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mandag den 28. februar 2011


Prøv at se dette link. Det virker meget grundigt, hvor en dansker fortæller om fremtiden i vort solsystem. Se det færdigt (27 min)!


Hvad siger I til det ?

Med venlig hilsen Frank

4S - den umerkelige trusselen fra TV og TETRA


Med venlig hilsen Frank

UFO In The Town Of Severodvinsk, Russia.


Det ser underligt nu. Check det?

Med venlig hilsen Frank

fredag den 25. februar 2011

Mellem Østen revisited

'Gaddafi funds frozen, new dictators will be as corrupt as the old ones'
Han er godt nok god Anthony Wile.

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 
 Carl Gustav Jung

Spookey "Emergency Preparedness Game" fra FEMA

Prøv at tage et kig på denne video: http://video.godlikeproductions.com/video/FEMA_on_New_Madrid_EARTHQUAKE_and_amp_UFO_Preparedness_2011_Undeniable_Undebunkable_-_WakeTF_Up?id=401ab75233a3d708c3a

Spillet kan downloades her: http://www.iema.illinois.gov/iema/EarthquakeGame/Play_the_Game_files/Earthquake.exe

Det er godt nok creepy!

Men, men kan selvfølgelig godt udlægge den u-paranoidt. At vælge en UFO som guide i spillet, kunne godt være en tilfældighed. Og, det er vel meget godt at børn ved hvad man skal bruge i en nødsituation.

Men, vi kan ikke blive ved med at lade tvivlen komme TPTB til gode, vel?


GMO in our food, destruction of our earth bio diversity.

Hello everybody
Here a trailer from a soon to be released documentary on the GMO issues, threats and the multinationals Corporations Bio tech.
It is extremely important to be aware of what is going on.
Some of you are vegetarians, lover of nature, aware.
As some of you know already, Denmark (as one example because I live in the country) is totally engaging, supporting this type of geo engineering agriculture and has done so for few years. Under the influence of EU, FDA and huge amount of money speculations.
There are 4 GMO fields in Denmark, near Ribe and Varde. Monsanto and Syngeta GMO seeds are tested there. Consequently the danish nature, farming and heritage is now polluted with GMO without EVER a possibility to stop it. And this sadly goes for all the others countries having GMO crops on their land.
All animals farms in Denmark are fed with GMO, and GMO minerals, vitamins are added in the food animal production. Even your pets!
It means that when you eat danish meat, eggs, and even drink milk, in fact you eat Genetically modified organisms.
And you the vegs, you do too.
Because the wheat crops, the corn crops, are more and more cultivated with GMO seeds all over the world.
In Denmark it is possible for instance to label a product GMO free, organic or bio dynamic, even if there is 0,1 % GMO residue in it or pesticides!.
It is a major problem. Increasing alarmingly by the day. Mostly because the vast majority of the population is ignorant of the issues at stake, have no idea what could be the consequences : devastating healthproblems, fertility problems, brain damage, dna damage and so on.
In other word the make over of the human genome, the systematic impoverishment of the human immune system.
Fits pretty well the Big Pharma agenda, who will of course makes billions from all of us being sicker!
We are in 2011. And the GMO agenda has been more than a decade already a reality. The world GMO production is growing aroung 10% a year, covering very soon nearly half of all the earth agricutlure industry. Monsanto having nearly 90% of all the world market share.
What then in 10 years from now?
Who is going to take care of our children in the future? Our land, our nature, our bio diversity (GMOs destroy bio diversity)?
The Big Corporations like Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Syngeta....?????
Do we trust them? Shall we give them the full authority, responsability over what we shall put into our bodies, what we shall eat? 
Love to you all
Scientists under Attack - Genetic Engineering in the magnetic Field of Money TRAILER

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 
 Carl Gustav Jung

torsdag den 24. februar 2011

Præsentation om Codex

Jeg var i København i tirsdag, og viste min Codex Alimentarius præsentation.
Feed back fra
Det var fantastisk, til for stor en generalisering.....og endda hvorfor kom jeg ikke ind på 9/11 og chemtrails!!!!!!!
Mange nævnede eller havde kendskab til David Icke! Og her snakker vi om Bio dynamiske og økologiske foreninger!
Jeg oplever flere og flere dansker som kender Ickes arbejde!
Der bliver nok spændende at se, hvor mange kommer den 14. maj når Icke er her i Danmark. 
Mange i publikum var allerede kendt med Codex, og havde beskæftiget sig med det i endda flere år.
Savnede dem fra Mayday, Mad/as, samt nogle fra Facebook, som ellers havde sagt de ville komme. 
Ca 35 mennesker var tilstede.

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 
 Carl Gustav Jung

Re: SV: Se denne tankevækkende film "Nibiru Planet X Revealed"

Er der nogen der har lagt mærke til, at Google's Skymap for det område
hvorfra Nibiru nærmer sig er blanket væk med en sort rektangel ?
Der er INTET på den position. Det må dog snart være muligt at se den med
en alm. stjernekikkert. Er der nogen der har prøvet det ?
Samtidig hører jeg fra flere der har oplevet nætter hvor der, på trods af
det var skyfrit, ikke var en eneste stjerne på himlen...hvordan mon man
skærmer for det ?


> Her er der nye ændringer i Planet X kurs i solsystemet omkring jorden
> (17/10
> er den kun 0,232 AU fra Jorden):
> http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1367678/pg1
> Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
> TechRas Miljø ApS
> Specialist i separation
> Frank B. Rasmussen
> Tlf: +45 8684 8840
> Fax.: +45 8684 8849
> Mob.: +45 2965 2426
> Web.: <http://www.techras.dk> www.techras.dk
> Fra: Soeren Praestegaard [mailto:soren@priestyard.dk]
> Sendt: 23. februar 2011 14:57
> Til: 'Erik Skou Kristensen'; 'Jørgen Hermann'; 'Stephan Wehrsdorf';
> 'Henrik
> Hjertholm'; s1076.missecat@blogger.com; 'Tim Pedersen'; 'Mads
> Wedel-Ibsen';
> 'Niels Harrit'; Frank B. Rasmussen
> Emne: Re: Se denne tankevækkende film "Nibiru Planet X Revealed"
> Ja, jeg ved sgu ikke rigtig med det Nibiru. Men dette GLP indlæg er sgu
> meget interessant:
> http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1368630/pg1
> Vi må hellere holde øje med andre tegn på at der er noget under opsejling.
> søren
> On 21/02/2011 08:45 "Frank B. Rasmussen" <mailto:fbr@techras.dk>
> <fbr@techras.dk> wrote:
> http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/67056/nibiru_planet_x_revealed/
> Mvh Frank

SV: Se denne tankevækkende film "Nibiru Planet X Revealed"

Her er der nye ændringer i Planet X kurs i solsystemet omkring jorden (17/10 er den kun 0,232 AU fra Jorden):



Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

TechRas Miljø ApS

Specialist i separation


Frank B. Rasmussen


Tlf:  +45 8684 8840

Fax.: +45 8684 8849

Mob.: +45 2965 2426

Web.: www.techras.dk


Fra: Soeren Praestegaard [mailto:soren@priestyard.dk]
Sendt: 23. februar 2011 14:57
Til: 'Erik Skou Kristensen'; 'Jørgen Hermann'; 'Stephan Wehrsdorf'; 'Henrik Hjertholm'; s1076.missecat@blogger.com; 'Tim Pedersen'; 'Mads Wedel-Ibsen'; 'Niels Harrit'; Frank B. Rasmussen
Emne: Re: Se denne tankevækkende film "Nibiru Planet X Revealed"


Ja, jeg ved sgu ikke rigtig med det Nibiru. Men dette GLP indlæg er sgu meget interessant: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1368630/pg1

Vi må hellere holde øje med andre tegn på at der er noget under opsejling.


On 21/02/2011 08:45 "Frank B. Rasmussen" <fbr@techras.dk> wrote:


Mvh Frank

Formålet med aerosol *- chemtrais programmet

Formålet med aerosoler ifølge A.C Griffen, som afslører black project operation Cloverleaf på dette talkshow.


Med venlig hilsen Frank

Rød blok: Finanstilsynet under Nationalbanken


Det bliver kanon.....

Med venlig hilsen Frank

onsdag den 23. februar 2011

Re: Se denne tankevækkende film "Nibiru Planet X Revealed"

Meget interessant indlæg.
Ingen tvivl om der er noget om snakken. Flere lande har allerede bygget kæmpe bunker anlæg og politikere og top-erhvervsfolk er blevet prikket og fået designationer til hvor de skal møde når der er "order to go". Det er i hvert fald tilfældet i Norge og Sverige har jeg hørt. Hvad tror i frøbanken i Svalbard skal og hvorfor skulle den lægges der ? Polskifte ?
Medsender lige et billede af Google Sky på den adresse der er angivet på det billede som linket herunder henviser til: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c266/Terral03/nibirupic.jpg
Så kan I selv afgøre om der er nogen der prøver at skjule noget for nogen.


Den 23-02-2011 14:56, Soeren Praestegaard skrev:
Se denne tankevækkende film "Nibiru Planet X Revealed" Ja, jeg ved sgu ikke rigtig med det Nibiru. Men dette GLP indlæg er sgu meget interessant: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1368630/pg1

Vi må hellere holde øje med andre tegn på at der er noget under opsejling.


On 21/02/2011 08:45 "Frank B. Rasmussen" <fbr@techras.dk> wrote:


Mvh Frank



Med venlig hilsen / Best regards


Mads Wedel-Ibsen





Hydevadvej 12-14


DK-6230 Rødekro


Tlf.: +45 73 66 40 60

SMS: +45 30 24 60 40

(I ask you kindly NOT to call my cell phone – as I use alternatives to pulsating microwave polluting technologies)

(Jeg beder om, at du IKKE ringer til min mobiltelefon – da jeg anvender alternativer der ikke forurener med pulserende mikrobølger)



M@il: mads@wedel-ibsen.dk



Chairman of May Day, the educational association aimed at encouraging personal responsibility and awareness of health

Formand for May Day, oplysningsforbundet til fremme af selvansvar og sundhedsbevidsthed: www.mayday-info.dk


Bliv Heilpraktiker – se hvordan på www.heilpraktikerskolen.dk


Humans don’t have a firewall – get a Human Firewall – see how on www.humanfirewall.com

Mennesket har ingen firewall – få en Human Firewall – se hvordan på www.humanfirewall.com


If you want to know the secrets of the universe; think in energy, frequency and vibration (Nikola Tesla)

Hvis du vil kende universets hemmeligheder; tænk i energy, frekvens og vibration (Nikola Tesla)


Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be (Stuart Wilde)

De fleste mennesker er så lykkelige, som de bestemmer sig for at være (Stuart Wilde)

Re:=?iso-8859-1?Q?=20Se=20denne=20tankev=E6k?= kende film "Nibiru Planet X Revealed"

Ja, jeg ved sgu ikke rigtig med det Nibiru. Men dette GLP indlæg er sgu meget interessant: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1368630/pg1

Vi må hellere holde øje med andre tegn på at der er noget under opsejling.


On 21/02/2011 08:45 "Frank B. Rasmussen" <fbr@techras.dk> wrote:


Mvh Frank

tirsdag den 22. februar 2011

Symptoms Resulting From Chemtrail Spraying

(Dansk video) We Are Change Frankfurt - Chemtrails i Danmark:


Symptoms Resulting From Chemtrail Spraying

Over the past ten years, through research and the personal accounts of many individuals, it has become readily apparent that the aluminum and barium salt mixtures, polymer fibers, toxic chemicals and biologicals sprayed in the atmosphere are the irritants that are either directly or indirectly responsible for health problems on the rise in the United States and elsewhere.
These toxic particulates are rapidly absorbed from the respiratory system and / or the gastrointestinal tract and are deposited in the lungs, muscles, and bone.
This illegal aerial spraying is producing atmospheric and ground conditions detrimental to human and animal health but favorable to the growth of harmful molds / fungus.
This overview is a partial list of health problems reported by private citizens to Chemtrail researchers.
1. Nose and lung bleeds (the latter including several reports from nursing homes of elderly dying from lung bleed outs, we believe being directly attributable to atmospheric aerosols);
2. Asthma and allergies;
3. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) (fungus on the lungs in both infants and adults),
4. Flu, Bronchitis and Pneumonia (in epidemic proportions, with doctors commenting to their patients on the many weeks it sometimes takes to improve and the lack of effective antibiotics to treat, including reports of pets having the flu, whole families being decimated), meningitis (inflammation / infection of the brain);
5. Upper respiratory symptoms (wheezing, dry cough), including Pulmonary Distress Syndrome (PDS) (in newborns, infants and adults alike), Sudden Infant Death (SIDS), and increased nationwide reports of the sudden death of athletes (reported in the news media as having possibly been attributable directly to air particulates / pollution);
6. Deaths from black mold; black or red mold on food crops (farmers reporting pH changes of soil and water), in buildings and ventilation systems (including school buildings);
7. Arthritis-like symptoms and muscular pain (young and old alike, sometimes crippling, and in pets);
8. Gastrointestinal distress (young and old alike, and in pets);
9. Bladder and yeast infections (includes bed wetting, not just in infants but adults);
10. Extreme fatigue (young and old alike);
11. Ringing of the ears, dizziness (increasingly reported immediately preceding or after a storm or weather system);
12. Eye problems – pink eye, blurred and deteriorating vision / nervous tics after exposure to the air outdoors;
13. Dry / cracking skin and lips, rashes, sores and fungal infections, aging of the skin;
14. Mental confusion / slow thinking and / or the feeling of mentally “being in a fog” (young and old alike, increasingly reported after actually being in heavy mists and fog banks);
15. Autoimmune disorders (Lupus, Crohn’s, Addison’s Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc.)
Note: Some of the above symptoms / illnesses can be related to other physical / environmental factors such as dehydration.)

Aluminum Symptoms
Excessive amounts of aluminum can result in symptoms of poisoning. The symptoms include constipation, colic, loss of appetite, nausea, skin ailments, twitching of leg muscles, excessive perspiration, and loss of energy. People with aluminum poisoning should discontinue the use of aluminum cookware and the drinking of tap water. Small quantities of soluble salts of aluminum present in the blood causes slow form of poisoning characterized by motor paralysis and areas of local numbness, with fatty degeneration of kidney and liver. There are also anatomical changes in the nerve centres and symptoms of gastro intestinal inflammation.
In the last few years there has been much publicity about aluminum, as well as a tentative connection of aluminum to Alzheimer Disease. According to Dr. Terry L. Franks the clinical picture is clear that Alzheimer’s is concurrently involved with aluminum toxicity and he also believe it is the major contributing factor to Alzheimer’s. It will progressively worsen in North America in the coming year because of the pervasive use of aluminum. Aluminum has the tendency to freeze up or irritate nerve endings, producing spasm and contracture. When someone is going through aluminum detoxification can actually look like an advanced case of Alzheimers Disease.

How Aluminum Affects Health
Nervous system
In animal studies, aluminum blocks the action potential or electrical discharge of nerve cells, reducing nervous system activity. Aluminum also inhibits important enzymes in the brain (Na-K-ATPase and hexokinase). Aluminum may also inhibit uptake of important chemicals by nerve cells (dopamine, norepinephrine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine).
Behavioural Effects
Dementia resulting from kidney dialysis related to aluminum toxicity causes memory loss, loss of coordination, confusion and disorientation.
Symptoms of Aluminum Toxicity
Early symptoms of aluminum toxicity include: flatulence, headaches, colic, dryness of skin and mucous membranes, tendency for colds, burning pain in the head relieved by food, heartburn and an aversion to meat.
Later symptoms include paralytic muscular conditions, loss of memory and mental confusion. Other symtpoms may include:

Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, anaemia, haemolysis, leukocytosis, porphyra, colitis, dental cavities, dementia dialactica, hypo-parathyroidism, kidney dysfunction, neuromuscular disorder, osteomalacia, Parkinson’s disease, ulcers.
Digestive system
Aluminum reduces intestinal activity, and by doing so can cause colic.

Treatment of Aluminum Toxicity
Decreasing contact with and use of aluminum-containing substances will reduce intake and allow more aluminum to leave the body. Oral chelating agents will also help clear aluminum more rapidly. Calcium disodium edetate (EDTA) binds and clears aluminum from the body; this substance is fairly nontoxic and used as the agent for “chelation therapy,: an intravenous treatment used to pull metals such as lead from the body, and more recently used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.
Deferoxamine, an iron chelator, also binds aluminum. In a study with Alzheimer’s patients, nearly 40 percent of the patients showed an improvement in symptoms with deferoxamine treatment. There is some evidence that intravenous chelation with EDTA helps Alzheimer’s patients. More research is needed to evaluate aluminum’s involvement with this disease. Recovery is excellent for removing heavy metals.
Vitamin C
Has been found to bind aluminum. The average dose, if the patient is relatively comfortable, is about six grams a day. Up to twelve grams is not excessive. The average time on an aluminum detoxification is three to four weeks.

The best way to prevent aluminum buildup is to avoid the sources of aluminum. Eliminating foods that have aluminum additives is probably healthier overall. Not using common table salt is a positive health step as well. Some tap waters contain aluminum, this can be checked. Avoiding aluminum cookware and replacing it with stainless steel, ceramic, or glass is a good idea. Blocking skin and sweat pores with aluminum anti-perspirants.

The possibility of barium poisoning is a reality among people working in and living near heavy industrial sites such as chemical plants, factories that produce rubber products and other such places. That is because barium is one of the components used in manufacturing the products created in these plants.
However, because many of these products end up in ordinary households, it is also possible for a person who does not work in or live near an industrial plant to experience barium poisoning. Rat poison, for instance, contains barium compounds. Some fluorescent bulbs have coatings made from barium oxide. Fish caught in waters near industrial sites may have absorbed barium from the water.
Given the considerable probability of a person becoming afflicted with barium poisoning, how would you know for sure if you or someone living with you ingested barium at toxic levels? If you find yourself or someone living in your household with symptoms of barium poisoning, then you should act immediately.

What Is Barium?
In order to understand how serious barium poisoning is, we need first to understand what barium is in the first place. Barium is a heavy metal that naturally occurs in the environment. It is silvery white in appearance.
Barium is valuable in many industries that make use of heavy metal because it can remove traces of oxygen in some chemical compounds. It also increases the luster of glass. However, barium is explosive and can react violently when mixed with water. Also, it cannot be digested by the body; barium can be poisonous if the amount the body contains exceeds tolerable levels.

Symptoms of Barium Poisoning to Look For
When barium accumulates in the body, it usually affects the functions of the nervous system. Barium poisoning displays symptoms that are similar to flu, which is why it is not strange to find the condition misdiagnosed as flu. Common symptoms of barium poisoning include:
1. Muscle weakness and tremors
2. Difficulty in breathing
3. Stomach irritations accompanied by diarrhea
4. Anxiety
5. Cardiac irregularities such as abnormally high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat
6. Paralysis

What to Do in Case of Barium Poisoning
In case someone in your household has just ingested something that contains barium, the first thing you need to do is to induce him or her to vomit. This will get some of the barium out of the victim’s system. You can also mix a tablespoon of Epsom salts (sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate) with a glass of water and get the victim to drink it. Afterwards, you should bring the victim to the emergency room of the nearest hospital to make sure that he or she does not succumb to barium poisoning.
You can also prevent barium poisoning from happening in your home. For one, you should keep your rat poison or any other chemical substances in your house that contains barium out of reach of children. Make sure that you have labeled their containers properly.
You should also avoid eating fish that was caught near industrial sites and ascertain that the fish and seafood you eat does not contain barium or any other heavy metal. This will prevent you from accumulating barium in your system and suffer from barium poisoning later on.
Source: OkanaganChemtrails.blog.ca, Chemtrails – Health Effects on the General Population by Claude-Michel Prévost

M v h

mandag den 21. februar 2011

FW: U.S. Geo-Engineering Budget Exceeds Billions | The Intel Hub Radio

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 
 Carl Gustav Jung


From: vulcan@5750.dk
To: carolelisa@msn.com
Subject: U.S. Geo-Engineering Budget Exceeds Billions | The Intel Hub Radio
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 22:33:14 +0100

Dette link er blevet blokeret af FB som "stødende"!!!! send videre; jeg sender til Mads og Peter.  KH JdV  vi ses i morgen.

-- Shared using Google Toolbar

Investorer vilde med sølv

Investorer vilde med sølv
18-02-2011 12:52 Investorerne har for alvor fået smag for sølv. Prisen på ædelmetallet stiger til det højeste niveau siden marts 1980.

Det er blevet nemmere at handle sølv, og grundstoffet appellerer til en lang række investorer, lyder en del af forklaringen på, at prisen på sølv nu er steget til 31,81 dollar.

Det svarer til en prisstigning på lige over 100 pct. på et år.

Sammenligner man med guldprisen, er sølv faktisk steget forholdsmæssigt meget mere. Den såkaldte guld/sølv-ratio er således faldet fra over 65 i sommer 2010 til omkring 43,50.

Det viser, at selvom guld stiger, så stiger sølv bare endnu mere, forklarer Christin Tuxen, der er senioranalytiker i Danske Markets.

"Folk ser sølv som et på mange måder bedre alternativ til guld. Sølvet er overordnet løbet fra guld det sidste års tid, blandt andet fordi sølv nyder godt af efterspørgslen på både ædel- og basismetaller," siger hun.

Sikker havn

Ædelmetallerne bliver anset som sikre havne på markedet, og når der breder sig en nervøsitet – for eksempel som nu på grund af urolighederne i Mellemøsten – stiger priserne gerne.

Og sølvet er ifølge råvareanalytiker Christin Tuxen et godt investorbud på en eksponering mod et ædelmetal – til en langt billigere pris end guld, der i handles i kurs 1386 dollar.

Men foruden at være en sikker havn for investorerne, stiger efterspørgslen yderligere, fordi sølv bliver brugt til en lang række industrielle formål, blandt andet inden for bilproduktion.

Nemmere at handle

Samtidig er sølvet blevet langt nemmere at handle i de såkaldte børshandlede fonde eller Exchange Traded Funds (ETF'ere).

ETF'erne handles som aktier og gør det muligt relativt billigt at investere i f.eks. et helt aktie- eller råvareindeks.

De er blevet mere populære og det samme er altså blandt andet sølvinvesteringerne, der ifølge Christin Tuxen appellerer til en række investorer.

"Det kan både være institutionelle investorer, pensionsselskaber og hedgefunde, der handler sølv. Og ETF'erne har samtidig gjort det muligt for en bred vifte af private investorer at investere i metaller," siger hun.

Læs også: Rådgivere anbefaler børshandlede fonde

Flere Links:

lørdag den 19. februar 2011

Re: End the Fed - demo i Norge

Når VI gør det!!! Jeg er parat.Nogen i KBHVN. må arrangere fremstillingen af plakater,med hjælp fra os,andre må komme med forslag til texterne.JdV
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 12:48 AM
Subject: End the Fed - demo i Norge

Hvornår i Danmark?
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 
 Carl Gustav Jung

End the Fed - demo i Norge

Hvornår i Danmark?
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 
 Carl Gustav Jung

fredag den 18. februar 2011

Han ligepræcis beskriver hvorfor Codex Alimentarius er farlig.
Det foregår i Canada, men bliv klar over at der bliver vores daglig virkelighed hvis vi gør intet, og lade det stå til.
Her er årsagen til, at jeg arbejder for at formidle budskabet.
Der handler ikke om mig, men os, os alle.
Hælp til at sprede budskabet, og gør en forskel.
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 
 Carl Gustav Jung

torsdag den 17. februar 2011

Former CIA Ray McGovern Age 71 Beaten At Clinton Speech


(Alle har sikkert set videoen hvor Ray McGovern udtaler sig om 11. september – Ellers kan den ses her):

Ex-CIA officer Ray McGovern talks about 911

M v h

onsdag den 9. februar 2011


"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 
 Carl Gustav Jung

tirsdag den 8. februar 2011

Mystery Disease Linked to Vanished Israeli Scientist


Med venlig hilsen Frank

FW: Rothschilds Buy Weather Central as NWO Weather Warfare Being Outed Worldwide

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 
 Carl Gustav Jung


Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 00:32:02 -0800
From: rebeccaphb@yahoo.com
Subject: Rothschilds Buy Weather Central as NWO Weather Warfare Being Outed Worldwide

FW: En skrekk serie om frimureriet

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 
 Carl Gustav Jung


Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 08:47:03 +0100
Subject: Fwd: En skrekk serie om frimureriet
From: mr.atle@gmail.com

If you do not know my friend Jyri Lina and his work, you have the possibility here. He was born in Estonia in 1949 as his country was under the Soviet regime. Being a journalist and an author he had to flee to Sweden in 1979, simply to survive.
He has been writing several books and film as well. His research shows that Communism and the Soviet Union totally was a Zionist Freemason set up. 
The films are in Swedish but has English subtext.