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Med venlig hilsen Frank
Link til anden informationsdeling blog fra Ollerup Frie Lærer Seminarium
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Med venlig hilsen Frank
We just released 'College Conspiracy' a day early so that NIA members can see the movie before we issue our press release tomorrow morning to not just the nationwide education news wire, but to thousands of college administrators and education journalists through two special education microlists.
Please watch 'College Conspiracy' immediately and spread the word to every single one of your friends, family members, and co-workers:
It is up to every single one of you to help make this movie a success by spreading the word to as many people as possible. Considering how our latest video 'The Day the Dollar Died' has now reached close to 2 million views in 6 months, we are very optimistic that we can get 'College Conspiracy' to be seen by an even larger audience.
We need to get millions of people to watch 'College Conspiracy' if we are going to expose what we believe is the largest scam in U.S. history! NIA is the most pro-education organization in the world, but the college bubble we have today is destroying the lives of millions of Americans who deserve to be receiving a much higher quality of education for only a fraction of the cost.
As you watch this documentary, we hope that you notice and appreciate the quality of work that we put into it. We hired one of the best Hollywood animators and a famous Hollywood narrator to help make this movie our most impressive and professional documentary of all time. It took us three months just to write the script, which used many of the ideas that were submitted to us by NIA members.
We would like to give our most sincere thank you to the thousands of NIA members who emailed us suggestions of topics to cover and expert guests to interview!
'College Conspiracy' is going to open up the minds of millions of students who have been brainwashed their entire lives by the propaganda in the mainstream media. We are a nation of sheep, where nobody thinks for themselves and everybody follows the same system. The system we have today turns everybody into debt slaves, while the Federal Reserve allows bankers on Wall Street to steal the wealth of middle-class Americans through inflation.
Now is the time for all young Americans to think outside of the box and become self-educated. Don't rely on others to provide jobs for you. Go out there and make a job yourself!
Watch 'College Conspiracy' right away at:
NIA's entire staff worked day and night for the past six months producing this movie. Now is your turn to help make a difference by spreading the word!
This message was sent to from: National Inflation Association | 96 Linwood Plaza #172 | Fort Lee, NJ 07024 |
Fra: "Forbidden Knowledge TV" <>
Dato: 6. maj 2011 03.07.35 CEST
Til: "Stephan" <>
Emne: Julian Assange: Facebook "Most Appalling Spying Machine Ever Invented"
from PC World
Julian Assange calls Facebook "the most appalling
spying machine ever invented."
Facebook Spokesperson Andrew Noyes takes issue with
Assange's characterization. "We respond to compulsory
legal process."
Facebook and other sites all have built-in methods for
U.S. intelligence personnel to snoop on users of the
site, Assange claims...."It's not a matter of serving
a subpoena, they have an interface they have developed
for U.S. Intelligence to use...the government is getting
free reign to spy as it wants without going through the
usual legal channels. "Everyone should understand that
when they add their friends to Facebook, they are doing
free work for United States intelligence agencies,"
Assange said.
- Alexandra
P.S. Forbidden Knowledge TV newsletters are all
backed-up on both Twitter:
and on Facebook:
The FKTV site, itself contains many videos which
are not broadcast and can be navigated by category:
P.P.S. Please share Forbidden Knowledge TV e-mails
and videos with your friends and colleagues.
That's how we grow. Thanks.
Alexandra Bruce
Forbidden Knowledge TV
Daily Videos from the Edges of Science
Forbidden Knowledge TV
2380 California St.
San Francisco CA, 94115
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----- Original Message -----From: Carol CoencaSent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 8:12 AMSubject: FW: Stephen Jones May Have Been Dead Wrong Twice-Listen to Judy Wood Tonite on "Coast to Coast"!
Jeg forstår ikke helt hvordan og hvorledes når jeg læser filen.
Men hvad siger I til det?
Er den kritik relevant? Den information sandt?
Date: Tue, 3 May 2011 13:00:10 -0700
Subject: Stephen Jones May Have Been Dead Wrong Twice-Listen to Judy Wood Tonite on "Coast to Coast"!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
New scientific research paper -- see PDF above. A chemical engineer has done some more research on nanothermite and has found that it is apparently not explosive. The 9/11 movement is building a case around nanothermite as "explosive evidence" of planned destruction, but if the evidence is not by itself explosive (literally), then how helpful is it going to be? The paper has an introduction that explains that the nanothermite theory is not better than any other theory about how the buildings came down.
(BTW, Judy Wood will be on Coast to Coast radio at 1 AM EDT/10 PM PDT on Tuesday/Wednesday May 3/4, speaking of other theories.)
Sofia Smallstorm
9/11 Activist/Filmmaker
Dr. Stephen Jones' scientific dogmas -- and motives -- may be have been further brought into question by the recent announcement that 97 cold fusion reactors are now in successful operation in the US, Italy, Greece and one other country. See weblink below.
You may recall that Jones was in 1989 also instrumental in virulently discrediting Drs. Pons and Fleischman, labeling their work in cold fusion as a hoax, just as he has done to Dr. Judy Wood in the orthodox 9/11 "truth" movement for her work on other 9/11 Twin Towers demolition theories that might in any way contradict his.
Rebecca Em Campbell
Whole Systems Activist/Artist
Med venlig hilsen Frank
Hej alle
Gå ind på denne FACEBOOK PAGE: Chemtrails over Danmark og tryk på ”syntes godt om”.
Hvis 25 ”syntes godt om” kan denne side ifølge facebook markedsføres bedre med URL-adresse.
Med venlig hilsen Frank
----- Original Message -----From: Carol CoencaSent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 8:12 AMSubject: FW: Stephen Jones May Have Been Dead Wrong Twice-Listen to Judy Wood Tonite on "Coast to Coast"!
Jeg forstår ikke helt hvordan og hvorledes når jeg læser filen.
Men hvad siger I til det?
Er den kritik relevant? Den information sandt?
Date: Tue, 3 May 2011 13:00:10 -0700
Subject: Stephen Jones May Have Been Dead Wrong Twice-Listen to Judy Wood Tonite on "Coast to Coast"!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
New scientific research paper -- see PDF above. A chemical engineer has done some more research on nanothermite and has found that it is apparently not explosive. The 9/11 movement is building a case around nanothermite as "explosive evidence" of planned destruction, but if the evidence is not by itself explosive (literally), then how helpful is it going to be? The paper has an introduction that explains that the nanothermite theory is not better than any other theory about how the buildings came down.
(BTW, Judy Wood will be on Coast to Coast radio at 1 AM EDT/10 PM PDT on Tuesday/Wednesday May 3/4, speaking of other theories.)
Sofia Smallstorm
9/11 Activist/Filmmaker
Dr. Stephen Jones' scientific dogmas -- and motives -- may be have been further brought into question by the recent announcement that 97 cold fusion reactors are now in successful operation in the US, Italy, Greece and one other country. See weblink below.
You may recall that Jones was in 1989 also instrumental in virulently discrediting Drs. Pons and Fleischman, labeling their work in cold fusion as a hoax, just as he has done to Dr. Judy Wood in the orthodox 9/11 "truth" movement for her work on other 9/11 Twin Towers demolition theories that might in any way contradict his.
Rebecca Em Campbell
Whole Systems Activist/Artist
Hvis I kender nogen der endnu ikke har fået en billet, så giv vedkommende besked :)
Er der andre som skal med derover?
Jeg ved at Frank skal. Andre? Skal vi arrangere noget samkørsel,sovning spisning etc. ??
Kære modtager
Jeg har tidligere i dag udsend en mail om Politikens læserdyst. Mit indlæg ligger nu side om side med et andet super liberalistisk indlæg som udelukkende tjener de riges interesser. De har hver ca. 34%.
Lad din stemme blive hørt!
Flere gange i løbet af dagen har vi været lige. Men så er der pludselig en masse som har stemt på det andet indlæg. Der ganske mange som har hjulpet mig med at opfordre folk til at stemme og sendt det rundt I deres netværk. Tak til jer. Men noget tyder på at NOGEN GØR DET SAMME for dette "Liberal Alliance" indlæg som kræver indført i grundloven af staten ikke må beskatte med mere end 40%.
Det er på tide at sige STOP!
Set super liberalistiske indlæg: "Det er brug for et tillæg i grundloven" skriver således:
Kun fire ugers betalt ferie, første sygedag betaler man selv, væk med 12 procent-ferietillægget, væk med virksomhedernes atp-andel, lønsumsafgift, ejendomsskat og skat af overskud.
Vi vil have et tillæg til Grundloven, der forbyder de folkevalgte at bruge flere penge, end de udskriver skatter for i hvert kalenderår og kun tillader beskatning af indkomst af arbejde og kapital - og med højst 40 procent.
Hvis du derimod gerne vil læse i Politiken at:Så gå ind på Politikens side: scroll ned og stem på "Vågn op og sig stop"
Det er i aften af slaget står, og det er lidt nervepirrende.
Lad os vise disse superliberalister at der er nogen som har hjertet på rette sted.
Med venlig hilsen
Rolf Jackson
Michael Ruppert
Med venlig hilsen Frank/Jarlen