forskerne mener, at byer med tæt flytrafik kan få en del mere lokal sne om vinteren, end de ellers ville have fået.

»Der er ikke nødvendigvis nok nedbør til, at det påvirker det globale klima, men det er ikke desto mindre mærkbart ved store flyvepladser omkring de midterste breddegrader,« skriver Heymsfield i en pressemeddelelse fra NCAR.

De midterste breddegrader er områderne, der ligger mellem de tropiske og de polare breddegrader. 

Endnu ikke kvantificeret

Kristoffersen ved Meteorologisk Institut i Oslo siger, at det er interessant, at den nye undersøgelse giver forklaringer på, hvordan et fly kan skabe luftstrømme inde i skyen.

»De er kommet et skridt videre,« siger han.

Kristoffersen påpeger imidlertid, at forskerne ikke endnu har tal på, hvor meget nedbør det eventuelt kan give og siger, at noget af nedbøren vil fordampe før den når jorden.

Men ifølge den norske meteorolog mangler der stadig målinger fra jorden, før man kan bekræfte hypotesen om forøget nedbør lokalt.


Fra forskning.no. Oversat af Mette Damsgaard