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torsdag den 30. december 2010

Re: The Chemtrail Conditioning Program

Jeg har lagt mærke til det- og et andet mærkeligt fænomen ; man kann se hvornår TV-værter lyver; det er når de bevæger læberne.  Godt Nytår til Jer alle!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 1:09 AM
Subject: The Chemtrail Conditioning Program

Godt Nyt År 2011 til alle jer
Her en artikel om chemtrails kondisionering vha subliminale
Jeg synes også at det er en tiltagende tendens.
Forleden sår jeg hurtigt forbi TV nyhederne. Kan ikke huske om det var TV2 eller DR
Men jeg fik et chok! De har ændret deres baggrund og nu kan man se jorden på en lys blå bund med hvide striber omkring.
Desuden når tvværter snakker, ses hvide striber bliver dannet bag ham på kryds og tværs. Sådan en smart effekt!!
Har I også lade mærke til det?

Re: SN BILL 510, Codex Alimentarius

Fine work! I have forwarded it- also to relevants in the ministry of environments and some news-papers; at least the people who work there will read it and understand what they are doing.Have a (more) Happy new year!        Johnny de Vulcan
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 10:40 AM
Subject: SN BILL 510, Codex Alimentarius

Herned ind i den 1ste artikel findes et link til SB 510 Pdf filen. Dvs. der kan man læse den originale tekst ang. hele denne nye FDA lov. Meget interessant samt skræmmende læsestof efter min mening. Indlysende at der handler om total Mad kontrol og den Globale Governance agenda. Som I vil kunne læse, og som jeg frygtede, denne nye FDA lov vil have en direkt virkning på vores mad produktion i DK, ja og alle de andre lande. Danmark er, som I godt ved, én af Codex Alimentarius bedste ven.
Food safety bill invokes Codex harmonization and grants FDA authority to police food safety of foreign nations


  Desuden : 

-  Belfort Group - Symposium Codex Alimentarius - Ian Crane & Scott Tips & Jolanda De Groot Part 1/18

-  Mike Adams: Food Safety Bill Grants FDA Authority to Police Food safety of Foreign Nations 1/2

SN BILL 510, Codex Alimentarius

Herned ind i den 1ste artikel findes et link til SB 510 Pdf filen. Dvs. der kan man læse den originale tekst ang. hele denne nye FDA lov. Meget interessant samt skræmmende læsestof efter min mening. Indlysende at der handler om total Mad kontrol og den Globale Governance agenda. Som I vil kunne læse, og som jeg frygtede, denne nye FDA lov vil have en direkt virkning på vores mad produktion i DK, ja og alle de andre lande. Danmark er, som I godt ved, én af Codex Alimentarius bedste ven.
Food safety bill invokes Codex harmonization and grants FDA authority to police food safety of foreign nations


  Desuden : 

-  Belfort Group - Symposium Codex Alimentarius - Ian Crane & Scott Tips & Jolanda De Groot Part 1/18

-  Mike Adams: Food Safety Bill Grants FDA Authority to Police Food safety of Foreign Nations 1/2

onsdag den 29. december 2010

The Chemtrail Conditioning Program

Godt Nyt År 2011 til alle jer
Her en artikel om chemtrails kondisionering vha subliminale
Jeg synes også at det er en tiltagende tendens.
Forleden sår jeg hurtigt forbi TV nyhederne. Kan ikke huske om det var TV2 eller DR
Men jeg fik et chok! De har ændret deres baggrund og nu kan man se jorden på en lys blå bund med hvide striber omkring.
Desuden når tvværter snakker, ses hvide striber bliver dannet bag ham på kryds og tværs. Sådan en smart effekt!!
Har I også lade mærke til det?

CFR Meeting: Zbigniew Brzezinski

CFR Meeting: Zbigniew Brzezinski
Fears the Global Awakening

Council on Foreign Relations in Montreal in May, 2010


Med venlig hilsen Frank

fredag den 24. december 2010

HAARP: The Real "Star Wars"

God Jul til alle.

Hilsen Stephan

Sendt fra min iPhone

Start på videresendt besked:

Fra: Forbidden Knowledge TV <newsletter@forbiddenknowledgetv.com>
Dato: 24. dec. 2010 09.32.05 CET
Til: Stephan <swehrsdorf@me.com>
Emne: HAARP: The Real "Star Wars"


Rumors have circulated about the HAARP Project ever since it
opened it doors two decades ago, yet the HAARP facility in
Alaska tries to project a clean-cut, down-home image, with
their annual open-house parties.

The rumors -- and the patents -- describe HAARP not as some
irrelevant backwoods lab but, rather as *the hotbed* of the the
most high-tech weaponry on Earth, with applications in "weather
warfare," "tectonic warfare" and "mass brainwave entrainment"
-- amid a host of imaginative uses of ELF and scalar weapons.

Although the voiceover in this clip is a bit halting, it's
still the most straightforward and informative video that I
have ever seen about HAARP and the history of this facility.



- Alexandra

P.S. Please share Forbidden Knowledge TV e-mails
and videos with your friends and colleagues.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

Alexandra Bruce
Forbidden Knowledge TV
Daily Videos from the Edges of Science

Forbidden Knowledge TV
2380 California St.
San Francisco CA, 94115

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tirsdag den 21. december 2010

FW: 2011 International Bioengineering Webinar-Carnicom Institute



Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 10:23:49 -0800
From: rebeccaphb@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: 2011 International Bioengineering Webinar-Carnicom Institute
To: Claudia.Von-Werlhof@uibk.ac.at

Tuesday, December 21, 2010-Winter Solstice
Yes Claudia, the Carnicom Institute, founded by Clifford Carnicom, is certainly "OK".
Clifford Carnicom, along with Rosalind Peterson of California Skywatch/Agricultural Defense Organization, is the leading world's leading researcher on toxic airborne aerosol spraying, aka geoengineering/chemtrails. Clifford is more theoretical, Rosalind more applied, and she also deals more with the allied issue of publicly announced military weapons testing.  
The reason that you have not heard of them is that somewhat egotistical, unsophisticated 
media figures apparently want (you) to believe that they are the first ever to investigate this, and so they do not ever give proper credit where credit is due, to utilize in their productions 
the greater experience and knowledge researchers like Carnicom and Peterson could provide.  And we are obviously all the poorer for it.

--- On Tue, 12/21/10, Claudia Von Werlhof <Claudia.Von-Werlhof@uibk.ac.at> wrote:

From: Claudia Von Werlhof <Claudia.Von-Werlhof@uibk.ac.at>
Subject: Re: 2011 International Bioengineering Webinar-Carnicom Institute
To: "Campbell Rebecca" <rebeccaphb@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2010, 12:58 PM

Zitat von Campbell Rebecca <rebeccaphb@yahoo.com>:
Rebecca, who are they? Are they OK?
> http://biogeoengineering.org/

FW: 2011 International Bioengineering Webinar-Carnicom Institute

The Carnicom Institute plans to host an international conference to invite discussion on the intentional and systematic biological and geophysical alteration of the planet.
Particular subjects of interest within the conference may include:
1. Environmental impact of intentional aerosol dispersal
2. Weather control/manipulation
3. Health impacts of bio/geo engineering
4. Health impacts of frequency based technology
5. Energy propagation systems, such as HAARP, ELF, microwaves
6. Emerging diseases
7. Developing coordinated environmental analyses
8. Accountability/Onus of Investigation
Speakers and participants are invited to submit interest in the conference by contacting the Carnicom Institute or go to the speakers page of this website and send information via the comments form.
An invitation to present or to participate in the conference is extended to all parties and all nations.

Interest in the conference can also be submitted to

The conference will be conducted on the internet via videoconferencing and participation will be limited to 1000 individuals. Additional information on the plans for the conference will be available on this site.

It is estimated that the conference will be approximately three days in duration.

Resources and support for the conference are of need.
The Carnicom Institute plans to host an international conference to invite discussion on the intentional and systematic biological and geophysical alteration of the planet.
Particular subjects of interest within the conference may include:
1. Environmental impact of intentional aerosol dispersal
2. Weather control/manipulation
3. Health impacts of bio/geo engineering
4. Health impacts of frequency based technology
5. Energy propagation systems, such as HAARP, ELF, microwaves
6. Emerging diseases
7. Developing coordinated environmental analyses
8. Accountability/Onus of Investigation
Speakers and participants are invited to submit interest in the conference by contacting the Carnicom Institute or go to the speakers page of this website and send information via the comments form.
An invitation to present or to participate in the conference is extended to all parties and all nations.

Interest in the conference can also be submitted to

The conference will be conducted on the internet via videoconferencing and participation will be limited to 1000 individuals. Additional information on the plans for the conference will be available on this site.

It is estimated that the conference will be approximately three days in duration.

Resources and support for the conference are of need.

The Carnicom Institute plans to host an international conference to invite discussion on the intentional and systematic biological and geophysical alteration of the planet.
Particular subjects of interest within the conference may include:
1. Environmental impact of intentional aerosol dispersal
2. Weather control/manipulation
3. Health impacts of bio/geo engineering
4. Health impacts of frequency based technology
5. Energy propagation systems, such as HAARP, ELF, microwaves
6. Emerging diseases
7. Developing coordinated environmental analyses
8. Accountability/Onus of Investigation
Speakers and participants are invited to submit interest in the conference by contacting the Carnicom Institute or go to the speakers page of this website and send information via the comments form.
An invitation to present or to participate in the conference is extended to all parties and all nations.

Interest in the conference can also be submitted to

The conference will be conducted on the internet via videoconferencing and participation will be limited to 1000 individuals. Additional information on the plans for the conference will be available on this site.

It is estimated that the conference will be approximately three days in duration.

Resources and support for the conference are of need.
The Carnicom Institute plans to host an international conference to invite discussion on the intentional and systematic biological and geophysical alteration of the planet.
Particular subjects of interest within the conference may include:
1. Environmental impact of intentional aerosol dispersal
2. Weather control/manipulation
3. Health impacts of bio/geo engineering
4. Health impacts of frequency based technology
5. Energy propagation systems, such as HAARP, ELF, microwaves
6. Emerging diseases
7. Developing coordinated environmental analyses
8. Accountability/Onus of Investigation
Speakers and participants are invited to submit interest in the conference by contacting the Carnicom Institute or go to the speakers page of this website and send information via the comments form.
An invitation to present or to participate in the conference is extended to all parties and all nations.

Interest in the conference can also be submitted to

The conference will be conducted on the internet via videoconferencing and participation will be limited to 1000 individuals. Additional information on the plans for the conference will be available on this site.

It is estimated that the conference will be approximately three days in duration.

Resources and support for the conference are of need.
Carnicom Institute Webinar Conference - 2011
Geiengineering m.m.


Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 12:00:03 -0800
From: rebeccaphb@yahoo.com
Subject: 2011 International Bioengineering Webinar-Carnicom Institute

fredag den 17. december 2010

FW: Brandon Turbeville: Genetically Modified Mosquitos

The madness has obviously no limits



Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 07:06:44 -0500
From: crgeditor@yahoo.com
To: carolelisa@msn.com
Subject: Brandon Turbeville: Genetically Modified Mosquitos

Genetically Modified Mosquitos

By Brandon Turbeville

Global Research, December 13, 2010

While "scientists" have been genetically modifying insects for years, only in the last few have they begun to openly discuss releasing them into the environment. As always, the fact that public discussion has just now begun to take place on the issue means that the project has already been initiated. This much has been borne out by the facts in that the release of the insects has already been announced.

Under the guise of eradicating Dengue fever, GM mosquitoes were released into the environment in the Cayman Islands in 2009. Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne, virus-based disease that has largely been non-existent in North America for several decades. Dengue fever can morph into a much more dangerous form of the illness known as Dengue Hemorrhagic fever. Symptoms of Dengue fever are high fever, headache, pain behind the eyes, easy bruising, joint, muscle, bone pain, rash, and bleeding from the gums. There is no known cure or treatment for Dengue fever besides adequate rest and drinking plenty of water.

Generally speaking, it is one specific type of mosquito, Aedes aegypti, which transmits the virus.

The publicly given method for using these GM mosquitoes in the eradication of Dengue fever was that the genetically modified mosquitoes were "engineered with an extra gene, or inserted bacterium, or have had a gene altered so that either their offspring are sterile and unable to spread dengue, or simply die." More specifically, the male GM mosquitoes are supposed to mate with natural females which produce larvae that die unless tetracycline, an antibiotic, is present. Without the antibiotic, an enzyme accumulates to a level that is toxic enough to kill the larvae.

It is important to note that these GM mosquitoes, known as OX513A, necessarily have to be of the Aedis aegypti type in order to achieve the goals publicly stated by the developers. Therefore, the millions of male mosquitoes that were released into the open-air environment in 2009, and again in 2010, were all of the dengue fever carrying type.
The OX513A mosquitoes were developed by a British biotechnology company named Oxitec and their subsequent release was overseen by the Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU) in the Cayman Islands, a British overseas territory.
Although Oxitec Limited was the developer who engaged in most of the groundwork for the GM insects, the project was not theirs alone. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, The PEW Charitable Trusts, and government agencies in the United States, England, Malaysia, and others were all involved in the development and promotion of the GM mosquitoes.

What has been quite suspicious, however, is the fact that Dengue fever, which has been nonexistent in North America for decades, has recently surfaced in Florida. Initially, the fever was found in 2009, but by 2010 the cases had vastly increased. In July 2010, a CDC study was released to very little media attention indicating that about 10 percent of the population of Key West had been infected with Dengue fever. This had doubled from 2009 where 5 percent had been infected. One might wonder what caused a virus that had been almost entirely eradicated to suddenly reappear with such vigor. That is, one might wonder if the answer weren't so blatantly obvious. Of course, official reports do not address whether or not the Dengue fever is connected to the millions of mosquitoes capable of carrying the fever which were released just miles away in the Cayman Islands.
While Dengue fever had been eradicated in terms of naturally occurring outbreaks in the United States, cases that were research-related and laboratory-generated have occurred in the country for many years. This is because Dengue fever has been of particular interest to the United States government, US Army, and CIA since at least the middle part of the 20th century. There is a great deal of evidence suggesting that the biochemical research facilities at Fort Detrick were conducting tests on Dengue fever as a bio-weapon as far back as 1942. It is generally known that in the 1950s the CIA partnered with Ft. Detrick to study Dengue fever and other exotic diseases for use as biological weapons.

It is also interesting to note that, according to CIA documents as well as a 1975 congressional committee, the three locations of Key West, Panama City, and Avon Park (and two other locations in central Florida) were testing sites for Dengue fever research.

As is generally the case, the experiments in Avon Park were concentrated in low-income neighborhoods, in areas that were predominantly black with newly constructed housing projects. According to H.P. Albarelli Jr. and Zoe Martell of Truthout, CIA documents related to the MK/NAOMI program revealed that the agency was using the Aegis aegypti type of mosquito in these experiments as well. In one of these experiments, 600,000 mosquitoes were released over Avon Park and in another 150,000 insects were released in specially designed paper bags that were designed to open up when they hit the ground.
Truthout interviewed residents (or test subjects) of Avon Park still living in the area who related that there were at least 6 or 7 deaths resulting from the experiments. As quoted by Truthout, one resident said, "Nobody knew about what had gone on here for years, maybe over 20 years, but in looking back it explained why a bunch of healthy people got sick quick and died at the time of those experiments."  Truthout goes on to point out that around the same time of the Avon Park experiments "there were at least two cases of Dengue fever reported among civilian researchers at Fort Detrick in Maryland."

In 1978, a Pentagon document titled, "Biological Warfare: Secret Testing & Volunteers" revealed that similar experiments were conducted in Key West by the Army Chemical Corps and Special Operations and Projects Divisions at Fort Detrick.
Like the current situation, U.S. government agencies teamed with NGOs, academia, and other organizations to conduct mosquito-related projects. Operation Bellweather, a 1959 experiment consisting of over 50 field tests, was conducted over several states including Georgia, Maryland, Utah, and Arizona, and Florida. Operation Bellweather was coordinated with the Rockefeller Institute in New York; the facility that actually bred the mosquitoes. What's more, the experiment was aided by the Armour Research Foundation, the Battelle Memorial Institute, Ben Venue Labs, Inc., the University of Florida, Florida State University, and the Lovell Chemical Company.
The military and CIA connections to Dengue fever outbreaks do not end with these experiments, however. It is widely believed that the 1981 outbreak in Cuba was a result of CIA and U.S. military covert biological attacks. This outbreak occurred essentially out of nowhere and resulted in over one hundred thousand cases of infection. Albarelli and Martell write:
American researcher William H. Schaap, an editor of Covert Action magazine, claims the Cuba Dengue outbreak was the result of CIA activities. Former Fort Detrick researchers, all of whom refused to have their names used for this article, say they performed 'advance work' on the Cuba outbreak and that it was 'man made.'
In 1982 the CIA was accused by the Soviet media of sending operatives into Pakistan and Afghanistan for the purposes of creating a Dengue epidemic. Likewise, in 1985 and 1986, authorities in Nicaragua made similar claims against the CIA, also suggesting that they were attempting to start a Dengue outbreak.

While the CIA has characteristically denied involvement in all of these instances, army researchers have admitted to having worked intensely with "arthropod vectors for offensive biological warfare objectives" and that such work was conducted at Fort Detrick in the 1980s. Not only that, but researchers have also admitted that large mosquito colonies, which were infected with both yellow fever and Dengue fever, were being maintained at the Frederick, Maryland facility.
There is also evidence of experimentation with federal prisoners without their knowledge. As Truthout reports:
Several redacted Camp Detrick and Edgewood Arsenal reports indicate that experiments were conducted on state and federal prisoners who were unwittingly exposed to Dengue fever, as well as other viruses, some possibly lethal.
With all of the evidence that CIA and military tests have been conducted regarding Dengue fever, there is ample reason to be concerned when one sees a connection like the recent release of mosquitoes and the subsequent outbreak of Dengue fever in Florida, a traditional testing site for these organizations. 

The response to the Dengue outbreak should also be questioned as aerial spraying campaigns were intensified. While these sprayings were claimed to be for the eradication of the Dengue-carrying mosquitoes, the number of people who contracted the illness actually rose.
Another questionable incident related to mosquito-borne Dengue fever and the sudden outbreak occurred on November 15, 2010. A University of South Florida molecular biologist apparently committed suicide by drinking cyanide at a Temple Terrace hotel.  Dr. Chauhan, had studied mosquitoes and disease transmission at the University of Notre Dame. While ordinarily this would not be cause for concern, when one considers the level of interest maintained in mosquito-borne illnesses by both the military and intelligence agencies, the death of Dr. Chauhan might well be something that should be investigated further.
Until her death, she was a post-doctoral researcher in the Global Health department in the College of Public Health. Those who knew her described her as both very bright and very enthusiastic. Maybe this is a coincidence, but regardless, it is one that should be looked at closely.
Unfortunately, the issue of GM insects being released into the wild does not end with increasing Dengue fever and malaria. In 2009, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $100,000 each to researchers in 22 countries in order to develop mosquitoes that would act as "flying syringes." Essentially, the mosquitoes would be genetically engineered to deliver vaccines with each bite. 
The money was distributed to a wide variety of academic institutions, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and private companies. The funding was part of what was termed in an AFP article "the first round of funding for the Gates Foundation's 'Grand Challenges Explorations,' a five-year 100-million-dollar initiative to 'promote innovative ideas in global health.'"  The basic premise behind the flying mosquito vaccines is that an insect will be genetically modified to produce antibodies to a certain disease in their saliva, which is then transmitted to the individual when the mosquito bites them.
There is a host of problems with this method that range from the moral to the scientific. First, the presence of antibodies does not necessarily mean immunity, and the transfer of them does not in any way provide immunization to the subject being injected with them. The science related to antibodies and immunity is still largely unsettled. Vaccines, themselves, are completely ineffective and have never been proven effective by a study that was not connected to a drug company or a pharmaceutical company.[1] They are, essentially, faith-based medicine.

Even more frightening is the potential of releasing genetically modified mosquitoes that contain actual diseases in their systems to purposely cause a human pandemic. Those who have weakened immune systems would be at the highest risk, but this would no doubt include everyone else as well since they would also be infected with the viruses when bitten. Person-to-person spreading would take over where the mosquitoes left off. Add to this the potential for simultaneous pandemics (if different versions of the insects were used simultaneously) and one has the recipe for genocide on a mass scale. Unfortunately, this is the scenario that many have envisioned for some time.
Nevertheless, although Gates has invested so much money, and so many hardworking individuals and prestigious universities have invested so much time and effort, the general consensus of the media is that the flying syringes will never take flight. This is because, as Science NOW reports,
The concept of a 'flying vaccinator' transgenic mosquito is not likely to be a practicable method of disease control, because 'flying vaccinator' is an unacceptable way to deliver vaccine without issues of dosage and informed consent against current vaccine programs. These difficulties are more complicated by the issues of public acceptance to release of transgenic mosquitoes.
However, it is quite difficult to believe that the Gates Foundation distributed such a vast amount of money to researchers without first questioning whether or not their efforts were feasible for future use. It is likewise very hard to believe that once these issues were considered, that the Gates Foundation would simply throw away money on a project that was doomed to failure. In fact, anyone who actually believes this is unfortunately very naïve.  Clearly, we are being conditioned to accept and expect these organisms to be released on the public on some future date. What the context will be, however, is anyone's guess.

[1] Flu and Flu Vaccines: What's Coming Through That Needle. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.

Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor's Degree from Francis Marion University where he earned the Pee Dee Electric Scholar's Award as an undergraduate. He has had numerous articles published dealing with a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, and civil liberties. He is also the author of Codex Alimentarius - The End of Health Freedom

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© Copyright Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post, 2010

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søndag den 12. december 2010

Report: Swiss Bank Refuses to Release Gold


Nu nærmer krakket sig !

Med venlig hilsen Frank

Re: Wikirebels - The Documentary - swedish television 11 dec. 2010

Yeah,and the good old usual question: who pays? Hotels,air-tickets,sci-fi server-centers, bribes to sources; it is expensive; where does money come from?Some commentators claim  to have shown links to both Soro and Rotschild.It is, without doubt, precisely the mode of operation of the NWOs and the timing (as usually a bit hurried, like under pressure of a dead-line) of an attempt to close the WWW. It is REALLY dangerous for them, now they realise it - we have known all along. I think that most of what happens  is planned  ahead: Swedish police, f.ex. have had an "agent provocateur"- kampagne  for several weeks,culminating now with a "suicide" -or super-drugged -bomber.Be aware of agents provocateurs and infiltrators.OUR break-through will be very different and many-fold.   JdV
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2010 9:37 AM
Subject: Wikirebels - The Documentary - swedish television 11 dec. 2010


WikiRebels – The Documentary

By SVT Play

"Exclusive rough-cut of first in-depth documentary on WikiLeaks and the people behind it!

From summer 2010 until now, Swedish Television has been following the secretive media network WikiLeaks and its enigmatic Editor-in-Chief Julian Assange.

Reporters Jesper Huor and Bosse Lindquist have traveled to key countries where WikiLeaks operates, interviewing top members, such as Assange, new Spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson, as well as people like Daniel Domscheit-Berg who now is starting his own version - Openleaks.org!

Where is the secretive organization heading? Stronger than ever, or broken by the US? Who is Assange: champion of freedom, spy or rapist? What are his objectives? What are the consequences for the internet?"

Posted December 11, 2010


Wikirebels - The Documentary - swedish television 11 dec. 2010


WikiRebels – The Documentary

By SVT Play

"Exclusive rough-cut of first in-depth documentary on WikiLeaks and the people behind it!

From summer 2010 until now, Swedish Television has been following the secretive media network WikiLeaks and its enigmatic Editor-in-Chief Julian Assange.

Reporters Jesper Huor and Bosse Lindquist have traveled to key countries where WikiLeaks operates, interviewing top members, such as Assange, new Spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson, as well as people like Daniel Domscheit-Berg who now is starting his own version - Openleaks.org!

Where is the secretive organization heading? Stronger than ever, or broken by the US? Who is Assange: champion of freedom, spy or rapist? What are his objectives? What are the consequences for the internet?"

Posted December 11, 2010


lørdag den 11. december 2010

The six principles of Global Manipulation


Wikileaks and the fall of America - Max Igan, radio show

1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95qcFEFR9qk&feature=player_embedded
2 - http://www.youtube.com/user/aodscarecrow#p/c/778F1468442C9250/1/0E2ohU1rji8
3 - http://www.youtube.com/user/aodscarecrow#p/c/778F1468442C9250/2/vp9NataaXIY
4 -  http://www.youtube.com/user/aodscarecrow#p/c/778F1468442C9250/3/B4KEg0iAoqI

FW: Paper Submitted to the British Royal Society on "Solar Radiation Management"

Geo engineering - chemtrails - solar radiation management and so forth...
Interesting serious comments.
I agree with Rebecca


Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 00:54:49 -0800
From: rebeccaphb@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Paper Submitted to the British Royal Society on "Solar Radiation Management"
To: halva1@otenet.gr

Friday, December 10, 2010
Thank you, Wayne.  I think that this is a well-reasoned, perceptive analysis of why the opposite of one extreme if not the other extreme but the middle, where truth tends to reside. 
I feel that we all have been lied to in this, as in most matters; that there is indeed climate change going on, but it is now going on at least throughout our solar system, and likely throughout our galaxy as a natural process of transformation long prophecied by intuitives whose insights are now being proven scientifically as such classified information is being disclosed. 
The NWO has coopted the mainstream environmental movement, and is using it to justify a depopulation agenda, while locking climate change skeptics into a limited mindset unable to consider the larger framework of cosmic phenomena now dramatically unfolding.
As an example of this, I recently contacted Nobel Prize winner Helen Caldicott, founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, about the US Navy's resumed public proposals for genocidal weapons "testing" on the American people living on all of the coast and island areas of the US empire, using, among other things, depleted uranium, the banning of which is supposed to be one of the purviews of her organization.  Her response to send me a notice that I was barred from her sending her any more emails; she evidently went "ballistic", but not against those who were violating the alleged principles of Physicians for Social Responsibility!  Another example is, that no major mainstream environmental organization, including PSR, has responded either to the chemtrails issue or to the terracide now being perpetrated in the Gulf of Mexico by the US government and BP.

--- On Fri, 12/10/10, Wayne Hall <halva1@otenet.gr> wrote:

From: Wayne Hall <halva1@otenet.gr>
Subject: Re: Paper Submitted to the British Royal Society on "Solar Radiation Management"
To: "Claire HENRION" <clairehenri12@gmail.com>, "Campbell Rebecca" <rebeccaphb@yahoo.com>, "Wayne Hall" <halva1@otenet.gr>
Cc: "Andrew Johnson" <ad.johnson@ntlworld.com>, "Bertrand DU CHASTEL" <bertrand.du-chastel@dbmail.com>, "Bonne Fire" <bonne_fire@yahoo.com>, "Catherine Deffontaine Hego" <cath.deffon2@orange.fr>, "chemtrails foroactivo" <planetaesclavo@gmail.com>, "Chemtrails France" <zcontact2@chemtrails-france.com>, "CoenVermoreen" <coenvermeeren@gmail.com>, "Dominique Pélissier" <domy94f@hotmail.fr>, "Dr Nikos katsaros" <katsaros@chem.demokritos.gr>, "Dr Rosalie Berttell" <rosaliebertell@greynun.org>, "Ellen et Ton" <annabelle1946@hotmail.fr>, "Enouranois" <info@enouranois.gr>, "ETC group" <etc@etcgroup.org>, "François Rey" <francoiscamera@googlemail.com>, "Jacques Cléret" <rondeljiac@orange.fr>, "Jean-Charles- Ceruti" <ceruti57@yahoo.fr>, "Johnny de Vulcan" <group@chemtrails-info.dk>, "Jordan Born" <le_roge_@hotmail.com>, "NadialabeilleSlS" <labeille.nadia@wanadoo.fr>, "Patrick Pasin" <ppasinp@yahoo.fr>, "Peter Vereecke" <peter_vereecke@hotmail.com>, "Saskia MESSAGER" <saskia-ronan@wanadoo.fr>, "supahumandignity" <supahumandignity@gmail.com>, "Sylvie Rulekowski" <s.rulekowski@wanadoo.fr>, "Tanker Enemy" <tanker.enemy@gmail.com>
Date: Friday, December 10, 2010, 12:53 AM


The question Rebecca Campbell asks here "if the purpose of solar radiation management" is benignly to prevent global warming, why is it done even now in secret??" is a question that is often asked by  Nikos Katsaros, Greece's best-known anti-chemtrails campaigning scientist.


Rebecca goes on to say that "many of the now environmentally-conscious public would accept this explanation if it were publicly given", something which is quite possibly - and unfortunately - true, but it is still a surprising remark to come from a person whose views on climate change, as far as I know, tend towards anthropogenic climate change scepticism. Surely climate change sceptics would not number among those who would "accept this explanation". Does not G. Edward Griffin in "What in the World are they Spraying" make heavily ironical remarks about how "when the truth comes out" the geoengineers will say "we did it for your own good". He might joke about this, but is the joking a sign of possible future "acceptance"???  Perhaps I should make this a real question to G. Edward Griffin rather than a rhetorical question. 


In fact this idea of a future "coming clean" on the part of the geoengineers has always to me seemed the least likely of possible outcomes, and also a factor that makes one wonder just where present official policies of deceit over geoengineering can possibly lead and what the ultimate result of them will be. 


I cannot see how the geoengineers and their corporate and military-industrial-complex backers after so many years of telling lies are going to be able to negotiate a future "coming clean". Their way of handling the contradictions of their policies consists in telling one story to one clientele: climate change scepticism for the conservatives, and another story: climate change scare-mongering and, surreptitiously, geoengineering to the other: liberals, leftists, ecologists.


Internally consistent, dispassionate, persuasive, hype-free scientific narrative is precisely what they have never been able to deliver. How will this be able to change in future? The logic of the political system obliges them to act as they do.  They cannot just decide to act differently.


The historian and anti-nuclear activist E.P. Thomspon, one of the leaders of the non-aligned European anti-nuclear movement of the nineteen eighties, promoted a satirical quasi-Marxist notion he called "exterminism", which he saw as a phenomenon underlying the nuclear arms race of the "two superpowers", the USA and the Soviet Union. He saw the Cold War as structured around an "inertial deadlock",  whose objective by-product was the nuclear arms race.


I would like to argue that this  same inertial deadlock has been reproduced in today's climate controversy.  The protagonists today are not the competing nuclear superpowers of the USSR and the USA but the climate activists on one hand and the climate skeptics on the other. And both sides of that controversy have their supporters, and even to some extent their origins, in the nuclear weapons laboratories of America's side (the winning side) of the Cold War.


The experiences that led E.P. Thompson to his theory of inertial deadlock were youthful experiences of membership of the Communist Party. At a certain point he decided that defending pro-Soviet policies of "defensive" nuclear weapons possession was sterile and counter-productive. He  went on to become one of the founders of Britain's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and a pioneering supporter of the demand for British unilateral nuclear disarmament.


I see many similarities between the stance of the old-style supporters of "defensive" Soviet nuclear weapons possession and present-day climate change activists  who are still unaware of the role of geoengineering in the climate change debate. They have been co-opted into defending one side of a scenario of "inertial deadlock". When the other side, the more aggressive "sceptic" side, gains the upper hand, as occurred with the "Climategate" scandal in the runup to the December 2009 Copenhagen climate summit , they are thrown onto the defensive, and remain locked into the defensive mode. They are becoming increasingly aware that they are "not winning".


But who IS winning?  The climate change skeptics??  They are not winning either. They are as disoriented at "winning" the climate change debate as they were by winning the Cold War.


Climate change has become the magic wand for justifying a whole array of destructive policies from nuclear power generation through genetic modification to carbon trading and geoengineering.  Neither the climate change skeptics nor the climate change true believers who are ignorant of geoengineering  (the majority) can resist the power of the magic wand:  they remain participants in the bipolar debate of mainstream politics whose aim is – precisely – to reproduce the inertial deadlock.


The skeptics remain skeptical even of valuable breakthroughs achieved by the other side, such as the moratorium on geoengineering pushed through at the Nagoya Convention on Biologial Diversity. The climate change true believers engage in skirmishes over side-issues: the "don't nuke our climate" initiatives that focus only on the most blatant and superficial forms of disinformation:  the idea that nuclear energy is "clean" and "carbon free". 


Rebecca Campbell's  paper on "Solar Radiation Management", submitted to the Royal Society,  is an excellent starting point for debate and a powerful exposure of the most obvious kind of deceit involved in the "dialogue" with the public that the Royal Society is now trying to initiate.


But the deceit goes much deeper and will not be able to be adequately analysed until other sectors of civil society: the climate change movement, the anti-nuclear movement, begin to show a capacity for much more radical self-criticism and self-understanding.


The anti-nuclear movement is in such dire straits at the moment that perhaps some progress can be expected with them, some opening of the mind towards the realities of "chemtrails", for example.

All right !

I've sent this (in attached).
Some precisions about barium have been added by Ton these two last days (so they are not in the original paper I sent).
Nevertheless, I try to send this final one. If it is not possibie, the most important remains that discusion is going on, because things are improving at each moment !



2010/12/9 Campbell Rebecca <rebeccaphb@yahoo.com>

"Solar Radiation Management":  A Sunblock on the Light of Truth
The mission of science should be to discover the truth of nature; the mission of philosophy is to discover the nature of truth.  It is only when the nature of truth is respected that the truth of nature can be discovered.  Respect for the nature of truth is called intellectual and moral honesty, and it is intellecual and moral honesty that would seem to be lacking in this call for papers on the feasibility and desirability of what is here being euphemistically termed "solar radiation management".  This is because what is being benignly portrayed here as being merely proposed has, for at least the past fifteen years, been clandestinely practiced, against the very ethics by which authentic, ethical 
science is supposedly to be governed.
Among the ethical and legal principles of science which "solar radiation management" aka "geoengineering" aka "persistent airborne aerosol spraying" aka "chemtrails" violates are the Precautionary Principle, the Principle of Informed Consent, the Disclosure of Initiating Parties, the Nuremberg Principles Concerning Experimentation on Civilian Populations, the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the constitutional rights of the peoples of various nations over which such aerial "solar radiation management" is presently being practiced without either public approval or credible explanation.
If, as this request for papers implies, the purpose of "solar radiation management" is benignly to prevent global warming, why is it even now being done in secret, since many of the now environmentally conscious public would accept this explanation if it were publicly given?  Why is its genesis, technology and those responsible for what we see as persistent airborne aerosol spraying in our skies throughout the world always kept unknown to us?  Why is this institute, like so many academic, military and government institutions, and major environmental organizations engaging in the deception that they have no prior knowledge of that which can be so readily observed by all who simply choose to look up and without preconception behold the sky? 
Empirical observation is the first step of the scientific method.  It is the empirical observation of many throughout the earth that our skies are being filled by aircraft-delivered manmade clouds that wash out their color and blot out the sun. Further, it is the observation of many independent -- as opposed to government, corporate and academic-affiliated -- researchers that these lingering web-like manmade clouds are composed of toxic heavy metals, known pathogenic organisms and unknown nanoparticulate and cellular configurations, the latter capable of passing the human blood/brain barrier into the human brain and nervous system with heretofore unforeseen consequences.
It is also a fact that a certain transnational agricorporation has filed for a patent for heavy metal-resistent genetically modified seeds.  This includes the very toxic heavy metals that have been determined by independent scientific researchers as being present in persistent toxic airborne aerosol spraying that your organization implies does not yet exist in a call for papers to comment on a present practice as if it were a future theoretical possibility.
It would seem that, even as sunblock deflects sunlight from the human body, and allegedly still-potential geoengineered persistent aerosol spraying deflects sunlight from the earth, such specious calls for academic papers as this one deflect the light of truth from authentic scientific and journalistic investigation.   It purloins time better spent in identifying and holding accountable those who covertly conduct such dangerous 
experiments as these on civilian populations and their environment; those clandestine practitioners who officially and fraudulently claim to have only abstractly considered "solar radiation management" which, as practiced, violates fundamental scientific ethics, human and natural rights, and universal law.
--  Rebecca Em Campbell